super farm

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

The winter evening in Dongwan Village is very beautiful.

In the mist, with the afterglow of the setting sun, the afterglow shines on the distant lake, sparkling.

Three beauties are playing by the lake.

In the morning, the three women were still enemies, but now they are playing a show.

Zhang Liang was a little stunned beside him.

I really don't understand what this woman is thinking.

"Brother Liangzi, grandpa has asked you to eat."

At some point, He Juan appeared in front of Zhang Liang and said angrily.

She went to the town to transfer money during the day, but she didn't know that Zhang Liang was playing with some beautiful beauties. When she came back, she found that they were having fun, and her heart was sour.

"Okay, I'll be right back."

Zhang Liang responded, and told Xiao Xiang'er and others in the distance: "Okay, stop playing in the water and go home for dinner. If you want to play, come back tomorrow."


The three women quickly came to Zhang Liang's side.

"Zhang Liang, your lake is so strange. It's obviously winter, why is the water in this lake warm, like a hot spring?"

Xiao Xianger was the first to ask.

"Is the water warm?"

Hearing this, Zhang Liang asked with some doubts.


Liu Jing beside him echoed.

Zhang Liang came to the lake with doubts, and stretched his hand into the lake.

He put his hand into the lake water and found that the lake water is really mild, the water temperature should be about the same as the body temperature of the human body, it is really very suitable for soaking in hot springs.

Some time ago, it was not winter yet. After Zhang Liang came into contact with the water, he didn't feel that the water was warm. Only now did he find out.

"Could it be because of my painting energy?"

With doubts, Zhang Liang took several people home for dinner again.

But he has a heart.

After returning home, he went to the kitchen water tank to fill some water out, checked the temperature of the water with his hand, and found that the water was cold and even biting.

"If the temperature in the lake is due to the energy of painting, then the water in this tank should also be warm, but it is cold. Is there something at the bottom of the lake?"

Zhang Liang had a bold guess in his heart.

In some places, there are natural hot springs. He is wondering if there are natural hot springs at the bottom of the lake. The water of the hot springs is integrated with the lake, so that the water temperature is warm.

"It seems that if I have a chance, I have to go to the bottom of the lake to find out." Zhang Liang muttered.

"Wangfu, Wangfu, it's time to eat."

In the past, eating Wangfu was the most active, but today Zhang Liang didn't find any trace of Wangfu until he sat on the table.

This made him a little strange.

"Xiao Liang, is Wang Fu sick? You go to its kennel to see it."

Zhang Feng also had deep feelings for Wangfu, and seeing that Wangfu didn't show up, he was a little worried.


Zhang Liang nodded and went to Wangfu's kennel.

It turned out that Wangfu's kennel was empty and there was nothing.

"Where did this dead dog go wild?"

Zhang Liang cursed in a low voice and returned to the dinner table.

"Grandpa, I didn't see this guy, we don't care about it, let's eat."

"Okay, let's eat."

Zhang Feng spoke, and everyone ate happily.

There are also three tables, one table is for Zhang Liang's own friends, and the other two tables are still Xiao Xianger's fans.

These fans found it really nice to live in this village. Some local tyrants even approached Liu Xiaodong and wanted to build a house directly in the village, but Liu Xiaodong ruthlessly rejected them.

Once the farmhouse is built in the future, every inch of land here will be worth every inch of gold, so he doesn't want to leave the chance of getting rich to people from other villages.

If you want to live in the village for a long time, you can pay for the accommodation yourself.

When Zhang Liang was halfway through his meal, he felt his cell phone vibrate. After he took out his cell phone, he found that it was an unfamiliar call.

After answering the phone, he asked, "Hi, hello, who is it?"

"Mr. Zhang, do you still remember my voice?" A joking voice sounded from the opposite side.

"Are you Ren Ran?"

Zhang Liang's memory is super good, but because the voice of the phone call will be slightly distorted, he is not sure that the person on the other side is Ren Ran.

At this time, Ren Ran smiled and continued: "Hehe, it's Zhang Liang, the memory is different. Are you wondering why your dead dog didn't show up when you had dinner today?"

"What did you do to it?"

Zhang Liang shot a ruthless light in his eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

He meant that Wangfu didn't show up, but was taken away by Ren Ran.

What he couldn't figure out was that Wangfu was so powerful that even ordinary experts couldn't do anything with it. It couldn't beat it, but it must be able to run. Why did it fall into Ren Ran's hands?
"It's not dead yet, it's just taken sleeping pills. If you still care about its life and death, Mr. Zhang, then please cooperate with Zhang Liang."

Ren Ran laughed sinisterly.

"Okay, I'll go over immediately."

Zhang Liang replied without hesitation, and at the same time scolded Wangfu half to death in his heart.

He probably already guessed how Wangfu got his way.

It must be that Ren Ran brought out some delicious food and put sleeping pills on it. After Wangfu ate this food, he naturally fell into a coma.

This is a foodie and deserves to be caught.

"Remember, you can't bring anyone here, and you can't let anyone other than you know, or your dog may not survive." When Zhang Liang was about to go, Ren Ran's prompt sound came again. It rang.

"it is good!"

Zhang Liang agreed and hung up the phone.

"Grandpa, I'm going to take care of something and I'll be back later."

Zhang Liang got up, apologized to Zhang Feng, and quickly walked out of the village.

There were indeed two vans out of sight of the village, and there were no fewer than ten people standing around the two vans.

These people have a cruel look on their faces, and their eyes are full of fierce light.

As for the middle-aged man in a white suit standing in front of these people, the middle-aged man was looking at Zhang Liang with a smile on his face.

This person is Ren Ran.

At his feet, there was a dog lying down. This dog was already awake, but it was exhausted and tried to get up, but it couldn't get up.

Seeing Zhang Liang come out, it began to whimper, tears were about to fall out.

"You still know that you are wronged, and let you eat indiscriminately in the future."

Zhang Liang was amused by Wangfu's pitiful appearance.

This guy is usually not afraid of anything, but now he finally knows how to be afraid.

After scolding Wangfu, Zhang Liang's gaze became sharp again, and a murderous intent, if any, went straight to Ren Ran.

When he returned to the village after falling out of love, he was stared at by the whole village, and only Wangfu stayed with him.

Zhang Liang has long treated Wangfu as a family member.

Now Ren Ran dares to touch Wangfu.

There is a saying that if you touch my brother, I will cut off your siblings.

Now he really has the urge to chop off Ren Ran's hands.

"Tell me, what do you want? Tell me clearly." Zhang Liang said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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