super farm

Chapter 300 Am I Rich?

Chapter 300 Am I Rich?

"Really? Do you think you have a chance to call the police?"

A cold light flashed across Zhang Liang's eyes, and then he laughed jokingly.

Nie Yuanhong really wanted to take out his mobile phone to call the police, but after looking at Zhu Kun on the ground, he didn't have the courage to take out the phone again.

Even a character like Zhu Kun was deposed by Zhang Liang. If he made Zhang Liang unhappy, then he would end up in the same end as Zhu Kun, or even worse.

"What do you want?" Nie Yuanhong gritted his teeth and asked.

"Tell me the details of how you dealt with Meili. Remember, you only have one chance. If you don't satisfy me with what you said, you won't survive tonight."

When Zhang Liang was talking, he took out his mobile phone, clicked on the recording button, and threw the mobile phone on the coffee table next to him.

"What are you recording for?"

Nie Yuanhong was not sure about Zhang Liang for a while, and dared not tell the truth.

"You, go and slap him twice."

Seeing that Nie Yuanhong was not particularly cooperative, Zhang Liang gave Nie Yuanhong's little mistress Nian Nian an order.

"I...I won't hit people!"

Nian Nian had also been terrified by Zhang Liang a long time ago. She had been hiding in the corner beside her trembling just now, but now she heard that Zhang Liang asked her to smoke Nie Yuanhong, how could she dare.

"You don't know how to beat people, so I'll let someone beat you." Zhang Liang said coldly.

Gritting her teeth, Nian Nian walked towards Nie Yuanhong next to her.

"Smelly woman, do you dare to do anything to me?" Seeing that Nian Nian was really walking towards him, Nie Yuanhong was instantly furious and roared.

"Nie Dong, don't blame him, if he doesn't beat you, he will be beaten."

Nian Nian whispered and said, the voice sounded very weak, making people want to protect.

After finishing speaking, Nian Nian slapped Nie Yuanhong.

"you dare!"

Seeing this, Nie Yuanhong slapped Nian Nian back.

Nian Nian screamed in shock and closed her eyes.

However, the slap Nie Yuanhong imagined did not land on her face. She opened her eyes and found a young man pinching Nie Yuanhong's wrist, and then slapped her with the other hand. It was on Nie Yuanzhen's face.

"If you dare to fight back, I will make your life worse than death."

The young man gave a warning, then looked at Nian Nian again, and ordered, "Do it."

"Nie Yuanhong, I have been with you for so many years, and you are really willing to beat me at a critical moment. You are fine. Look, I won't beat you to death."

After what happened just now, Nian Nian's friendship with Nie Yuanhong has long since disappeared. She rushed towards Nie Yuanhong and slapped him non-stop.

Because Nie Yuanhong was slapped by Zhang Liang just now, he knew that there would be no good results for his resistance, after Nian Nian slapped him a few times, he suddenly shouted: "Zhang Liang, tell her to stop, I confess, I confess. "

Zhang Liang turned the recording back on and signaled Nie Yuanhong to start.

Afterwards, Nie Yuanhong explained everything about dealing with Mei Li in detail.

After Zhang Liang heard Nie Yuanhong's words, he had the urge to beat him up again.

It turned out that the other party's dealing with Meili was far from what they did tonight. There were people who robbed Meili's purse and schoolbag at school, played hooliganism on Meili, etc...

"This girl, who was wronged at school, didn't even tell me."

Zhang Liang suppressed the anger in his heart, took the recording in his hand, then looked at Zhao Xiuxiu, who was still slapping, and ordered, "Okay, call the police."

Things can't be better tonight, either he dies or Nie Yuanhong dies.

Otherwise, when he is no longer in the city, Mei Li will definitely be bullied. The best way is to let the police take Nie Yuanhong away.

Zhang Liang recorded the recording just now to get evidence from Nie Yuanhong.

"and many more!"

Hearing that Zhang Liang was going to call the police, Nie Yuanhong was frightened.

Based on the voice recorded by Zhang Liang just now, once he is handed over to the police, the police will definitely be able to confirm his crime. Then he probably will end up like his son Nie Duo in the future, and be sent inside.

"Can you not call the police, I have money, I am willing to give you money, I am willing to compensate Meili, I assure you, I will not cause any trouble for her in the future." Nie Yuanhong quickly assured Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang glanced at Nie Yuanhong, his eyes full of disdain.

"Are you rich? Do I have money? I have billions."

"You compensated Meili. After being injured, what's the point of talking about compensation?"

"As for your guarantee, do you think your guarantee is reliable for people like you?"

"I'll send you inside, so you don't have to worry about anything. Can you give me a reason not to call the police?"

Nie Yuanhong's face turned pale from Zhang Liang's question. His legs softened and he sat down on the ground.

He knew that his life was over.

Zhao Xiuxiu looked at Zhang Liang, hesitated for a moment, took out her mobile phone, and dialed the police number.

Soon, the police came, and Zhang Liang handed over the relevant recordings to the police, and the police began to collect evidence. In the end, Nie Yuanhong was identified as a crime and was taken away by the police.

"Now Meili should be able to go to school properly."

After leaving Nie Yuanhong's house, Zhang Liang couldn't help stretching, finally solving a problem.


There is an announcement in the school.

Nie Yuanhong took advantage of his status as a member of the school board to hire someone to trouble Mei Li in private, which caused great physical and mental harm to Mei Li. In view of this, Nie Yuanhong was expelled from the school board. I am sorry for everything, and the school will take certain compensation measures for Meili.

When this news came out, it caused an uproar in the school.

Moreover, after inquiring in private, everyone found out that Nie Yuanhong had already been sentenced, and they were even more embarrassed.

"Brother Liang, did you do all this for me?"

When Mei Li saw the school's bright red notice, her eyes misted.

She didn't know how Zhang Liang dealt with Nie Yuanhong, but the result now was that Nie Yuanhong was dealt with, and she could study in school without any worries in the future.

And all of this was done for her by Zhang Liang, and she was really touched.

Thinking of this, she called Zhang Liang.

"Brother Liang, thank you, where are you, I want to find you."

Mei Li really couldn't help herself, she just wanted to see Zhang Liang as soon as possible, she really wanted to throw herself into his arms, and really wanted to completely integrate herself with Zhang Liang.

"Study hard, I have already returned to my hometown."

Zhang Liang grinned and replied.

Of course, he didn't really go home, he still had to gamble with stones. In this way, I just didn't want Meili to worry too much, so that she could study hard.

(End of this chapter)

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