super farm

Chapter 231

Chapter 231

Brothers Liu Dong and Liu Xi did not say that Zhang Liang and Zhao Xi had come to Gaodi Village.

"Zhang Liang is there, he is there."

When Yang Guixin led everyone towards the suspension bridge, someone spotted Zhang Liang and Zhao Xi walking towards the road at the entrance of the village.

Parked by the side of the road was Zhao Xi's car whose windows had been smashed.

"It's too crazy. It almost killed brothers Liu Dong and Liu Xi. Now they dare to walk around our village ostentatiously. I must kill him."

A ruthless man in the village said with a sullen face, tightening the pole in his hand.

Others also spewed out flames and glared at Zhang Liang.

"Everyone surround Zhang Liang for me."

Yang Guixin was also very angry and gave instructions to the villagers below.

Without his orders, these villagers' hatred for Dongwan Village had reached a high level, and they spontaneously rushed towards Zhang Liang.

Soon, Zhang Liang and Zhao Xi were surrounded, including the car.

Zhao Xi's face changed drastically, and he said, "Zhang Liang, why don't we leave quickly, there are a lot of them, so we don't need the car."

She didn't know that these people were here to trouble Zhang Liang, she just thought that these people wanted to keep the car.

Seeing the vicious looks of the villagers, Zhao Xi was really scared.

"They didn't come for the car." Zhang Liang shook his head.

He has seen the bad habits of the people in Gaodi Village countless times. What these people like to do most is to complain first. If he guesses right, the two brothers Liu Dong and Liu Xi may have already told Yang Guixin. What should not be said.

"Zhang Liang, you bastard, you pushed Liu Dong and Liu Xi into the river, and you dare to appear in our village? Believe it or not, I will let the villagers kill you now?"


Not long after, Yang Guixin stood up from the crowd and shouted at Zhang Liang with a sullen face.

"Mr. Yang, are you sure I pushed Liu Dong and Liu Xi into the river?"

People in Gaodi Village are rude, but Zhang Liang is.

With his current strength, it is really too easy to deal with these villagers.

However, if he really took action against these people, he would be in big trouble.

At that time, the people in the county may report him and criticize him, or even punish him, and his reputation in the town will not be good in the future.

He won't do anything unless he has to.

"What if I say that the two brothers fell into the river by themselves, but I saved them? What do you say?"

Even in the face of a group of eager villagers, Zhang Liang's expression remained unchanged, and he looked at Yang Guixin amusedly.

"Hmph, it's impossible for the two brothers to lie." Yang Guixin said harshly.

"Really, what about Yang Gang last time? You told me last time that Yang Gang wouldn't lie, but what happened in the end?"

Zhang Liang looked at Yang Guixin amusedly.

The last time the guests from Gaodi Village were taken by Yang Gang to the back mountain for a tour, but when the guests were in danger, Yang Gang took the people from Gaoshan Village and ran away.

Later, Yang Gang wanted to bite Zhang Liang back. If it wasn't for Lin Xiner who happened to be doing a live broadcast at that time and adjusted the live broadcast, otherwise Zhang Liang really couldn't tell.

"Hmph, last time was last time, this time is this time, the situation is different twice."

Yang Guixin said: "It's winter, Liu Dong and Liu Xi brothers wouldn't jump into the icy river by themselves just to slander you?"

"I said carelessly, I didn't say they jumped into the river by themselves." Zhang Liang rolled his eyes.

Yang Guixin clenched his lips tightly, firmly believing in the character of the two brothers Liu Dong and Liu Xi, and said: "No matter what you say, the two brothers have never told me a lie since they were young."

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Liang smiled, and said, "Mr. Yang, since you said that, how about calling the two brothers over to confront them?"

Zhang Liang regretted saving these two brothers now. The two brothers really repayed their kindness and revenge, which is not a good thing at all.

"Go, call Liu Dong and Liu Xi."

In order to let Zhang Liang die clearly, Yang Guixin gave instructions to a half-old child.

The half-grown child responded and quickly ran to Liu Dong's house.

Soon, Liu Dong and Liu Xi appeared on the scene with new clothes.

"Liu Dong, come and tell us what happened."

Yang Guixin said something to Liu Dong.

"Today, my younger brother Liu Xi and I were guarding the suspension bridge to prevent people from Dongwan Village from crossing the river. As a result, Zhang Liang insisted on crossing the river today. The two of us disagreed, so he started pushing us, pushing and pushing." , just pushed the two of us into the water, if not for our two brothers’ swimming skills, we must have drowned in the river today.” Liu Dong recounted what happened with embellishment.

Of course, they didn't mention anything about Zhang Liang saving them.

If the matter of saving lives was mentioned, Yang Guixin and others would definitely have doubts about their words now, and the more serious they wanted to explain the situation, the more people in the village would lay hands on Zhang Liang.

"I have something to add."

After Liu Dong finished speaking, Liu Xi suddenly stood up and continued: "Let me tell you, when we two fell into the water, Zhang Liang was standing on the shore, still mocking us two, saying that our two brothers drowned It would be best to die, and it would be best for all of us in Highland Village to drown."

"It's too much, we must seek justice for Liu Dong and Liu Xi."

"That's right, we caught Zhang Liang directly, threw him into the river, and let him taste what it's like to be drowned."

"Okay, everyone do it."


A group of people shouted.

"I've seen people from Gaodi Village before, but you're really shameless."

Hearing the words of these Gaodi villagers, Zhao Xi finally couldn't help but stand up.

The last time these people threw her and Ma Mingqi in the back mountain, she was not prepared to care about it, but today Zhang Liang was kind enough to save others, but was bitten back by these people, she couldn't stand it anymore.

"The two brothers kept saying that Zhang Liang would not save him, and they were sneering and sarcastic. Then I want to ask, how did I get these photos?"

While speaking, she took out her phone, opened the photo album, and found the handsome moment when Zhang Liang rescued the two brothers Liu Dong just captured.


Yang Guixin was the first to look at the photo album on his phone, and when he saw the picture on it, he was so choked up that he couldn't speak.

This photo is clearly Zhang Liang swimming in the water, with the two Liu Dong brothers hanging on him.

Where is there no rescue?
Zhao Xi showed off his mobile phone photo album in front of other villagers, and said with a sneer, "I'm just asking, do you people in Gaodi Village still want to be a little bit aggressive? Zhang Liang was desperate, but when it got into your mouth, it became A heinous person."

Zhang Liang watched this scene with a smile, but did not speak.

In fact, when he was saving people, he discovered that Zhao Xi was taking pictures. Even if Zhao Xi didn't show the pictures, he was going to ask her to take them to testify.

(End of this chapter)

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