super farm

Chapter 205 The first guest of Octopus Village

Chapter 205 The first guest of Octopus Village


Early in the morning, Zhang Liang was called up by Zhang Feng to practice Tai Chi again.

Wangfu barked again from the side, raised his two small front legs, and followed Zhang Liang's example.

Zhang Liang found that this guy who carried his two legs every day had completely adapted to walking on his two hind legs, and his body was as flexible as a monkey.

If it wasn't for the face shape of a dog, he would really have taken this guy for a monkey.

Just after breakfast, Wu Lin took his father into the village.

Wangfu boiled a few times, and ran to the car again, wanting to see if Wu Lin brought something delicious for herself.

"It's just a foodie."

Wu Lin had been here before, so she naturally knew what Wangfu wanted to do when she came here. She took out a lot of beef jerky from the trunk, and before she could tear open the bag of beef jerky, Wangfu took a mouthful of it. Niu Nei dry and ran away.

She was so confused, this guy is too thieves, right?

After Wangfu put the beef jerky in his kennel, he ran back to Wu Lin's side again and performed a cha-cha dance for Wu Lin, which made Wu Lin giggle.

Her crisp voice sounded outside the courtyard, and Zhang Liang walked out of the courtyard.

"You're here, where's your dad?"

Zhang Liang glanced at Wu Lin, and found that he didn't see Father Wu, so he asked.

Just after he finished speaking, a middle-aged man opened the back door of the car and appeared next to Zhang Liang without any haste. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and said, "It's Mr. Zhang Liang. My name is Wu Wenhao. Nice to meet you."

Wu Lin's father looked very gentle, wearing a pair of glasses, and his hair was a little gray.

Zhang Liang could tell at a glance that Wu Lin's father should be over 60 years old.

"Hello Uncle Wu, nice to meet you."

Zhang Liang quickly stretched out his hand and shook hands with Wu Wenhao.

"Hehe, I should thank you last time. If it weren't for you, my old life would be gone."

Wu Wenhao joked.

The last time he was seriously ill, it was Zhang Liang's Ganoderma lucidum that saved him.

"Uncle Wu doesn't need to say these things. I just went to sell Ganoderma lucidum. It can save you, which means that we have a destiny." Zhang Liang said with a smile.

"Yes, fate, it is fate."

Wu Wenhao looked at Zhang Liang and Wu Lin suddenly, and said meaningfully.

During this period of time, he often heard the word Zhang Liang from his daughter's mouth, which was very abnormal.

His daughter is usually quiet and quiet, and she doesn't always talk about a boy at all.

He agreed that Wu Lin's fishing here was actually just a trivial matter. The most important thing was that he wanted to meet Zhang Liang and see what kind of person this benefactor who saved him, this young man who made his daughter miss him.

However, Zhang Liang's appearance is just average.

Of course, he himself has already experienced the age at which he should experience everything. He knows that Zhang Liang cannot be judged by his appearance.

"Uncle Wu, please go inside, I'll pour you a glass of water."

Zhang Liang turned sideways and invited Wu Wenhao, father and daughter, into the courtyard.

"Zhang Liang, we won't go in. I heard Lin'er said that you have a fish village that has just been built. I'm here to fish. Why don't you take us there?" Wu Wenhao waved his hand.

"it is good!"

Zhang Liang asked, "Uncle Wu, you want to go fishing, do you have the fishing rod and bait ready?"

"There are fishing rods, but the bait still needs you to think of a way."

Wu Wenhao likes fishing, and usually puts fishing rods in the car, but because he left early today, he didn't have time to go to the fishing tackle shop to buy the corresponding baits.

"Okay, then leave it to me, and I will take you there first."

After Zhang Liang finished speaking, he led the two of them to the nearby Yuzhuang.

"This Yuzhuang looks very nice."

After coming to Yuzhuang, Wu Wenhao found that the Yuzhuang was built in a simple and simple way.

At the entrance, there is a huge door plaque. The door plaque looks antique and fragrant. There are four big characters on it, and the words Dongwan Yuzhuang are written.

In Yuzhuang, there is a pavilion every 100 meters. The pavilion is built in a simple and elegant manner, and there are one table and three tables in the pavilion, where fishermen can rest.

Next to the pavilion, there is also a small stove, which is designed for on-site barbecue.

Of course, what attracted Wu Wenhao the most was the inner lake of this Yuzhuang.

The water in the inner lake is clear and transparent, and after people see it, they will open up their mood a lot.

With the intensification of environmental pollution around the world, it is rare to see such a clean place in this day and age.

In the lake of the inner lake, there are many schools of fish swimming around.

"Oh, there are Yangtze saury, sturgeon, and roundhead fish here..."

Wu Wenhao usually likes fishing, especially in some ecological rivers. He has done some research on fish, and he immediately discovered that there are some amazing fish in it. These fish have very high nutritional value and nutrition.

The most important thing is that these fish live in different environments. How can they survive together in this inner lake?

"Zhang Liang, you Yuzhuang, I'm afraid ordinary people can't afford it."

Wu Wenhao joked.

Ordinary fish farms raise ordinary fish, and each fish they catch weighs only a few kilograms. It costs a few hundred dollars at most to catch a few fish. The fisherman just buys the fish. .

But now the fish in Zhang Liang's inner lake are all expensive fish. These fish cost thousands of yuan, and it takes tens of thousands of yuan to catch more than ten fish a day, and it costs tens of thousands of yuan to buy these fish.

Where can ordinary people live?

"Uncle Wu, I have fully considered what you said."

Zhang Liang smiled and said: "The fish here, besides those precious fish, there are also ordinary fish. If they catch a precious fish and don't want to buy it, they can sell it to me directly, and they can buy it if they want. As for ordinary fish, you have to buy them when you catch them.”

The price of ordinary fish is not high, and it is within the tolerance of these anglers.

These fishermen may feel that the price of his fish is too high and they are stealing money when they pay, but he is confident that once these people take the fish back to cook and eat, they will feel that his fish is worth something. It is worth it, and you may even feel that you have picked a cheap one.

How can such delicious fish be so cheap?
"Hehe, that's not bad."

Wu Wenhao smiled, found a booth, and said, "Zhang Liang, then please help me get some bait."

"Okay, wait a minute."

Hearing this, Zhang Liang left Yuzhuang.

Yuzhuang was not ready for business, so there was no bait, but last night, I just talked to Wu Lin. Wu Lin said that she would bring her dad over, but Zhang Liang couldn't refuse, so he agreed at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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