super farm

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

After lunch, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Xu Hu and Wang Fu are the happiest.

No matter how much Xu Hu ate, he couldn't get enough to eat. He swept almost all the big tables, and Wangfu followed him. Every time he yelled at him, he would bring some food to Wangfu.

Wangfu was overjoyed.

After eating, it slipped back to the kennel with a round belly, not wanting to move at all.

The employees also dispersed, and only a few female employees who did not drink were responsible for cleaning up the dishes.

Sun Xianming's young apprentice Liu Qianqian showed up in two large vans with someone.

Inside the van, there are all kinds of medicinal materials that Sun Xianming needs to open a medical clinic here, as well as bed quilts and clothes necessary for Sun Xianming's own accommodation.

"Master, I can't figure it out. You have to move to this place to practice medicine if you have nothing to do."

When Liu Qianqian came over, she put her hands on her hips and looked unhappy.

Sun Xianming could follow her to learn medicine in the city, but now that she has come to the village, it is not convenient for her to learn medicine.

"Okay, Qianqian, I don't want you to stay here, just arrange for someone to put things here for me." Sun Xianming waved his hand.

"Even if you want my girl to stay here, I don't want to stay here."

When Liu Qianqian came in, she looked at the whole village. It was so dilapidated that she didn't like it at all. The only thing she liked was Zhang Liang's courtyard.

Otherwise, she would not even want to step into this courtyard.

"Hey, so who, which one is the room where my master will live and the room where the medical clinic will be opened?" Liu Qianqian's eyes fell on Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang frowned slightly.

How impolite this girl is.

"Qianqian, don't be rude, his name is Zhang Liang, and he will be my landlord from now on."

Sun Xianming yelled at Liu Qianqian, looked at Zhang Liang, and explained with a smile: "Zhang Xiaoyou, my little apprentice grew up in the city, and she is the only daughter of the family. She was spoiled by the family. She has a bad heart. Bad, I hope you don't mind."


Since he was petite and spoiled since he was a child, Zhang Liang understands this kind of temper.

But understanding is understanding, it is impossible for him to live in peace with such a rich lady.

And he won't care about girls with a small belly.


Liu Qianqian snorted coquettishly in Zhang Liang's direction, and then went out to arrange for the driver to deliver the goods and bring them in.

Layers of medicine boxes and bags of medicines were carried in by two drivers.

Zhang Liang led the two into the main hall on the first floor. This main hall will be used to see patients in the future. It is just right to see a doctor in the hall and wait in the yard.

As for the side room next to the main hall, Zhang Liang arranged for Sun Xianming to stay there.

"Master, I'm hungry, get me something to eat!"

Liu Qianqian didn't have lunch because she came to the village in a hurry. Just now she went around the village and found that there was not even a canteen. She couldn't ask Zhang Liang to ask for food, so she had to ask Sun Xianming. up.

"Just go and tell Zhang Xiaoyou that it's over. Zhang Xiaoyou is not the kind of person who cares." Zhang Liang is a good person, and Sun Xianming also hopes that his apprentice can get along with Zhang Liang in peace.

Liu Qianqian immediately acted coquettishly, "No, no, Master, you go and help others."

"Okay, okay, don't shake my arm, my bones are broken by you, can't I help you?"

Sun Xianming really couldn't do anything about Liu Qianqian, this is his old friend's granddaughter and his good apprentice, he must be hurt.

"Hee hee, Master is the best." Liu Qianqian smiled openly.

"Xiaoyou Zhang, can you cook something for my apprentice? She didn't have lunch." Sun Xianming came to Zhang Liang.

"You wait."

Zhang Feng drank a lot of wine and was taking a nap, so he couldn't cook lunch. As for Zhang Liang cooking for Liu Qianqian by himself?

He didn't want to serve such a spoiled girl.

When he came to the back of the old house, he picked a peach and handed it to Sun Xianming.

"You give this to your apprentice, I don't have time to cook now."

"Thank you, she should like it!"

Sun Xianming had eaten peaches from Zhang Liang's family, and the taste left him with endless aftertaste. If he hadn't been full now, he would have wanted to eat this peach.

"Come on, you eat this first, the faucet next to it, go and rinse it yourself."

Sun Xianming took the peach and handed it to Liu Qianqian.

"Master, where did such a big peach come from?" Liu Qiangong was stunned.

"It's from Zhang Xiaoyou's house. Take it and eat it. There are even bigger surprises waiting for you."

Sun Xianming pushed Taozi towards Liu Qianqian.

Liu Qianqian was already hungry, so she took the peach and quickly washed it in the faucet next to it, without even peeling the skin, just took a bite.

"Wow, it's delicious!" Liu Qianqian's two black eyes widened exaggeratedly.

She only felt that the peach was in her mouth, sweet and juicy, and a refreshing coolness exploded in her mouth, and the heat that had appeared due to the hot weather quickly disappeared.

This is the most delicious peach she has ever eaten, bar none.

A peach was quickly dealt with by her.

She touched her slightly swollen belly and burped, quite satisfied.

"Master, these peaches are delicious, can you tell that guy to sell me some, I want to bring them back to the city to give my parents a taste."

Liu Qianqian came to Sun Xianming, secretly looked at Zhang Liang who was far away, and found that Zhang Liang was not so annoying at this time, and the rural people seemed to have something to offer.

"You tell it yourself!"

Sun Xianming felt that he couldn't bear this little face anymore.


Liu Qianqian's nasal voice dragged on for a long time, and she acted coquettishly again.

"Master has gone to tidy up the room."

Sun Xianming left with his hands behind his back.

It's okay to help Liu Qianqian for the first time, but he won't help again for the second time.

It turned out that Liu Qianqian had been spoiled since she was a child, and she could do whatever she wanted, and she had to be raised as a giant baby.

"Master hates it!"

Seeing Sun Xianming leave, Liu Qianqian stomped her feet fiercely.

But the peaches are really delicious. After hesitating for a moment, she came not far from Zhang Liang and said, "Hey, how do you sell your peaches? I want to buy them."

"I'm not called Hey, I have a name!"

Zhang Liang replied impatiently: "Besides, my peaches are not for sale."

"Hmph, stingy, you're just mad at this girl."

Liu Qianqian felt that Zhang Liang was annoying, and was fussing over a girl like her.

"I really don't want to sell these peaches, and I'm willing to give them to you for the sake of your master."

Zhang Liang became even more impatient.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the second floor, not wanting to talk to Liu Qianqian anymore.

These peaches are all supplied to Xianghai Restaurant.

In particular, the grilled fish and barbecue in the open-air plaza that Xianghai Restaurant has now are very popular, and the fruit platters are also sought after by everyone, and it is even more impossible for him to sell them.

(End of this chapter)

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