super farm

Chapter 183

Chapter 183

"Master, there is news about that kid."

Zhao Hu came to Zhou Shaojun and replied respectfully.

Zhou Shaojun is the son of the World Trade Group and Wu Lin's suitor. The last time he pursued Wu Lin was destroyed by Zhang Liang. He planned to let Zhou Niu and Zhao Hu take care of Zhang Liang.

As a result, he was beaten when he failed to clean up.

The young master of the dignified Shiliu Group was beaten up in the street, which made him a laughing stock in the circle of friends.

Naturally, he couldn't swallow this breath, and looked around for someone to inquire about Zhang Liang's whereabouts.

The hard work paid off, and Zhao Hu found out Zhang Liang's whereabouts.

"Tell me, who is he and where does he live?" Zhou Shaojun waved his hand and instructed Zhao Hu.

"He's just a native farmer who lives in Dongwan Village, Heitu Town." Zhao Hu replied in embarrassment.

Last time I didn't even handle a local farmer, is it worse than a local farmer?
"Call Bald Qiang and ask him to bring his troops. Let's go to Dongwan Village."

Zhou Shaojun quickly instructed Zhao Hu.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhao Hu responded quickly and called Bald Qiang.

"Brother Qiang, my young master asked you to act, and there must be a great gift to thank you afterwards!"

"Hehe, easy to say, easy to say!"

The bald head forced a smile, and asked: "Who is the person to deal with? Let me tell you first. Some people should not be messed with. I will not make a move."

"Brother Qiang, don't worry, he's just a countryman." Zhao Hu said disdainfully.

"That's fine."

Bald Qiang agreed instantly.

Since you are a rural person, you can beat him casually.

Thinking of this, he continued: "I'll take people to find you first, and you lead the way."

"no problem!"

Zhao Hu was overjoyed when he got Bald Qiang's affirmative answer.

Soon, Bald Qiang appeared next to Zhou Shaojun with a dozen people. Zhou Shaojun asked Zhao Hu to drive, and the group headed straight to Dongwan Village.

"Brother Qiang, we're here."

Bald Qiang played cards all night last night, and today he was not in good condition. When he was in the car, he fell asleep directly. When he got to the place, the younger brother below reminded him.

"Well, you just go and clean up the people."

Bald Qiang waved his hand impatiently and continued to sleep.

The younger brother below was not very good at bothering Bald Qiang, so he had to get out of the car by himself.

"Zhao Hu, where is he?"

Zhou Shaojun asked evilly with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Master, wait, I'll go and inquire."

Zhao Hu replied, and found that Xu Hu was not far away, he quickly walked towards Xu Hu, and said, "Friend, let me ask you about someone."

"Who are you looking for?"

Xu Hu showed a mouthful of pure white teeth, which gave off a cold light in the air, and Zhao Hu was instinctively startled.

"I'm looking for a kid named Zhang Liang."

Zhao Hu was originally here to deal with Zhang Liang, so when he said the word Zhang Liang, his tone was not very friendly and polite.

"Look for Brother Liangzi, are you bothering him?"

Xu Hu asked calmly.

"It seems that you know him, so show us the way." Zhao Hu said in an unquestionable tone.

"Take your way to paralysis. If you want to trouble me, brother Liangzi, first ask me if I agree."

Xu Hu squeezed his fist, and there were continuous clicking sounds above the fist. In addition, Xu Hu's size was not small, which scared the people around him a little bit.

"You ungrateful animal."

Seeing that Xu Hu wanted to do something, Zhao Hu snorted coldly, waved to the bald and strong brother next to him, and ordered: "Everyone, hit me and kill him."

A group of younger brothers rushed towards Xu Hu.

The two sides soon fought together.

"Wang Wang~"

At some point, Wangfu's voice sounded.

Then, Zhang Liang walked out of the courtyard, and he immediately found that a group of people were dealing with Xu Hu alone.

Although Xu Hu had great strength, he didn't have much skill in his body, so that he suffered a little loss when the opponent used the crowd tactics, and was hit by a few sticks on his body.

"All stop."

Zhang Liang walked out quickly and stopped everyone.

When the boys with strong bald heads saw Zhang Liang, they were in a bad mood.

The last time they came to trouble Zhang Liang, it turned out that Bald Qiang met the legendary Master Lu, and the legendary Master Lu was very polite to Zhang Liang.

At first they thought they were not here to deal with Zhang Liang, so they didn't think much about it.

But in this situation, how dare they deal with Zhang Liang?
"Brother Qiang, something is wrong."

A younger brother who came to trouble quickly came to the side of Bald Qiang who was dozing off, and quickly said: "Brother Qiang, what Young Master Zhou needs to clean up is the friend of Young Master Lu whom we were going to deal with last time."

Bald Qiang was soundly asleep at first, but when he heard this, he immediately shivered.

He quickly got out of the car.


Zhou Shao was originally confronting Zhang Liang, but when he saw Bald Qiang coming out, his face couldn't help being happy.

It seems that now Bald Qiang is ready to do it himself.

"Boy, let me tell you, this is the No. [-] person in our county. His name is Bald Qiang. He has many brothers. If you are sensible, you'd better kneel down and admit your mistake. When I'm happy, I might be able to let you go."

With his bald head backing him up, Zhou Shaojun became more courageous and smiled sinisterly.

"Or, if you kneel down and confess to me, maybe I'll be able to let you go when I'm in a happy mood."

When Zhang Liang saw Bald Qiang's very iconic bald head, he was instantly happy.

How did this guy have the guts to trouble him again?Is the lesson from last time not enough?
"Ha ha!"

Whether it was Zhou Shaojun, or Zhao Hu and Zhou Niu, they all laughed.

They felt they heard the funniest things.

They admit that Zhang Liang can fight, but now besides Zhou Niu and Zhao Hu, they also have more than a dozen brothers who are bald and strong.

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, Zhang Liang can only be beaten today.


At this moment, Zhou Shaojun was overjoyed when he saw that Bald Qiang was walking towards him and the others, even his body was still trembling.

Bald Qiang is angry!
Zhang Liang is going to be unlucky.

Just when he was thinking this way, Bald Qiang had appeared in front of him and slapped him.

Zhou Shaojun was stunned immediately, and shouted: "Bald Qiang, you hit the wrong person."

"Hit the wrong person? I hit you."

Bald Qiang said in a deep voice.

After tidying up Zhou Shaojun, the most is that he will not associate with Zhou Shaojun in the future, but Zhou Shaojun has nothing to do with him, but tidying up Zhang Liang?

He didn't have the guts, Young Master Lu could kill him with one finger.

"You fucking dare to trouble Master Liang, are you impatient? Get down on your knees and apologize to Master Liang immediately. If you don't apologize, I will leave you here today."

Bald Qiang said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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