super farm

Chapter 187

Chapter 187
The two soon arrived at a high-end clothing store.

"Sir, beauty, what kind of clothes do you want to buy?"

Soon, the waiter came out to greet him, but the waiter frowned slightly after glancing at Zhang Liang and He Juan.

Whether it's Zhang Liang or He Juan, they all look very average in their clothes, especially He Juan's coat looks average in quality and is old.

The two of them didn't look like they were from the city.

Where can such a person afford to buy their products?
"Let's see."

Zhang Liang didn't notice the disdainful look in the waiter's eyes, so he said something to the waiter and walked into the store.

The waiter originally wanted to stop Zhang Liang, but it was too late, so he had to let Zhang Liang in.

"Juanzi, this coat is not bad, come on, try it on."

Zhang Liang beckoned to He Juan.

He Juan was immediately fascinated by this white casual jacket, and she quickly ran to Zhang Liang.

But when she was about to try on the coat, the waiter quickly walked over, grabbed the coat in his hand, and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, we don't allow you to try on clothes here. If you want to buy them, you have to buy them." Buy it first, and if it doesn't fit, we can refund your money."

"Waiter, take this dress down for my girlfriend to try on."

When the waiter was speaking to Zhang Liang, there was a growling sound from the side.

The waiter immediately came to the young man with a smile on his face and asked, "Sir, which dress do you want to try on?"

The young man is wearing casual clothes, but all clothes are Armani. It looks like a rich man, and the waiter is naturally interested.

"This one, this one and this one, give my girlfriend a try."

The young man quickly pointed to a few clothes and said.

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment, and I will get it for you."

The waiter quickly took the clothes for the young man.

"Hey, how can you do this? Didn't you say that you can't try on clothes without paying? Why can they?"

He Juan couldn't help saying unhappy when she heard the waiter directly bring clothes to the young man.

The waiter gave He Juan a blank look, and said, "I said that you can't try on clothes without paying, but that's just for you. Do you think this gentleman is rich enough that a country girl like you can compare?"

"I... you discriminate against people."

He Juan's chest heaved unsteadily at the waiter's words, and it took a long time before she could utter a word, but her eyes were slightly red, and she felt a little wronged.

Zhang Liang narrowed his eyes slightly, came to the waiter, and said, "The reason why we are not allowed to try on clothes is because we think we are poor?"

"My friend, I didn't expect that you really have a reputation for knowing yourself. You know that you are poor, so you go away and don't block my girlfriend from trying on clothes."

The young man waved to Zhang Liang impatiently.

"Brother Zhu, are people so funny nowadays? They still come to this kind of shop to spend money even though they have no money. Is there something wrong with their head?" The beautiful woman next to her also covered her red lips and giggled.

"Sir, can you please go out and go down, don't affect my business."

The waiter raised his hand in the air and pointed outside.

"Now, do you want me to go out?"

When Zhang Liang spoke, he directly took out the Supreme Card from the Ryan Center.

Lu Zheng said that this supreme card was given to Lu Zheng by the boss behind Ryan Mall.

Then this card is definitely not ordinary.

"Haha, boy, your acting skills are pretty good. I don't know where you got a gold-plated card. Do you really think it's a gold card? You're laughing at me to death."

Seeing Zhang Liang's pretentious action, the young man laughed again, and the woman next to him also smiled prettily.

"This is……"

As a member of Supreme Mall, the waiter is very familiar with this card. This is the boss's personal card. Seeing the card is like seeing the boss.

But, how could this card be in the hands of a countryman?

"Sir, may I ask what kind of clothes you and your girlfriend would like to try on, and I will pick them up for you right away."

If she offends the young man next to her, she will lose a commission at most, but if she offends Zhang Liang, it is very likely that she will lose her job.


The young man named Brother Zhu was instantly stunned.

The waiter gave up on him and went to serve Zhang Liang.

What is that card?
"You drive them out first, I see that they are in a bad mood, and they are not in the mood to choose clothes." Zhang Liang pointed to Brother Zhu and Brother Zhu's girlfriend next to him, and said.


The waiter came to Brother Zhu and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, our shop doesn't do your business today, please go ahead."

"Boy, you are cruel enough."

The young man looked at Zhang Liang resentfully, but was ignored by Zhang Liang.

"Sir, can you choose your clothes now?"

The waiter came to Zhang Liang and asked cautiously.

Zhang Liang ordered to the waiter, "Pack up all the clothes here for me."

The waiter was overjoyed immediately and said excitedly, "Okay, sir, please wait a moment, I need some time."

After speaking, the waiter called another waiter, and the two waiters started packing all the clothes in the store together.

Now the two of them don't go and don't care about Zhang Liang's ability to pay. The Supreme Card itself is in Ryan Mall, which represents wealth.

After packing for half an hour, two waiters brought the big and small bags of clothes and put them next to Zhang Liang.

"Sir, the total consumption is 170 million. Do you think you should pay with the supreme card or the bank card?" the waiter who started to receive Zhang Liang asked.

"Consumption of 170 million? I didn't say I want to buy your clothes, did I?"

Zhang Liang asked back.

"Didn't you just tell us to pack all the clothes?" The waiter suddenly felt something was wrong.

"I told you to pack all the clothes, but I didn't say I want these clothes. Who told you to be so obedient?"

Zhang Liang jokingly said, "The price of your brand here is a bit cheaper, I don't like it, next time I have a chance to come to your place to buy clothes."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Liang looked at He Juan next to him and said, "Juanzi, let's go, I'll buy you a Gucci coat."

The two waiters froze in place.

This tossed for a long time, and Bao Bai beat it.

Now they don't even dare to scold Zhang Liang for playing tricks on them. With the supreme card, Zhang Liang has the right to tell them to fuck off.

The waiter who started to talk to Zhang Liang felt remorseful. How could she look down on others at first? If she hadn't looked down on Zhang Liang and He Juan, maybe she would really have sold all these clothes now.

(End of this chapter)

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