super farm

Chapter 276 Changes in Painting

Chapter 276 Changes in Painting
When he came to the gate of the yard behind the old house, Zhang Liang pushed the door and entered.

"Boss, you're here."

Even though there was almost no rest here for two days, Cai Wenjin's spirit was very vigorous, and there was even a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Because he found that the Cordyceps planted in Zhang Liang's place is really well developed.

This far exceeded his expectations, and he had never even seen a caterpillar fungus that could grow so well.

Of course, his being so excited has something to do with the food he ate these two days.

The food for the past two days was provided by Zhang Liang. There is painting energy in these foods, which can ensure a normal supply of his body and enhance his immunity.

Otherwise, his body would definitely not be able to support him here for two days without a break.

"You haven't had a good rest for two days, do you want to take a rest?"

Zhang Liang asked Cai Wenjin.

"No, boss, don't worry, I know my body well. If I can't hold it anymore, I will rest for a while." Zhang Liang waved his hand and replied.

"Okay, since you think there is no problem, then so be it."

Zhang Liang came here to care for Cai Wenjin. As long as the other party feels that there is nothing wrong with his body, that's fine.

"Boss, wait."

Seeing that Zhang Liang was about to leave, Cai Wenjin stopped him suddenly.

Zhang Liang stopped and looked at Cai Wenjin.

Cai Wenjin just smiled and said: "Boss, originally this is your business secret, I shouldn't ask, but I'm curious in my heart, I want to ask why my Cordyceps can grow so healthy in your place ?”

This is the doubt that he has always had in his heart.

"Because the water you water these Cordyceps is my specially prepared nutrient solution, which is hugely different from other ordinary water." Zhang Liang explained lightly.

For Cai Wenjin, he has nothing to hide.

There is no doubt about employing people, and there is no need for doubting people. He believes that as long as Cai Wenjin is a smart person and earns his share, he should not make any mistakes in his paintings.

"Oh, I see."

Cai Wenjin suddenly realized.

At first he thought it was the soil here, but now it seems that he guessed wrong.

It turned out that it was the water quality here.


Zhang Liang nodded and left the Cordyceps Garden.

"No wonder the boss dared to buy all my Cordyceps fungi and vaccines. It turned out that he had already made full preparations."

Looking at the background where Zhang Liang left, Cai Wenjin muttered to himself.

At the same time, he swore in his heart that Zhang Liang trusted him so much, he would not disappoint Zhang Liang's trust, and would definitely do this matter well.

An annual salary of one million is not money that can be earned anywhere.

After coming out of the Cordyceps Garden, it was time for dinner again.

"Grandpa Feng, I heard from Zhang Liang that you like to drink. This is the wine made by our Liu family from your grapes. It is regarded as a filial piety to you."

Liu Jing had inquired about Zhang Feng's preferences a long time ago, and directly sent a lot of sample wine made from the cart of grapes brought back last time, just to serve Zhang Feng well.

Once a good impression was made in Zhang Feng's eyes, it would be much easier to get close to Zhang Liang.

"Hehe, good, good!"

Zhang Feng accepted the wine unceremoniously.

He has also tasted this wine, and the taste of this wine is indeed much better than the wine he usually drinks, and he found that this wine does not hurt his body at all, which is a good thing.

"Jing'er, you are a filial girl, I don't know which family's children will be cheaper in the future."

After Zhang Feng took Liu Jing's wine, he praised her incidentally.

Liu Jing's heart was as sweet as honey when she heard it, and she secretly glanced at Zhang Liang.

"A scheming bitch."

Seeing Liu Jing making Zhang Feng so happy, Chu Tian bit her chopsticks and rattled.

She even forgot to curry favor with Zhang Feng, now that she didn't have the medicinal wine produced, it was too late to curry favor with her.

Chu Tian was so angry because of this, she was very unhappy.

Zhang Feng was happy tonight, and led everyone to drink a lot of wine, even Zhang Liang was not spared to drink a few glasses with him.

His capacity for alcohol was not bad, and after a few drinks, he still didn't feel drunk at all, but Liu Jing and the girls couldn't hold on anymore, so he had to help the two girls into the room to rest.

After arranging for everyone to rest, he returned to his room.

"I don't know how the painting space has changed."

Zhang Liang has been very busy these two days, and has no time to visit the painting space.

However, he guessed that after he accidentally broke through to the third floor of the Art of Longevity in the underground space, there should be some changes in the painting space.

Thinking of this, he returned to the room and entered the painting space.

"My God, this change is too big."

As soon as he entered the painting space, Zhang Liang was stunned by the scene in the painting space.

Because the painting space is really beautiful now, and the area has also expanded a lot.

In the past, there was only clear water and blue sky in the painting space, but now there are countless flowers blooming outside the blue sea and blue sky. There is a feeling of a hundred flowers blooming inside, and there is a faint fragrance in the space.

Just smelling the fragrance faintly, Zhang Liang felt refreshed for a while.

"Is there painting energy in this fragrance?"

Zhang Liang seemed to feel the unusualness of this fragrance.

He took a deep breath, experienced this fragrance again, and then he found that there was really painting energy in this fragrance.

"Now the painting energy in the painting space seems to be much more than usual. Could it be that the painting space can generate painting energy by itself?"

Zhang Liang muttered.

If this is the case, then he will not need jade to increase the total amount of energy in his painting energy, because the energy here can be generated by himself.

Of course, Zhang Liang is still not sure whether the flowers inside can produce medicinal energy by themselves, and he will have to wait for a while to observe.

Then, his gaze was placed on the pavilion in the distance.

The pavilion in the distance has changed from two floors to three floors.

Zhang Liang guessed that he should be able to go up to the second floor now, after all his strength has broken through to the third floor of the Longevity Art.

Thinking of this, he came to the bottom of the pavilion without haste, and then walked towards that layer of light curtain.

When he walked in front of the light curtain, he stretched out a hand reflexively, and touched the light curtain.

"Go in."

For a moment, Zhang Liang felt his hand penetrate the light curtain, and the moment he penetrated the light curtain, a warm feeling came from the depths of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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