super farm

Chapter 181 Killing the Wild Boar

Chapter 181 Killing the Wild Boar
"Your dog is so intelligent."

Zhao Xi was stunned by the side, it was hard to imagine that a dog could understand such complicated instructions from Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang didn't answer, but asked instead: "There are still some places that haven't been developed, and there are even tigers and wolves in the deeper places. Why do you two go to these places indiscriminately? Don't you know it's dangerous?"

"Brother Liang, we came from Gaodi Village. Gaodi Village has special people leading a group, saying that they have experience in dealing with wild beasts, and they won't let us have any accidents."

At this moment, Ma Mingqi, who had been silent beside him, spoke up, "After they brought us up the mountain, they encountered a herd of wild boars, and they ran away first. I will have to trouble them later."

Zhang Liang was slightly surprised when he heard that there were people leading tour groups in Gaodi Village, and the tourism industry began to develop.

But these highland villages are really not a thing, and they are in danger of throwing their customers on the mountain. If Zhang Liang did not happen to enter the mountain, Ma Mingqi might have been crushed to death by a group of wild boars today.

"In the future, if you have friends who come to travel, you can come to our village. Our village is called Dongwan Village. I will arrange a guide for you, and I will definitely not leave you alone."

Zhang Liang didn't slander Gaodi Village behind his back, but he introduced his own village incidentally.

"Well, I believe you."

Ma Mingqi nodded earnestly, "This mountain is really interesting. When my leg recovers, my friend and I will come to you again. Can you take us around the mountain yourself?"

Today, one of Zhang Liang's dogs led some wild boars away, which shocked Ma Mingqi, and he felt safe with Zhang Liang. With Zhang Liang leading the way, nothing would happen.

"If I have time, of course there is no problem. If I don't have time, I will arrange the old hunters from our village to be your guides. You will be able to see them later."

Zhang Liang replied.

While he was speaking, Xu Erfu and others had already walked over.

"Wow, are you live streaming in the wild?"

When Zhao Xi saw Lin Xiner, she opened her mouth in surprise, " are Lin Xiner, my God..."

She is obviously also a person who watches the anchor, and Lin Xiner is now a million anchor, and her reputation is not small, so she recognized Lin Xiner immediately.

For a moment, she was a little excited, and quickly came to Lin Xiner to ask for an autograph.

"Huzi, Ma Mingqi's leg is injured. Carry him down the mountain and let Dr. Sun treat his leg." Zhang Liang ordered Xu Hu who was next to him.

"Okay, Brother Liangzi." Xu Hu smiled innocently, and carried Ma Mingqi on his back.

"Zhao Xi, won't you go down the mountain with me?" Ma Mingqi couldn't help asking seeing that Zhao Xi didn't keep up with Xu Hu.

"Ma Mingqi, I want to play with them. I'll go back to the village with them later, and I'll find you again."

Zhao Xi felt that today was very interesting and wanted to watch Zhang Liang and the others for fun.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu couldn't wait any longer, so he yelled again in front of Zhang Liang.

"Let's go."

Zhang Liang was defeated by Wangfu's persistence. This guy has been thinking about the wild boar leg all the time, and now he asks Zhang Liang to deal with the wild boar.

Receiving Zhang Liang's answer, Wangfu jumped up happily and ran away quickly.


After following Wangfu for a short distance, Zhang Liang was stunned.

Wangfu actually lured the five wild boars into a trap. Now the five wild boars are moving around in the trap, but they can't jump out of the trap.

Now these five wild boars are like living targets, they can be shot at will.

"Zhou Qiang, go and call Huzi back."

Zhang Liang thought for a while, and then told Zhou Qiang next to him.

Now the five wild boars are meat on the chopping board. They can kill them if they want, but if they kill them without Xu Hu, they will definitely not be able to move home.

Zhou Qiang responded, left here, and went to chase Xu Hu.

"Second Uncle Xu, it's up to you from now on."

Zhang Liang looked at Xu Erfu.

Xu Erfu was already bending his bow and shooting arrows, and these wild boars were now living targets. With his archery skills, it was easy to shoot a few wild boars.

Seeing Xu Erfu killing wild boars in the trap, Zhao Xi next to him was so excited that he couldn't speak. The gifts in Lin Xiner's live broadcast room were swiped by the local tyrants.

After the five wild boars were dealt with, Xu Hu reappeared here with Ma Mingqi on his back.

"Huzi, you go find a big wooden stick, while running two wild boars, and the other wild boar, Uncle Xu, you come to resist, Zhou Qiang, you come to carry Ma Mingqi."

Soon, Zhang Liang gave tasks to several people who went up the mountain.

With five wild boars, they don't have to continue hunting today.

Moreover, Ma Mingqi's leg injury needs to be dealt with in time, so there is no need to delay.

Everyone responded and started to move.

"Brother Liang, I can't walk anymore, why don't you carry him on your back?"

When going down the mountain, Lin Xiner looked at Zhang Liang with innocent little eyes.

Because she just started hunting today, she didn't hunt for a long time. She still has some physical strength, but she misses Zhang Liang's back a little bit. The feeling of being carried by Zhang Liang is really great.

"Go down the mountain by yourself."

Zhang Liang knew Lin Xiner too well, this girl just wanted to be lazy.

"Hmph, if you don't want to carry him on your back, he won't go down the mountain. Just wait until grandpa comes to find him at night." Lin Xiner pouted her mouth unhappily.


Zhang Liang saw a black line on his forehead, and was threatened by this girl again.

If Zhang Feng came to the mountain to look for Lin Xiner at night, Zhang Liang estimated that he would be severely criticized by his grandfather.

He strode halfway and said, "Come on, get on my back."

"Hee hee, Brother Liang is so kind to him." Lin Xiner climbed onto Zhang Liang's back very rudely.

"Let's talk less."

Zhang Liang was almost closed to himself by Lin Xiner, and he didn't want to talk at all.

If this girl hadn't used her grandfather to suppress him, he wouldn't want to treat Lin Xiner well.

Zhao Xi often travels, and she is very physically strong, and she did not fall behind all the way down the mountain.

When she returned to the village, Lin Xiner paid the money that should be paid to Zhang Liang and others.

As for Zhang Liang, he arranged for Xu Erfu to divide the wild boars.

Because the wild boars were lured into the trap by Wangfu, Xu Erfu and the others picked them ready-made, so Xu Erfu left three wild boars to Zhang Liang's family, and they divided the other two wild boars.

Sun Xianming treated Ma Mingqi's leg injury. When Zhang Liang and others came back, Ma Mingqi could barely walk.

"Second Uncle Xu, I'll be eating here at noon, and you help me kill the wild boar."

Xu Erfu is an old hunter in the village and also a pig butcher. To him, killing wild boars is simply a small case. Soon he shaved the wild boars and cleaned them up.

Eating wild boar is a big deal, so Zhang Feng made a very rich meal at noon. He directly cooked all the wild boar weighing more than one hundred catties, and served chicken, duck and fish on the table.

All the villagers who worked for Zhang Liang were called over for lunch, and the atmosphere was quite lively.

(End of this chapter)

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