super farm

Chapter 240

Chapter 240
"Goodbye everyone, we will keep in touch in the future."

Mei Li didn't respond to the words from the room, and quietly went downstairs with the package on her back.

The three roommates watched her leave, but there was nothing they could do.

They didn't choose to keep it because they couldn't.

When Mei Li walked to the entrance of the corridor, her mobile phone rang suddenly. She took out her mobile phone and looked at it, and her heavy heart suddenly felt relieved.

When she needed it most, Zhang Liang's cell phone called in.

"Hello, Brother Liang."

Meili tried her best to suppress her emotions, not letting herself be wronged enough to cry out.

"Where are you now?" Zhang Liang asked.

"Just tell me where you are."

Zhang Liang was afraid that Meili would avoid seeing him, so he asked directly.

"I'm in the girls' dormitory."

Meili thought about it, anyway, Zhang Liang couldn't be in the school anyway, even if she told her real location, Zhang Liang couldn't come.

Therefore, it is impossible for her to let Zhang Liang know that she is in trouble.


When Zhang Liang heard that he was in the girls' dormitory, he immediately hung up the phone.

Mei Li was a little dazed. Zhang Liang simply asked her for an address and hung up the phone. He didn't really want to show up in the girls' dormitory, did he?
But she quickly denied this idea. Zhang Liang was in his hometown, Dongwan Village, so how could he appear here.

After she walked out of the girls' dormitory, she smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Mei Li, you finally came out. How about it? Think about it again. As long as you are willing to follow me, I promise to revoke your punishment."

Seeing Mei Li coming out of the girls' dormitory, Nie Duo went up to meet her and said to Zhang Liang in a controlling tone.

"You are dreaming!"

Mei Li looked at Nie Duo coldly, then turned and walked outside the school.

She would rather not go to this school than compromise with Nie Duo's unreasonable demands.

"Smelly woman, don't be ashamed of your face."

Nie Duo originally thought that he had pushed Mei Li to this point, that Mei Li would kneel and lick him for the sake of her studies, but only now did she realize that Mei Li had no intention of compromising at all.

But it's just her personality that fascinates Nie Duo more easily.

It is said that the more you can't get it, the better it is.

Now that Mei Li left without hesitation, he finally couldn't help it, rushed towards Mei Li, and slapped Mei Li.

Mei Li raised her head and looked at Nie Duo stubbornly.

"You hit, if you dare to hit, I'll report to the police immediately." She was accused of stealing things, and she has no evidence, otherwise she would definitely want to defend her rights.

She had to admit this matter, but if Nie Duo dared to hit her now, so many people present could prove that she would definitely bite Nie Duo back.

"How dare you threaten me, this young master is also something you can threaten?"

Nie Duo hesitated for a moment, then he raised his head and slapped Mei Li without hesitation.

Although Mei Li was ready to be slapped by Nie Duo, but when Nie Duo was about to slap her, she still closed her eyes because of fear of conditioned reflex.

However, after she closed her eyes, Lao Jiu found that Nie Duo's hand hadn't dropped, so she opened her eyes curiously.

Then she found that Nie Duo's hand was grabbed by another hand.

In front of her stood a man with a hint of anger in his eyes.

The moment she saw this man, she felt her heart melt.

"Brother Liang!"

She couldn't help but threw herself into the man's arms. All her grievances turned into tears at this moment. Her strength was also shattered the moment she saw this man.

Yes, it was Zhang Liang who came.

Zhang Liang hugged Meili with one arm, squeezed Nie Duo's wrist with the other, and said coldly: "It seems that you haven't absorbed enough of the lesson from last time?"

While speaking, Zhang Liang's right hand exerted great force.

Nie Duo only felt a huge force coming from his wrist, and he felt that his wrist was almost completely crushed.

He was so painful that he wanted to struggle away from Zhang Liang's hand, but he found that Zhang Liang's hand was like a pliers, and he couldn't break free at all.

When he arrived, he was suspended in the air, trying to use the force of gravity to pull his hand out of Zhang Liang's hand.

As a result, Zhang Liang's hand was like a sculpture, and it remained motionless even after bearing the strength of Nie Duo's entire body.

"How dare you let go!"

Nie Duo roared, the pain was so painful that tears almost came out.

Zhang Liang ignored Nie Duo at all, his eyes fell on Mei Li, and asked in a gentle voice: "Mei Li, tell me what's going on."

"My classmate lost the money, and finally found it in my schoolbag. I don't know why the money appeared in my bag."

"A few classmates lost their books, and later found that they were also in my backpack."

"The school thought that my hands and feet were unclean, and I did some stealing things. I refused to change my teaching, so they directly advised me to drop out of school."

Mei Li said the matter again, and then explained: "My family's conditions are good, so I need to steal a few hundred dollars from my classmates for living expenses? I have all the textbooks of those classmates. What? This is obviously what Nie Duo asked someone to do, he just wanted to find an excuse to drive me out of school."

"He has a small belly. Last time you dealt with him at school, he was very upset. He couldn't get revenge on you, so he came to get revenge on me."

Hearing this, Zhang Liang's eyes fell on Nie Duo.

Nie Duo felt as if he had fallen into a cold cellar. He said, "Zhang Liang, don't listen to Mei Li's nonsense. I didn't deal with her at all. It was her hands and feet that were not clean."

"is it?"

Zhang Liang asked back, and the strength in his hands became stronger.

Nie Duo convulsed in pain, and his body was twitching endlessly.

He finally couldn't bear the pain, and said: "I recruit, I recruit, I hired someone to do these."

"Since you hired someone to do it, then I believe you must have a way to revoke the punishment for her?"

Zhang Liang knew Nie Duo's identity last time, and he was the son of a director of the school. As long as Nie Duo wanted to protect Meili, there would be no problem.

"There is a way, there is a way, can you let go of my hand first? It hurts so much."

Nie Duo was in so much pain that tears came out.

"Lead the way, to the Academic Affairs Office!"

Zhang Liang grabbed Nie Duo's hand and threw it aside. Nie Duo staggered and fell a few steps, almost falling to the ground.

After Nie Duo got out of Zhang Liang's control, his eyeballs rolled, and then he said, "It's night now, and there is no one in the Academic Affairs Office, so I have to make a call."


Zhang Liang waved his hand and ordered impatiently.

Nie Duo took out his mobile phone, quickly dialed Boss Li's number, and said loudly, "Director Zhou, please go to the Academic Affairs Office immediately."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his voice and said, "Take all your brothers to the Academic Affairs Office immediately, and I will make fun of you."

(End of this chapter)

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