super farm

Chapter 122 Dog food is delicious

Chapter 122 Dog food is delicious

"You don't need to thank me. I hope you will do a good job yourself. My platform is huge. How much money you can earn in the future depends on your own efforts."

Zhang Gao was a little worried about Zhou Qiang, so he couldn't help but confess a few words.

"Yes, I will work hard!"

Three thousand a month, plus game can earn at least two or three thousand a month, and after a year, the income will be 7 yuan.

After saving money for two or three years, he can build a house, and when the house is built, he can marry a wife.

"Liangzi, thank you, then I'll go first."

Xu Erfu is the direct person, and after the matter is over, there is no need for him to stay here any longer.

"Zhou Qiang's skill is good, and it's no problem to protect the safety of tourists, but I don't know if he is interested in this job."

Looking at Xu Erfu and Zhou Qiang leaving, Zhang Liang muttered.

In the dead of night, Zhang Liang heard Wangfu's angry cry again.

He went out of the room, looked at Wangfu, and found that Wangfu ran towards the fish pond.

Zhang Liang followed out, speechless for a while.

Dabai and Xiaobai appeared again, these two guys were shooting fish by the fish pond again, and a large number of fish died again.

"Stop it, both of you."

If he continued to toss like this, he wouldn't have to sell the fish anymore.


Seeing Zhang Liang appearing, Xiaobai rushed towards Zhang Liang.

Wangfu roared at Xiaobai.

If you lick a bear, you will die!

The last time you dared to act like a spoiled child in front of your master, Master Dog will kill you.

Seeing Wangfu appearing, Xiaobai yelled and ran back to Dabai's arms.

Mom, this dead dog is bullying the Xiong family, you shoot it to death for the Xiong family.

Zhang Liang took the fishing net and picked up the dead fish again. Then he sliced ​​a fish with a kitchen knife and threw it to Xiao Bai.

Dabai and Xiaobai howled with excitement.

After eating, Zhang Liang called the two iron bears to go back to the mountains, and explained to the two bears at the same time.

Dabai nodded after listening, but Xiaobai was a little at a loss.

Seeing Dabai enter the mountain, Wangfu chased him all the way into the mountain.

He even dared to compete with him for favor, and he would die if he licked the bear.

Zhang Liang didn't bother to pay attention to Wangfu, and went back to the room by himself.

the next day.

Zhang Liang was told by Zhang Feng to practice Tai Chi again.

After finishing Taijiquan, Zhang Liang felt something was wrong, as if something was missing.

"By the way, where did Wangfu go?"

In the past, when he practiced Taijiquan, Wangfu would always imitate it, but today there is no dog.

"Wangfu, Wangfu!"

Zhang Liang yelled twice.


Two feeble barks came from Wangfu's kennel.

Zhang Liang looked over and found that Wangfu, who had been exhausted all the time, was a little sluggish today.

"Why, the mountain was cleaned up last night?"

Zhang Liang was amused for a while, this guy went to find trouble with Dabai, it was completely incompetent.

Wangfu turned his head away, not wanting to talk to Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang took the kettle, filled the dog bowl with water, and said, "Drink this water, it's good for your health."

Only then did Wangfu slowly drink the water.

After breakfast, Wangfu's injury had almost recovered and he became lively.

Hearing the sound of the car outside, it ran out happily again.

Seeing that it was a pink BMW, its eyes lit up with excitement.

It's the live broadcast lady.

Last live broadcast, the young lady told it that this time I came to bring it dog food, and forgive it for being a turkey dog, who doesn't know what dog food is.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu ran to Lin Xiner and cried out in a low voice.

Miss and sister, where is the dog food?
Seeing Wangfu's anxious look, Lin Xiner opened the trunk and took out the dog food.

Wangfu was so excited that he tore apart the dog food and took a bite of a small bag.

Delicious, so delicious!

After Wangfu finished eating a pack, he performed a belly dance for Lin Xiner.

Young lady, you will be my dog ​​food sister from now on.

"Brother Liang, do you have time today? People are here to broadcast live again."

Lin Xiner ignored Wangfu and came to Zhang Liang, but her eyes kept looking towards the kitchen.

It seemed that if Zhang Liang didn't agree, she was going to sue Zhang Feng.

Zhang Liang felt dizzy for a while, and said bravely, "I have time!"

"Hee hee, Brother Liang is so kind, then you go and call Second Uncle Xu, I'll go and play with Grandpa Feng."

After Lin Xiner finished speaking, she ran into the kitchen wearing her sneakers.

Zhang Liang rolled his eyes.

This is not going to play with Zhang Feng, it is clearly to find grandpa to connect with him, so that he will be able to use grandpa to suppress him next time.

This is such a little leprechaun.

Zhang Liang called Xu Erfu and asked Xu Erfu to hunt together.

Xu Erfu quickly brought Zhou Qiang over.

Zhang Liang carried some dried fish, water and barbecue seasoning on his back, and followed him into the mountain.

Seeing Zhang Liang enter the mountain, Wangfu ran fast.

Master, are you going into the mountains to avenge Wangfu?
Wangfu was so touched, woof woof!
"You were really beaten by Dabai last night?" Zhang Liang was a little surprised.

The secret is that Wangfu is so small, maybe Dabai can't bear a slap in the face, right?

"Your little assistant isn't coming?"

Seeing that Lin Xiner gave him the props for the live broadcast, Zhang Liang asked with a puckered mouth.

"He said he broke his foot while riding a bicycle yesterday." Lin Xiner smiled awkwardly.

Zhang Liang said speechlessly: "I think you are his little assistant, even bigger than you."

Lin Xiner was speechless, because Zhang Liang was telling the truth.

After everyone entered the mountain, there was a roaring sound suddenly.

Then two iron-eating bears, one big and one small, rushed towards the crowd.

"Liangzi, hurry up, take Xiner away, Zhou Qiang, let's run this way and lead them away."

Xu Erfu's face changed drastically, and he called out to Zhang Liang.

Why is it so unlucky today, this iron-eating bear appeared just after entering the mountain, this is unscientific.

Zhou Qiang's complexion also changed wildly.

But he heard Xu Erfu mention that it was this iron-eating bear that injured Xu Erfu.

With such a huge monster, he probably wouldn't be able to stand being slapped on him.

"Dabai Xiaobai, stop making trouble, be good!"

Zhang Liang called out to the two iron-eating bears.

Dabai and Xiaobai slowed down immediately, shrugging their heads, and obediently came to Zhang Liang's side, as docile as a kitten.

Xu Erfu was dumbfounded, Zhou Qiang was dumbfounded, and even Lin Xiner was dumbfounded.

Especially Xiaobai, after coming over, wrapped around Zhang Liang like a koala, very cute.

"Zhang Liang, can these two bears understand you?"

Xu Erfu asked in disbelief.

"Well, they ran to steal my fish, but they couldn't eat it themselves. I took the fish out of the fish pond and gave them to eat. That's how they got to know me." Zhang Liang replied.

"Is that okay?"

Xu Erfu felt that his brain couldn't make a turn.

"Brother Liang, this little guy is so beautiful, can I do a live broadcast with him?"

When Lin Xiner saw Xiaobai, she felt boundless love and affection in her heart.

"you try!"

Zhang Liang tried to hug Xiaobai to Lin Xiner, but Xiaobai clung to his leg and growled viciously at Lin Xiner.

"He doesn't want to!"

Zhang Liang shrugged helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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