super farm

Chapter 190 Big Star Xiao Xianger

Chapter 190 Big Star Xiao Xianger
It was already an hour later when Sun Xianming rescued the beauty.

The beauty found herself in a strange place. She was a little scared at first, but then she realized that she seemed to be in a medical clinic. She looked at Sun Xianming and asked, "Did you save me?"

"I didn't save you, he saved you."

Sun Xianming pointed to Zhang Liang and said.

Only then did the beauty's eyes focus on Zhang Liang's body, and found that Zhang Liang's eyes were very peaceful, and he was also gentle, so his vigilance relaxed a lot.

She parted her red lips lightly, and said, "Thank you, sir."

After she finished speaking, she propped herself up and stood up, walking slowly outside.

"You'd better stay here for two days. I still have to treat you. If you leave now, you'll fall to the ground again within a stick of incense time."

Seeing that the beauty was about to leave, Sun Xianming reminded her.

"Can you cure me?"

The beauty's eyes suddenly focused on Sun Xianming.

Sun Xianming is a miracle doctor in the city, not many people know him in the county, otherwise the beauty would not ask such a question.

"I can't cure your illness, but he can."

Sun Xianming pointed to Zhang Liang next to him.

He really has nothing to do with the beauty's illness, the only thing he can do is to revive the beauty. To fully recover from the beauty's illness, he still needs to rely on Zhang Liang's food and water.

Let her stay here for two days, but I hope she can stay here and absorb these substances.

The beauty's eyes fell on Zhang Liang again, and then she looked at Sun Xianming, wondering why Sun Xianming said such things.

"You'll know it after staying here for two days."

Sun Xianming didn't bother to explain much, so he shrugged.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu appeared and began to yell at Zhang Liang.

Master, master, grandpa called for dinner.

Zhang Feng had already eaten, but knowing that Zhang Liang hadn't eaten, he helped Zhang Liang cook some more, which made Wangfu very happy.

Wangfu can have extra meals.

"Beauty, let's go, I'll take you to dinner, you can stay here for two days." Zhang Liang understood what Wangfu meant, and said to the beauty next to him.


The beauty hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

She is very clear about her own illness, and no one can cure it. Since a doctor said that staying here for two days is enough, then she will try to stay for two days.

"By the way, my name is Xiao Xiang'er, you can call me Xiang'er."

Xiao Xianger saw that Zhang Liang kept calling herself a beauty, so naturally I introduced her.

"Xiao Xianger? Are you the big star Xiao Xianger?"

Zhang Liang didn't pay attention at first, but now he heard what Xiao Xiang'er said, and then he began to look at her carefully, and the more he looked, the more she looked like her.


Xiao Xianger nodded slightly, but did not deny it.

"Hehe, I'm so lucky. I meet anyone who touches porcelain randomly, and he turns out to be a big star." Zhang Liang said with emotion.

Hearing this, Xiao Xiang'er was a little embarrassed, and explained: "I didn't want to touch your porcelain, I really have no strength in the middle of the road."

"Liangzi, I only have leftovers to eat tonight, so just order."

Now that the series of anti-Japanese war has started, Zhang Feng was not in the mood to help Zhang Liang cook more food, so he reheated some leftovers.

Wangfu next to him was quite resentful.

Usually these leftovers belong to him, but now because of Zhang Liang, they are left to Zhang Liang.

It probably can't be added with chicken legs.

"If you don't mind, let's have something together." Zhang Liang said to Xiao Xiang'er.

"I'm not hungry."

Xiao Xiang'er shook her head, she really has no appetite.

"Then drink some water."

Seeing that Xiao Xianger didn't want to eat, Zhang Liang nodded to express his understanding. Then he thought that Sun Xianming said that Xiao Xianger could be cured of her illness if he stayed here for two days. Poured a glass of water.

Xiao Xianger did not refuse this time, but took the initiative to drink water.

"Wow, what kind of water is this? It's really delicious."

At first Xiao Xiang'er only drank water because she was thirsty, but now she found that the taste of this water was really good, better than any drink she drank.

Regardless of her own reserve, she drank gulps, and finished drinking a glass of water in just a short while.

"Mr. Zhang, can I... have another drink?"

Such delicious water must be very precious, Xiao Xiang'er was a little bit lacklustre in speaking.

"Of course no problem."

Zhang Liang brought the kettle over and said, "How much do you want to drink, pour it yourself."

Xiao Xianger nodded and began to drink water alone, while Zhang Liang ate beside her.

When Zhang Liang finished eating, Xiao Xiang'er had already drank three glasses of water. At this time, she actually felt hungry.

"Mr. Zhang, you...can you make me something to eat?"

She usually doesn't cook, but now she is hungry and no one is around, so she looks to Zhang Liang for help.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu cried out triumphantly.

Master, if you want to cook, remember to cook more, the dog wants to eat too.

"It's getting late today, let me pick some fruit for you, and cook for you tomorrow." Zhang Liang didn't agree, which made Wangfu next to him shut up.

Zhang Liang came to the backyard, picked a big apple and went back to the courtyard.

Now the fruits in another batch of [-]-acre fruit fields are ripe, but he hasn't called Chu Qishang yet to ask him to pull the fruits.

These fruits are grown exclusively for Chuki merchants.

"Wow, what kind of fruit is this, why is it so big?"

When Xiao Xiang'er saw a fruit that was bigger than a watermelon, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"This is an apple. It's delicious. You'll know when you cut it with a knife and try it yourself."

Zhang Liang said to Xiao Xiang'er.

"Can I take a picture and send it to Moments?"

Xiao Xianger has the habit of posting on Moments to interact with fans. She has never seen such a big apple, and she is a little moved.

"up to you."

Zhang Liang raised his hand.

Xiao Xianger took out her mobile phone, took a big close-up of the apple, and then sent another text: Have you ever seen an apple bigger than a watermelon?

After the close-up was finished, she directly circled it.

After posting circles, she put her phone aside and started cutting apples with a fruit knife to eat.

"Wow, it's delicious. I've never eaten such a delicious fruit."

If it wasn't for Zhang Liang, Xiao Xiang'er would have picked up an apple and ate it right now regardless of her image.

Xiao Xianger ate an apple bigger than a watermelon by herself.

She stroked her stomach that was a little stuffed, and she was a little bit unsatisfied, but because she was so full, she really couldn't eat anymore.

"Where did you get this apple, can you sell me a little?" She looked at Zhang Liang expectantly again.

"I'll give you some when you leave in two days." Zhang Liang replied.

(End of this chapter)

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