super farm

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

Yang Qiang suppressed his nausea and lay down on the ground.

Everyone around laughed out of breath.

As for Yang Qiang, before his mouth was close to Wangfula's excrement, he didn't know whether he was angry or smoked, and he passed out directly.

"Carry him away, and don't come to our Dongwan Village to make trouble in the future."

Zhang Liang felt that it was a bit inhumane to force Yang Qiang to eat dog excrement, so he stopped fussing with him and said something to Yang Guixin.

Yang Guixin was ashamed, he waved to the villagers who hadn't gone far, and shouted: "What are you still doing, come back and carry people."

Soon, a group of people carried away Yang Qiang and Yang Gang who was lying on the other side.

"Brother Liangzi, you are really awesome."

Xu Hu came to Zhang Liang and gave Zhang Liang a thumbs up.

"Stop flattering!"

Zhang Liang said angrily, and Xu Hu smiled naively.

The villagers in the village also dispersed one after another, but today the news that Gaodi Village came to make trouble but was ruined was spread in the village, and everyone felt very relieved.

In the afternoon, Zhang Liang went to town.

Wangfu didn't know when he hid in the Rolls-Royce, and when Zhang Liang found out, the car was almost in town.

"You dead dog, want to eat broth again?"

Zhang Liang gave Wangfu a contemptuous look.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu protested very dissatisfied and yelled.

Master, is Mr. Dog a dog with only so much pursuit?
Zhang Liang drove directly to the new Xianghai Restaurant.

The new Xianghai Restaurant is a renovation of the former Dajili Restaurant.

Because Qian Jin was sent to prison, the business happened to be bad, so the restaurant was bought by Yang Siqian.

Just as Xianghai Restaurant was being upgraded again, Yang Siqian directly changed the name of Dajili Restaurant to Xianghai Restaurant.

Now the restaurant is open in the morning, noon and evening, and at night, the back area of ​​the original Xianghai Restaurant is also selling barbecue and the like.

Now that the name of Xianghai Barbecue is also known, the business is so hot that everyone in the county comes to eat barbecue at night.

People with vision in the town have built small hotels.

Sometimes people who come to the town to eat barbecue at night will directly stay in a small hotel nearby because they can't go back to the county after drinking alcohol.

The hotel industry was immediately stimulated, and because of the increase in the number of guests, some supermarkets and small handicraft shops in the town gradually appeared.

"How long has it been since you came to town? Isn't this a big change?"

Zhang Liang is very familiar with Heitu Town, and now he didn't expect that many shops popped up in the town without knowing it.

"Wang Wang~"

As soon as the car stopped at the kitchen of Xinxianghai Restaurant, Zhang Liang opened the door, and Wangfu was the first to jump out, and then yelled at Zhu Dazui.

"Cut five catties of pork and stew it for me!"

Zhu Dazui already knew that Wangfu likes to eat broth, so he directly arranged for people to cook it. After the arrangement, he smiled at Zhang Liang and said, "Here you are? How is Brother Zhang recently?"

He is not very sociable, and speaks more honestly.

Now the business of the entire Xianghai restaurant has improved a lot. As the head chef himself, his salary has almost doubled. He is living a good life, and he stays in the kitchen every day. He has gained a lot of weight, which seems to be a special blessing.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu was moved to the point of crying, but it was because Chef Zhu knew Mr. Gou’s hobby.

"You're doing well, and I think you're doing well too. You've grown a general's belly."

Zhang Liang chatted casually with Zhu Dazui and went to Yang Siqian's office.

"Ah, brother, why didn't you tell my sister in advance? Did you want to surprise my sister?"

As soon as she arrived at Yang Siqian's office, Yang Siqian's beautiful eyes gleamed with joy in an instant, and she joked with Zhang Liang again.

"Sister Siqian, can we talk properly?"

Zhang Liang was speechless, every time he came by himself, he would be molested first.

"Why didn't my sister talk properly? Or do you not want to surprise my sister?"

Yang Siqian suddenly showed a hint of resentment, and said: "It seems that my sister has no place in my brother's heart, so forget it, you don't come to see my sister, and we will only cooperate in business from now on."

"Sister Siqian, I didn't mean that." Zhang Liang was embarrassed.

Yang Siqian giggled and asked, "Then what do you mean? Are you going to surprise me?"

"I admit defeat to the head office, right?"

Zhang Liang is used to being teased by Yang Siqian, he sat down on the sofa and said: "I came to you today to tell you that I want to carry out the first phase of construction in the village and prepare to build a farmhouse. I don't know you Any suggestions?"

Now Zhang Liang has to discuss many things with Yang Siqian, because Yang Siqian's business talent is really good, and she can often give Zhang Liang very unique advice.

Originally, Zhang Liang did not plan to build a farmhouse so soon, but because the Cordyceps was sold, he earned 7000 million yuan, 500 million yuan to buy emeralds, and another 500 million yuan to buy scraps. He still has 6000 million yuan in his hand.

4000 million is reserved for Yang Siqian's remaining investment. As for 2000 million, he can use it for the construction of farmhouses.

Now that Gaodi Village is already constructing a farmhouse, Zhang Liang doesn't want to walk behind Gaodi Village.

No matter who you lose to, you can't lose to Gaodi Village.

"Construction of farmhouse? Do you have money now?" Yang Siqian asked the most core question.

Now she is building the Xianghai Drifting Center, and she has to invest a lot of money. Every time Zhang Liang has a little money, he will give it to her.

She knows Zhang Liang's finances well.

"Sister Siqian, you don't have to worry about the money. I've already settled it. By the way, you still have a shortfall of 4000 million. I'll transfer the money to you now."

Zhang Liang transferred the account to Yang Siqian, and transferred 4000 million to Yang Siqian without hesitation.

When the money arrived in the account, Yang Siqian opened her mouth in surprise.

"Brother, are you hugging the thigh of a rich woman and being taken care of by a rich woman?"

"Go, you are being taken care of by a rich woman?" Zhang Liang said angrily.

"I let a rich woman take care of me, but a rich woman won't want me, and I'm not a badass." Yang Siqian joked.

"I'm not a badass either. I used a special method to breed a lot of Cordyceps and ginseng some time ago. This is the money to sell them." Zhang Liang explained to Yang Siqian, not lying.

The relationship between him and Yang Siqian is no longer worth lying about such a trivial matter.

"I understand what you said. Is it the same kind of nutrient solution you used?"

Yang Siqian lightly covered her red lips, her beautiful eyes suddenly sparkled, she giggled and said, "My brother is really good at making money, why don't I hug my brother's thigh, and my brother will take care of me in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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