super farm

Chapter 133 Please accept 1

Chapter 133 Please accept it
"How much is the difference?" Zhang Liang asked.

"It depends on what kind of road you want to repair. If it's an asphalt road, the cost will be more expensive. If it's a cement road, the cost will be cheaper. The town is only willing to allocate 100 million yuan, and you have to pay for the extra money. " Liu Xiaodong said with some embarrassment.

It is almost seven kilometers from Dongwan Village to the town, and 100 million yuan to build a seven-kilometer road is not enough at all.

The main reason is that the road surface here is too bad. To lay foundations and pave stones, even if it is a cement road, he calculated that it would cost at least 500 million yuan. If it was an asphalt road, the cost would be tens of millions.

He didn't even dare to think about hitting the asphalt road.

"Build the asphalt road. Help me figure out how much it will cost. I'll figure it out."

The road must be repaired, and it must be repaired, otherwise the car will have problems after running for a while, and the people who will suffer will be those who drive in and out of the village, and the tourists who come to travel in the future will not have a good experience.

This is considered a long-term investment.

"Asphalt road? Then the construction cost will be in the tens of millions, Liangzi, can you get that much money?"

Liu Xiaodong looked at Zhang Liang in disbelief.

Even if Zhang Liang has some skills, but he has only been back to the village for a few months, how could he have tens of millions of assets?
Moreover, Zhang Liang has spent a lot of money on the construction of the inner lake, the construction of the irrigation system, and the lease of land.

"I can't get it out, but my friend can get it out!" Zhang Liang explained.

"Yes, you have a lot of knowledge and know a lot of rich friends."

Liu Xiaodong said, "Then we'll build the asphalt road? Have I reported it to the town?"

"Well, let's report it, and let the town arrange a construction team to repair the road immediately."

Zhang Liangliang nodded back and said, "Just tell me how much it costs, and I'll turn around right away."

"Okay, I have to ask the construction team about this matter, so that the construction team can give me an accurate cost, and I will call you back tonight."

When the matter of building roads came to the ground, a big stone in Liu Xiaodong's heart was finally settled.

After sending Liu Xiaodong away, Zhang Liang called Yang Siqian.

"Miss my sister?"

Yang Siqian started teasing Zhang Liang again, she found it very interesting to tease Zhang Liang.

"Sister Siqian, get down to business!"

Zhang Liang was somewhat immune to Yang Siqian's teasing, he said, "That's right, I want to grow grapes to make wine, what do you think?"


Yang Siqian frowned slightly, and said: "Your idea is very good, but the real wine process is very complicated. Do you understand the process? The kind of home-brewed wine in our family must not work."

"I'm going to brew it myself. I have a nutrient solution. The grapes I grow are extraordinary, and the wine I make should be very good." Zhang Liang speculated boldly.

Yang Siqian suggested: "I forgot what you said. Your fruit is indeed different from other people's fruit. You can try this. Otherwise, you should plant less first. If the wine tastes good, add more Big production?"

"Well, it's decided like this. Where can I buy grape seeds? Contact me. By the way, what about the rare fish fry you contacted me last time? Any news?"

After Zhang Liang finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something and added something.

"Do you regard your sister as a god? Look for me for everything."

Yang Siqian rolled her eyes and said jokingly.

It is a good thing that Zhang Liang is looking for her, which shows that the relationship between the two is unusual.

Zhang Liang smiled and said, "My sister is not the goddess in my heart."


Yang Siqian felt very useful when she heard the word "goddess", "When will you come to town? Sister misses you?"

"It's going to be a bit busy these two days, let's go to town when the work is over!"

Zhang Liang told Yang Siqian that he thought about himself, just listen to it, and he would never take it seriously.

This woman, nine out of ten sentences are jokes.

If he was serious, he would lose.

"Okay, sister can wait for you!"

After Yang Siqian finished speaking, she quickly hung up the phone.


Chen Caijie came to Dongwan Village again.

Yesterday, he brought potatoes back to produce potato chips. In order to quickly open up the market, he sold them at cost price. In one day, the market was fully opened.

Relying on potato chips alone, the group saw the dawn.

Today, he came not only to continue to arrange for people to pull potatoes back to produce potato chips, but also to thank Zhang Liang.

"Zhang Liang, thank you very much. Without your potatoes, my group would really face a huge crisis. This is a small piece of my heart, please accept it."

When Chen Caijie was speaking, he handed Zhang Liang a bank card.

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

Zhang Liang didn't know how much money he had in the card, and he wasn't prepared to ask for the windfall. He said, "Since we have reached an agreement, it is my duty to provide you with potatoes. It doesn't have to be like this."

"When I came, my dad explained to me, please accept it, I hope you don't make it difficult for me."

Chen Caijie handed the card to Zhang Liang again.

He understood what his father meant, and hoped that he would establish a deeper cooperation with Zhang Liang, otherwise Zhang Liang's raw materials would be sold to other people in the future, which would be a disaster for the group.


Seeing that Chen Caijie was so serious about the matter, Zhang Liang couldn't shirk it, so he accepted the bank card.

Chen Caijie breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huzi, arrange for someone to get the potatoes into the car."

Zhang Liang gave instructions to Xu Hu next to him.

Xu Hu quickly arranged for his staff to dig potatoes and carry them.

"Mr. Chen, please sit inside for a while!"

It would take a long time to pack the potatoes, and Zhang Liang couldn't let Chen Caijie stand under the sun all the time.

Chen Caijie nodded and walked into the courtyard, a little surprised.

"Hey, you opened a clinic here?"


Zhang Liang responded.

Out of curiosity, Chen Caijie walked over to the medical hall, and suddenly found an old man sitting in the medical hall, but there is no patient in the medical hall now.

He looked familiar at the old man, but he didn't dare to confirm it.

Going forward and looking carefully for a while, he asked in a low voice, "But Sun Xianming, the genius doctor Sun?"

"you know me?"

Sun Xianming was a little puzzled, he had never seen such a person before.

"I know you, you may not know me!"

Although Chen Caijie was a well-known figure in the county, he was nothing in the city, but Sun Xianming was different. Sun Xianming was a famous doctor in the city.

He was quite shocked that Zhang Liang had the ability to invite Sun Xianming to Dongwan to open a medical clinic, awesome.

"Are you here to see a doctor?"

Sun Xianming continued to ask.

"I don't see a doctor!" Chen Caijie smiled awkwardly.

"Then don't block my light if you don't see a doctor!"

Sun Xianming waved to Chen Caijie, indicating that Chen Caijie could leave.

Chen Caijie: "..."

"Mr. Chen, let's go, let's sit in the living room upstairs."

Zhang Liang smiled, he had already seen Sun Xianming's temper.

(End of this chapter)

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