super farm

Chapter 170 New Changes in Painting

Chapter 170 New Changes in Painting

After sending Lu Zheng away, Zhang Liang was going to tell Zhang Feng that he had gone home.

As a result, Zhang Feng had already fallen asleep.

Usually Zhang Feng would not go to bed so early, he guessed that his grandfather would be happy tonight, so he drank more.

Then he took a hot shower and was about to go to bed when a phone call came in.

"Hi, hello, is this Mr. Zhang?"

It was a strange call.

"Hello, who are you?" Zhang Liang asked quickly.

"I'm the driver who delivers your leftovers. I'm already outside Dongwan Village. Where do I dump your leftovers?"

The driver's voice quickly rang through the phone.

"So fast?"

Zhang Liang was taken aback by the efficiency of these people.

But it is a good thing that the leftovers are brought in now.

Now he does not have enough energy in the painting space, so he dare not directly absorb the emerald, because in the early stage of absorbing the emerald, the energy in the emerald must make up for the energy in the painting space. If the energy of the emerald is not enough in the later stage, the painting space may not change.

So what Zhang Liang thought was to use leftover materials to saturate the energy of the painting space in the early stage, and then absorb the energy of emeralds.

Right now.

"Okay, you wait, I'll go out right away."

Zhang Liang said, and quickly walked out of the village.

Wangfu had already called out to more than ten large trucks.

Master, master, are these people here for Wangfula's dog food?

"I know how to eat in a day, and this one doesn't grow long."

Zhang Liang is a little strange, Wangfu's fire food has been running well recently, but the head really hasn't grown much, and it still looks like a little dog.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu was very upset immediately, Master, you didn't feed Wangfu enough, how did Wangfu grow?
It was rare for Zhang Liang to pay attention to the eating dog. He came to the driver, and the leading driver got off the car and greeted Zhang Liang.

"Mr. Zhang, where are these scraps going to be dumped?"

"Just let them fall here." Zhang Liang casually pointed to a section of the surrounding road.

Because Dama Road runs from the village to the town, the road in the village has now become a dirt road, and the road surface is also very wide.


The driver immediately organized other drivers to start unloading.

These are all old drivers, and the unloading is very fast. In just half an hour, the unloading was completed.

"Come on, everyone has worked hard. Take this little money and buy some water for everyone."

Seeing that these drivers were also working hard, Zhang Liang took out 2000 yuan and handed it to the leading driver.

"Hehe, thank you Boss Zhang, I wish Boss Zhang a fortune."

Seeing Zhang Liang being so generous, the driver smiled, "Then if you have nothing to do here, let's go first."

"Okay, please drive slowly at night and pay attention to safety." Zhang Liang said to the drivers.

The drivers responded and drove away in the truck.

After they left, Zhang Liang directly sucked these scraps into the painting space while there was no one there at night.

These leftovers are absorbed much faster in the painting space, and the gravel from the leftovers cannot be thrown on the side of the paved road, which will affect traffic.

Zhang Liang is going to find a place to wipe off these stones after absorbing these scraps in the painting space.

The absorption process was very fast. In just one hour, Zhang Liang absorbed the energy of the scraps of more than ten carts pulled over.

As for the leftovers that have absorbed energy, they have been turned into powder in the painting space, like sand piled up into a hill.

The energy of painting space has also become very abundant.

The inside is simply a paradise with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the air inside is refreshing.

"The energy in this painting should be saturated now, I don't know what effect I will have if I absorb the emerald." Zhang Liang muttered.

Although the emerald was worth 500 million yuan, he only spent [-] million yuan to buy it. Thinking about it this way, Zhang Liang didn't feel so distressed.

In order to absorb jade, the money spent earlier was far more than 500 million.

He took out the emerald and went directly into the painting space.

He believed that after this emerald was absorbed, the painting space would definitely change to a certain extent.

Now the painting space is almost completely integrated with Zhang Liang. Without his active consciousness, even if jade enters the painting space, it will not trigger the absorption mechanism of the painting space, and the painting space will not absorb jade. up.

"Suck for me."

Zhang Liang began to absorb the energy inside the emerald with all his strength.

As he absorbed this emerald, he found that the space for painting began to expand again. A small pavilion in the distance suddenly became two floors, and a light appeared on the horizon, as if it was the same as the rising sun. generally.

It's just that the light is very subtle, like a firefly.

Of course, Zhang Liang feels that the painting space seems to be even more different.

He felt that the energy in his body was also very full, and there was even a faint sign that the formula of longevity was about to break through.

But he understands that breaking through is not so easy, it needs a chance, and the chance has not arrived yet.


After Zhang Liang completely absorbed the emerald, he found that this emerald did not turn into powder, but changed from a greenish green to a transparent glass.

However, this is not what surprised him the most. What surprised him the most was that this jade was slowly absorbing the energy in the painting space.

In other words, this emerald has not been destroyed, but can be used repeatedly?

"If this is the case, can I always use this emerald to make breakthroughs?"

A gleam of joy flashed in Zhang Liang's heart.

Of course, he wasn't particularly excited. Let alone whether the energy absorbed by the emerald could help him break through, the rate at which the energy was absorbed was too slow, and he simply couldn't wait for such a long time.

He put the emerald in a corner of the painting space, no longer cared about it, but looked at it in the painting space.

"To become refined."

Zhang Liang's eyes quickly fell on the ginseng plant that looked a bit like a human being. The small head of that ginseng plant had grown completely, and it really looked like a cartoon version of a small human head.

After being shocked, Zhang Liang's eyes locked on the pavilion in the distance again.

He found that the pavilion had changed from one floor to two floors, so he walked towards the pavilion quickly.

When he got to the first floor of the pavilion, he found a staircase from the first floor to the second floor.

He stepped in slowly, but when he was about to reach the second floor, he was blocked by an invisible light curtain.

"It seems that the time is not yet ripe, and I can't go up."

Zhang Liang is extremely smart. He guessed that his Longevity Secret hadn't broken through to the second floor, so he couldn't go up to the second floor of the pavilion either.

(End of this chapter)

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