super farm

Chapter 178 Liu Yong Stays

Chapter 178 Liu Yong Stays
"Liangzi, why don't you give Liu Yong your vegetable growing technology?"

Zhang Feng felt it was a bit difficult to speak, but thinking that everyone was always a family, he finally opened his mouth.

Hearing Zhang Feng speak for him, whether it was Liu Yong himself, or Zhang Shufen and the others, all of them were overjoyed.

"Grandpa, other things can be discussed, but this matter cannot be discussed. This technology is not mine alone, it belongs to me and my friends. If I hand over the technology, how can I explain it to my friends?"

Zhang Liang sneered in his heart, Zhang Shufen's family really had no good intentions, and they obviously came here for their own planting technology.

However, how could they succeed so easily?
"Liu Yong, you heard Liangzi's words, this technology does not belong to him alone, and I can't make him a treacherous person, let him betray his friends."

Hearing Zhang Liang's words, Zhang Feng expressed his understanding very much.

He himself had fought wars before, and he valued this kind of brotherhood the most.

The smile on Liu Yong's face faded.

Zhang Shufen and the others were also silent.

In fact, they all understand that Zhang Feng is a person who values ​​friendship, family and friendship, and when they come back to find Zhang Feng, they are playing the card of family affection.

Now that Zhang Liang said that this involves friends, Zhang Feng will definitely not let go.

In other words, the matter of growing vegetables is definitely not settled.

Zhang Shufen looked at Liu Yong, then gave Liu Yong a hint, and said to Zhang Feng: "Dad, I suddenly remembered that I still have a lot of things to deal with in the county, and Liu Li also played with her boyfriend. We Let’s go back to the county to live.”

"But Liu Yong has nothing to do. From now on, he will live in the village and serve your old man. What do you think?"


Zhang Feng's old face was wrinkled with a smile, his daughter finally knew how to be filial to herself.

"In this case, let's go first, Xiaoyong, you will be filial to your grandfather in the future, and learn more from your cousin, understand?" Zhang Shufen urged Liu Yong.

"Mom, don't worry, I will learn from Zhang Liang." Liu Yong said, patting his chest.

"Dad, let's go first then."

After Zhang Shufen finished speaking, she strode outside without even looking at Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang's face became even more gloomy.

He understood that Liu Yong's willingness to stay was not to honor his grandfather at all, but to steal his technology.

Although the other party would definitely not be able to steal his planting technology, this kind of behavior made him very upset.

"Xiao Liang, what are you doing in a daze, come see your aunt with me."

When Zhang Feng sent Zhang Shufen to the gate of the courtyard, he couldn't help shouting when he saw that Zhang Liang was standing still.

"Grandpa, here we come."

Although he was extremely reluctant, Zhang Liang didn't want to disobey Zhang Feng's words, so he reluctantly stepped forward and sent Zhang Shufen and others into the car.

"Xiaoyong, I will treat this place as my own home from now on. If you need anything, you can tell grandpa."

When Zhang Shufen left, Zhang Feng happily took Liu Yong to choose a room.

"Thank you grandpa."

Liu Yong smiled, looked at Zhang Liang beside him, and said, "Xiao Liang, we two brothers will have a drink later."

Since it is impossible to directly ask Zhang Liang to take out the technology, he is now ready to get close to Zhang Liang, hoping that Zhang Liang will relax his vigilance and have the opportunity to contribute this planting technology.

Zhang Liang didn't bother to talk to Liu Yong at all. He looked at Zhang Feng and said, "Grandpa, I'm going to visit the orchard."

After finishing speaking, I left the courtyard.

Zhang Feng arranged for Liu Yong to help him, and happily went to make lunch.

Liu Yong came to see him for the first time in a few years. Zhang Feng was so happy that he slaughtered chickens and ducks, and he also cooked a braised fish, crabs and shrimps.

In the end, even all kinds of delicious vegetables were made together.

Wangfu was overjoyed.

With such a large table of dishes, the family will definitely not be able to finish them all. If he ordered these dishes late, it would be his.

When the food was served, Zhang Feng asked everyone to eat together.

He Hongjun, He Juan, and Fu Danian also took the seat together.

"Hey, old Zhang, what important guest came today, and you made it so rich?" He Hongjun joked about Zhang Feng.

"My grandson has come to see me. He is planning to stay in the future. You two can take care of him more in the future." Zhang Feng said with a smile on his face.

Liu Yong just came down from upstairs, Zhang Feng quickly introduced Liu Yong to everyone.

When Liu Yong saw He Juan, his face lit up.

He Juan's beauty was wrong in the first place, coupled with the innocence and simplicity of a rural girl, Liu Yong's eyes were straightened.

But after a while, Liu Yong took his eyes back.

"Why is it so delicious?"

When he was eating, Liu Yong was shocked to find that all the dishes on the table were delicious. He had never eaten such delicious food in the county.

"Grandpa, are you so good at cooking? Can you teach me?"

If he had such culinary skills, he would definitely be able to open an awesome restaurant in the county town. It was really delicious.

"It's not about my cooking skills, it's because of Xiao Liang's dishes. Otherwise, why do you think his dishes are selling so well?"

Zhang Feng smiled and replied.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Liu Yong stared at Zhang Liang intently, as if he wanted to swallow Zhang Liang alive.

He must steal Zhang Liang's planting technology, yes, and the breeding technology, and then he will be able to make a fortune.

"Grandpa He, come, I'll toast you, Uncle Fu, I'll toast you too."

Liu Yong already knew the identities of He Hongjun and Fu Danian. Both of them helped Zhang Liang raise chickens and ducks. The chickens and ducks were very delicious. As long as he established a good relationship with them, he believed that he would be able to get rid of them. Go to school to learn farming techniques.

"Hehe, come, drink!"

After He Hongjun and Fu Danian knew that Liu Yong was Zhang Feng's grandson, they also gave Liu Yong some face and said what they said.

After lunch, He Hongjun and Fu Danian went back to breed.

"Grandpa, I'm going out for a stroll."

Liu Yong chuckled, and quickly followed behind He Hongjun and Fu Danian.

But he didn't approach the two of them immediately, but waited until He Hongjun and Fu Danian separated, and he found Fu Danian.

"Uncle Fu, smoke a cigarette?"

Liu Yong took out a cigarette and handed one to Fu Danian.

"It's Xiaoyong, I don't smoke, thank you."

Liu Yong smiled awkwardly and asked, "Uncle Fu, how is your family doing?"

"What about our family?"

Fu Danian didn't understand why Liu Yong mentioned this matter to him, but he still replied: "Our family is very ordinary, but now because of Liangzi, our family is about to live a better life."

(End of this chapter)

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