super farm

Chapter 139 Wangqing Beef Noodles

Chapter 139 Wangqing Beef Noodles

Just as Zhang Liang left Xiaokang Supermarket, he received another call from Yang Siqian.

"Brother, where are you?"

Yang Siqian came over with a somewhat graceful voice, as if a faint elegance was reflected in Zhang Liang's mind.

"I'm in town, what's wrong?" Zhang Liang asked quickly.

"I hate it, I don't come to see my sister in the town."

Yang Siqian started teasing Zhang Liang again, and teasing Zhang Liang has become a rare pleasure in her life.

"I'm dealing with things, let's go to your head office now!"

Zhang Liang knew that Yang Siqian must have something to do with him, otherwise, with her busy and contented appearance, she would not be able to call him casually.

"Yeah, my sister is waiting for you, see you soon."

Yang Siqian spoke in a tone as if the two had a lifetime agreement, and Zhang Liang was confused by her.

Soon after, Zhang Liang brought He Juan to Xianghai Restaurant.

Now that the renovation and upgrade of Xianghai Restaurant has come to a critical moment, Yang Siqian has moved out of her office and temporarily built a simple office behind Xianghai Restaurant.

The simple office is simple, so there is no air conditioner. Yang Siqian dresses cooler and puts a big fan in front of her.

Zhang Liang came to knock on the door, but Yang Siqian didn't take it seriously, and said, "Come in!"

When he walked in, except for the most critical parts of Yang Siqian's body, he could almost see everything in sight.

He backed out quickly, and reminded: "Sister Siqian, can you arrange your clothes and let me in like this?"

"Whatever?" Yang Siqian said carelessly.

Zhang Liang was defeated in an instant.

Now that the door was half open, Yang Siqian was always afraid that the spring would be revealed in front of others, so she straightened her clothes and signaled Zhang Liang to sit down.

The office is very simple, with only one desk and two stools.

Sitting opposite Yang Siqian, Zhang Liang asked, "What do you want from me?"

"I can't find you if I have nothing to do?"

Yang Siqian rolled her eyes and said with indescribable amorous feelings, "Here, here is the design drawing you want. Besides, I've also contacted you for the fish seller, and I've also contacted you for the grape seed seller."

Yang Siqian threw a blueprint in front of Zhang Liang, put her cheeks up slightly, and said with a smile: "Brother, sister has already taken care of everything for you, how can you thank sister?"

"How do you want me to thank you?" Zhang Liang took it to the drawing.

"I think my younger brother is handsome, why don't you promise me with your body?"

Yang Siqian put a hand on Zhang Liang's shoulder and looked at him with a sweet smile.

What she likes to do most is tease Zhang Liang.

"Sister, stop joking."

Zhang Liang was a little speechless, is it so fun to make fun of himself?
Yang Siqian asked seriously: "Do you think my sister is joking?"

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Liang smiled, shifted the subject instantly, fixed his gaze on the blueprint, and said, "Who made this blueprint, it looks pretty good."

The overall layout is vermilion, and the overall environment looks antique. As for the style design of each house, it is a courtyard-style design, which looks antique.

I'm afraid this place will be turned into an ancient town.

Now Huaxia's reputation is becoming more and more influential in the world, and Huaxia people are very proud of being a member of Huaxia.

Therefore, there is a lot of retro craze now, and an antique design like this will definitely attract countless people to come and watch.

This is another beautiful scenery.

Yang Siqian pursed her lips. She hadn't finished flirting with Zhang Liang yet, so she changed the subject. It really wasn't interesting at all.

"I invited a master-level figure to design it, and to serve my younger brother, my sister has to do my best!" Yang Siqian gently brushed her hair, her charm is moving.

Zhang Liang was confused for a moment, and then regained his sobriety.

Yang Siqian is really a goblin.

"Sister, I have remembered your friendship."

Zhang Liang knew that Yang Qian must have owed him a lot of favors this time for helping him.

Such a master-level person can't be shot by the opponent just by spending money.

"You don't need to tell my sister these words. My sister has also taken a lot of benefits from you."

Yang Siqian stood up and walked out, saying, "Let's go, I'll take you to the county town. Those who sell fish fry and grape seeds are all in the county town."


Zhang Liang nodded.

Yang Siqian personally built the car and took Zhang Liang to the county seat.

"Brother, can we have lunch first, my sister is a little hungry."

When she came to the county seat, Yang Siqian remembered that she had been busy with work, not to mention lunch, she didn't even eat breakfast.

"Okay, then let's find a hotel for dinner, I treat you!"

Today I was asking Yang Siqian to do things for her. Naturally, Zhang Liang would not be stingy with the meal money, and he could eat as much as he wanted.

"Don't bother, sister is not a spoiled woman?"

Yang Siqian glanced at Zhang Liang angrily, and continued: "We have to meet two people in the afternoon, how can we have time to eat slowly, and the food made by the best hotel is as delicious as our Xianghai restaurant? Find a small shop and eat something casually."


Zhang Liang agreed.

"Come on, there is a noodle shop in front of us. Let's go eat a bowl of noodles. The taste of this noodle shop is really good. When I was in school, I often came to this shop to eat noodles."

The two walked forward for a while, Yang Siqian pointed to the noodle shop called Wangqing Beef Noodles and said.

"Okay, I haven't eaten noodles for a long time, let's try."

Zhang Liang agreed, and the two sat down in the store, looked at the menu, and called to the boss: "Boss, two bowls of beef noodles, add two servings of beef."

"Good Le!"

Soon, the voice of the boss sounded.

Not long after, the beef noodles were cooked and served on the table. Zhang Liang was intoxicated when he smelled the beef noodles.

Just by smelling it, it smells delicious, no wonder Yang Siqian likes to eat noodles here.

"Boss, come here." Zhang Liang took two mouthfuls of beef noodles and felt that the taste was quite good, not far from the taste made by his own special vegetables, so he beckoned to the boss.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

The boss came to Zhang Liang and asked.

Zhang Liang asked, "Boss, do you want to open a branch of your beef noodle shop?"

"Brother, many people have come to me and asked me if I can open a branch. I am too old to open a branch, and I can't open it."

The boss waved his hand and said.

"Boss, I want to buy your secret recipe. The first method is to buy out your secret recipe directly. The second method is to use your secret recipe to join the noodle shop I am going to open. I will give you 20.00% of the net profit. You Just sit at home and collect money.”

To start a tourist town, in addition to farmhouses, there must also be a snack street. The taste of this noodle shop is very good. If possible, Zhang Liang hopes to introduce noodle shops into the village.

(End of this chapter)

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