super farm

Chapter 137 I Will Solve This Matter

Chapter 137 I Will Solve This Matter
"Wait, where is your supermarket going to open? How big will it be?"

After all, Fu Ying runs a supermarket. She understands that supermarkets are opened in different locations and in different sizes, which will affect the income of the supermarket.

If the income of the supermarket is very considerable, then she must choose to take 20.00% of the profit. If the operation of the supermarket is not good, then she must give priority to getting a monthly salary of [-].

3000 yuan a month is not low. After opening her supermarket, after excluding all kinds of expenses, she can barely earn a net profit of [-] yuan a month.

"I plan to open the supermarket in Dongwan Village."

Zhang Liang replied.

"Dongwan Village?"

Fu Ying's eyes were about to pop out, "Brother Zhang, are you kidding me? It's in the village. If you can't sell these products, they will break down and the loss will be huge."

"You don't care if I lose money or not. If you think it's not worthwhile for you to share the profits, you can choose to ask for 3000 yuan a month, and I will pay you on time at the end of each month." Zhang Liang replied.

"Forget it, I won't participate in the matter of you opening a supermarket!"

Fu Ying thought for a while, then shook her head.

If Zhang Liang's supermarket really starts to open, it will definitely suffer a serious loss in the first month, and it will definitely not be able to continue to operate. Once it fails to operate, it is estimated that her first month's salary will not be paid to her.

Moreover, she is He Juan's aunt, and He Juan and Zhang Liang are friends. If she really doesn't care about Zhang Liang's supermarket and takes her own salary, then Zhang Liang's supermarket will not be able to open, and everyone will be arguing with her. unhappy.

Instead of this, it would be better not to make this money.


Zhang Liang was speechless, Fu Ying did not agree to such a good offer.

"Go aside, don't block me from shopping."

When Zhang Liang was thinking about how to persuade Fu Ying, a young man lifted He Juan who was next to the cashier, and He Juan staggered.

If it weren't for Zhang Liang's quick eyesight and hands to help her up, she would have fallen down.

"Boss, continue to give me credit."

The young man took a piece of Red Tashan and said to Fu Ying.

"Brother Dong, I beg you, please don't use credit, can you? I'm a small shop operator and I can't afford it!"

Hearing this, Fu Ying was about to cry.

The brother Dong she was talking about was called Hou Dong, a gangster who had risen in the town recently. He often came to Xiaokang Supermarket to get cigarettes, and he didn't pay for them.

It sounds nice to say that it is on credit, but Fu Ying knows that the money will definitely not be recovered.

Now Hou Dong owed thousands of cigarettes in Xiaokang Supermarket.

"Damn it, Brother Dong is willing to pay you on credit. It's to save face for you. If you push me any harder, I'll stab you."

A young man stood up behind Hou Dong. The young man shook his hand, and a knife appeared in his hand. The knife shone brightly under the sun.

"I... I'll give you credit!" Fu Ying said in a low voice, worried about her own safety.

"It's almost there!"

The younger brother took the knife back.

Hou Dong chuckled, took the cigarette and walked outside.

Zhang Liang took a step forward, stopped at the entrance of the supermarket, and ordered: "Put the cigarettes back."

It's fine if he doesn't see this matter, and he has to take care of it no matter what he sees.

Guys like these lazy people have to be used as a lesson.

"Boy, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, you go and find out, who is my brother Dong afraid of in this area?"

Hou Dong has a tiger head tattooed on his left cheek, which looks very ferocious.

"I'm sorry, I haven't been afraid of anyone in this area."

What Zhang Liang is most afraid of is threats. With his current physical strength, ordinary people don't take it to heart at all.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry about it!"

Seeing Zhang Liang defending herself against injustice, Fu Ying was both moved and angry.

The more fierce you are to these people in society, the more viciously they will retaliate.

She quickly took a piece of Hongtashan and stuffed it into Hou Dong's hand, and said with a smile: "Brother Dong, this is my distant nephew. He has never seen the world. If something offends you, don't take it to heart." , These two cigarettes are my gift to you, I hope you can give me face."

"Boy, for the sake of these two cigarettes, I will let you go today."

Hou Dong secretly thought about Fu Ying's coming, half of the anger in his heart subsided. After he finished speaking, he bypassed Zhang Liang and walked outside.

Zhang Liang stretched out his foot and gave it a light hook. Without Hou Dong noticing, he kicked his foot, fell out of the supermarket, and fell like a dog eating shit on the side of the road.

"Boy, you are looking for death."

Hou Dong got up, growled and kicked Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang turned sideways and slapped him out.

Hou Dong spun twice on the spot and fell to the ground.

"Fuck, you dare to hit our brother Dong, you are courting death."

Seeing Brother Dong being beaten, the younger brother shook his hand, and the knife appeared in his hand again. With a roar, he stabbed Zhang Liang in the chest with the knife.

"Brother Zhang, be careful!"

Fu Ying was shocked.

"Brother Liang, you go!"

He Juan also called out.

Zhang Liang stood where he was, looking at his younger brother coldly.

"Stupid, are you scared stupid?"

Seeing that Zhang Liang was not moving, the younger brother cursed loudly and stabbed Zhang Liang with the knife.

Zhang Liang suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched the younger brother's wrist, and then he squeezed hard, the younger brother felt as if his wrist was about to break, and when he let go, the knife fell to the ground.


Both He Juan and Fu Ying were stunned.

Zhang Liang pulled the younger brother, gave him a hard shake, and threw the younger brother beside Hou Dong.

"Both of you bring back the cigarettes, and pay me the money owed to Aunt Fu, or you won't be able to go anywhere today."

Hou Dong didn't speak, and wailed endlessly on the ground.

"Brother Zhang, you are hurting me, do you know that?"

Fu Ying came out at this time, she was really about to cry, and said: "What can you do if you beat them up? When you are gone, they will come to make trouble again. You have a good time, and I will How is this business going to go on?"

"Aunt Fu, don't worry, I'll take care of this matter."

It is very easy to clean up these young people.

After Zhang Liang finished speaking, he called Song Bao.

Song Bao used to be the boss of the town, but recently he became the captain of the security guard, and some unknown gangsters came out and dared to call themselves Brother Dong.

He believed that if Song Bao was called over, this brother Dong would probably have to live in the town with his tail between his legs in the future.

"Boy, you wait, I will call Brother Bao, and Brother Bao will bring someone over later to ask you to look good."

After a while, Hou Dong regained his breath. After he stood up, he said to Zhang Liang angrily.

"Okay, try calling!"

Zhang Liang couldn't help being happy when he heard Hou Dong's words.

The Leopard brother this guy was talking about was undoubtedly Song Bao, so it would be easier to deal with this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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