super farm

Chapter 286 Will You Marry Me

Chapter 286 Will You Marry Me
"As expected of my military advisor!"

Li Shi was overjoyed when he heard Zou Zhi's words.

There is absolutely no problem with this matter. He continued to order: "Okay, this matter will be done like this. I will give you full authority to handle this matter. Once this matter is completed, you will be settled in Dongwan Village. I am willing to give you 30.00% of the shares of Shima Travel Agency in Dongwan Village."

If you want the horse to run, you have to feed the horse. Li Shi still understands this truth very well.

"Okay, I will do my best to do this well."

When Zou Zhi heard that Li Shi was going to give him 30.00% of the shares of Shima Travel Agency in Dongwan Village, he felt as if he had been beaten.

He is still very optimistic about the tourism industry in Dongwan Village.


Li Shi waved his hand.

Anyway, there is no chance of cooperating with Dongwan Village now. If Zou Zhi can let him establish in-depth cooperation with Dongwan Village, he will be considered as giving Zou Zhi 30.00% of the shares, but the other 70.00% of the shares can be regarded as his picking up. Come, he is not bad.

It was night, as cool as water.

"Zhang Liang, come with me?"

Just after dinner, Liu Jing came to Zhang Liang's side and looked at him expectantly.

Seeing Liu Jing, Zhang Liang didn't seem to be in a particularly high mood, so he asked curiously, "Squad leader, are you worried?"

"Let's talk as we go!"

After Liu Jing finished speaking, she walked directly outside the courtyard.

Zhang Liang followed.

Chu Tian went back to the city first because of something at home, otherwise Liu Jing would not have the chance to take a walk with Zhang Liang alone tonight, and Chu Tian would definitely follow her.

Soon after, Liu Jing brought Zhang Liang to Yuzhuang.

Now the inner lake in Yuzhuang has become the most beautiful scenery in the village. Many times, everyone will take a walk on both sides of the inner lake.

"Squad leader, what's the matter?"

After Zhang Liang followed Liu Jing, he asked again.

"Zhang Liang, if I say I like you and want to marry you, will you marry me?"

Suddenly, Liu Jing turned around, looked at Zhang Liang with dark eyes, and her eyelashes were trembling slightly.

God knows how much courage it took for a girl to take the initiative to say such things to Zhang Liang.

"Squad leader, are you kidding me?"

Zhang Liang smiled embarrassingly.

Liu Jing's confession was too bold, so bold that he couldn't accept it.

Liu Jing's expression was very serious, very serious, as if she was saying the most sacred oath, "I'm not joking with you, I'm serious, just say whether you want to marry me."

"Squad leader, this joke is not funny at all."

Zhang Liang avoided Liu Jing's fiery gaze, and said, "I don't want to get married yet, let's think about it when I have a successful career."

When he said this, several images of women appeared in Zhang Liang's mind at the same time, and he really didn't know who to choose now.

"Well, I see."

The anticipation in Liu Jing's eyes dimmed, her figure looked a little lonely under the moonlight, and she said, "I know it's a bit sudden to say this to you now, but if possible, I really don't want to force you to express your opinion."

"Squad leader, I'm really sorry, our current relationship has not yet reached the point where we can talk about marriage." Zhang Liang apologized again.

"You don't have to say I'm sorry, I made things difficult for others."

Liu Jing shook her head and replied.

However, her heart was full of bitterness.

She understands that Zhang Liang is not yet in love with her, but she is very confident in her family background, figure, and knowledge. She originally thought that Zhang Liang would think about it if she said she wanted to marry Zhang Liang.

But I didn't want Zhang Liang to refuse so thoroughly.

"Squad leader, is your family urging you to get married?"

Zhang Liang actually knew Liu Jing quite well. If it was Liu Jing herself, she would never do such an impulsive thing. Thinking that Zhang Feng was also urging him to get married some time ago, Zhang Liang felt moved and asked.

"No, my parents are not in a hurry to get me married, but my grandma is old and not in good health. Her biggest wish is to watch me step into the palace of marriage."

"She's in the hospital now. I'm afraid she won't survive this disaster. I don't want to leave any regrets when I want her to go."

"That's why I want to marry you."

Liu Jing thought for a while, and finally told the truth.

"Why don't I follow you to see your grandma? By the way, isn't Dr. Sun here? I'll ask him to see your grandma?"

Zhang Liang heard that Liu Jing wanted to get married because of her grandma, and felt that Liu Jing was really a good and filial girl. At the same time, he was thinking, if Liu Jing's grandma was in good health, he would definitely be able to wait for her to get married in the future.

"It's useless!"

Liu Jing shook her head and said, "Birth, old age, sickness and death are the normal state of human beings. My grandma is too old. Even if Dr. Sun takes action, there is no way to keep the traces of time."

"However, if you are willing to visit my grandma, I won't refuse. Then you can pretend to be my boyfriend. Do you think it's okay?"

Liu Jing looked expectantly at Zhang Liang again.

Since you can't get married, at least let grandma know that she has a boyfriend, and the boyfriend is quite good.

"Okay, I can promise you about this."

Zhang Liang immediately agreed when he heard Liu Jing's words.

Although pretending to be Liu Jing's boyfriend would mean deceiving the old man, but this is a white lie. Zhang Liang also hopes that when the old man leaves, he can leave with a little peace of mind.

"Thank you!"

Liu Jing's beautiful eyes glowed again, and she looked at Zhang Liang who was next to her.

Some emotions in her heart were touched, and she suddenly wanted to throw herself into Zhang Liang's arms like this.

The moonlight shone on her body, Liu Jing was like a fairy, and time was frozen like this.

At this moment, Zhang Liang was in a daze, and he couldn't help but want to hug Liu Jing into his arms.

As if feeling the trace of affection in Zhang Liang's eyes, Liu Jing became a little nervous and didn't dare to look at Zhang Liang.


However, at this moment, there was the sound of stones splashing into the water in the distance.

This tranquility was suddenly broken like this.

Both Zhang Liang and Liu Jing quickly came to their senses.

Liu Jing stomped her feet angrily.

Maybe she was able to establish a real relationship with Zhang Liang just now. Where did the voice come from, so that such a good atmosphere was broken.

She was so angry.

Zhang Liang felt a little embarrassed when he thought that he almost wanted to hug Liu Jing just now, so he said, "I'll go and see what the sound is."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Liang quickly ran away.

Seeing Zhang Liang running away, Liu Jing gritted her teeth angrily, and sat in the gazebo next to her sullenly.


After Zhang Liang ran away, he suddenly noticed the scene in the distance, and couldn't help but cursed.

(End of this chapter)

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