super farm

Chapter 417 I am waiting for you here

Chapter 417 I am waiting for you here
There is a reason why Miao Fengfeng can be deeply liked by Zhou Fengliu.

Just like Miao Fengfeng is willing to take the initiative to find a woman for Zhou Fengliu now, if it were any other woman, she would definitely not be willing to help her lover find a woman, so she is looking for her rival in love.

But Miao Fengfeng didn't mind, she was happy to help Zhou Shao find all kinds of beauties.

Today's Yang Siqian has a very elegant aura, she has never seen such a temperamental woman, and Yang Siqian is very beautiful, she believes that Zhou Fengliu will definitely like it.

"Young Master Zhou, she is much more beautiful than others, and she has a very elegant temperament, which is really a perfect match for you, Young Master Zhou."

Miao Fengfeng drew circles on Zhou Fengliu's chest with her little finger, and said at the same time: "Young Master Zhou, can you forget the old one when you have a new one? If someone finds a beautiful woman for you, you will love the new and hate the old."


Zhou Fengliu laughed loudly, slapped Miao Fengfeng's buttocks, and signaled her to put on her clothes.

He couldn't wait to meet the woman Miao Fengfeng was talking about.


Miao Fengfeng glanced at Zhou Fengliu with beautiful eyes, and continued: "She said her name is Yang Siqian, and she contacted you more than an hour ago, and she is the owner of Xianghai Restaurant."

"Oh, Yang Siqian?"

Zhou Fengliu recalled it for a while, and suddenly remembered that a woman called him not long ago, and that woman's voice was indeed very elegant and pleasant. He had an impression of this woman, and he still fancied her for a while in his heart.

Originally, she couldn't tell a beauty or ugliness from the voice, but now Miao Fengfeng saw the real person, and she said that Yang Siqian was very elegant and beautiful, and Zhou Fengliu had an idea in his heart instantly.

He asked, "by the way, go and invite her to my office."

"Young Master Zhou, she came with her and a colleague, a man." Miao Fengfeng reminded.

"Hehe, you just need to accompany that man to me."

Zhou Fengliu blinked at Miao Fengfeng.

Miao Fengfeng understood instantly, giggled, and walked out of Zhou Fengliu's office directly.

Soon, she appeared in the VIP room on the right again, and said, "Sorry, I kept you two waiting for so long."

After she finished speaking, her eyes fell on Yang Siqian, and she said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, our young master Zhou said that she has an impression of you. He didn't want to talk about cooperation with you at first, but seeing you I'm here, and I don't want you to make this trip in vain, so I just forced to meet you, and the middle man said a lot of good things to Young Master Zhou."

She understands Zhou Fengliu's thoughts very well, and now deliberately tells Yang Siqian that it is difficult, just to give Yang Siqian a not-so-good start first, and let Yang Siqian know that it is not easy to achieve her goal.

In this way, Zhou Fengliu has the capital to blackmail Yang Siqian.

"I really trouble you, Fengfeng."

Yang Siqian felt a little sorry when she heard that Miao Fengfeng had exerted a lot of strength in the middle, so she stood up and bowed slightly to Miao Fengfeng.

"No trouble, this is what I should do. By the way, Mr. Yang, please come here, I will take you to see our young master Zhou."

Miao Fengfeng said something modestly, and then led Yang Siqian to go outside.

Yang Siqian said to Zhang Liang next to her, "Zhang Liang, let's go together."

Xianghai Restaurant is owned by two people. Since we are talking about cooperation, it is natural for two people to talk together.


Zhang Liang nodded and stood up.

Miao Fengfeng who was next to him quickly added: "Mr. Yang, our young master Zhou doesn't want to meet strangers. You are willing to meet you because you have contacted him on the phone and he has an impression of you. If you bring you He may not be happy if he goes with his friends."

Yang Siqian looked at Zhang Liang, feeling a little embarrassed.

In fact, she didn't know Zhou Fengliu either. Zhou Fengliu's phone number was pushed to her by another friend, so she contacted Zhou Fengliu on the phone.

"Sister Siqian, go alone, I'll wait for you here."

Zhang Liang didn't want to embarrass Yang Siqian, so he said to Yang Siqian.

"Well, wait for me to come back."

Yang Siqian nodded, and told Miao Fengfeng next to her, "Fengfeng, let's go."

The corners of Miao Fengfeng's lips curled up, and she led Yang Siqian towards Zhou Fengliu's office.

Not long after, she pushed open the door of Zhou Fengliu's office, and said with a smile, "Young Master Zhou, Mr. Yang Siqian is here."

"Hehe, Mr. Yang, hello!"

Zhou Fengliu raised his head, and instantly found Yang Siqian next to Miao Fengfeng, his eyes lit up suddenly, and even his breathing was a little short.

Beautiful, beautiful, really beautiful.

This woman really won his favor.

He quickly stood up from his seat, walked to Yang Siqian's side, and offered his hand.

"Young Master Zhou, hello!"

Yang Siqian also stretched out her hand and held Zhou Fengliu's hand together.

Zhou Fengliu's other hand suddenly held Yang Siqian's hand, looking very enthusiastic, and said with a smile: "Mr. Yang really made me hit it off at first sight, I suddenly remembered a female classmate of mine in high school, who looks so much like you .”

When his other hand rested on the back of Yang Siqian's hand, he could only feel that the skin on the back of Yang Siqian's hand was as thick as fat. The smoothness of the skin was many times better than Miao Fengfeng's.

The two are really not on the same level.

If Miao Fengfeng is a pheasant, then Yang Siqian is a phoenix.

Seeing Zhou Fengliu holding her own with both hands, Yang Siqian frowned slightly, and then pulled her hand out of Zhou Fengliu's hand.

Only then did Zhou Fengliu pretend to realize something was wrong, and apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Yang, I was a little excited just now, come on, please sit here, and I'll make you tea."

"Then it's troublesome Zhou Shao."

Yang Siqian was not polite with Zhou Shao, she sat down beside her and let Zhou Fengliu make tea for herself.

While making tea for Yang Siqian, Zhou Fengliu winked at Miao Fengfeng next to her, and said, "Fengfeng, if you don't have anything else to do, go down first."

"Yes, Young Master Zhou, Mr. Yang, then I'll go entertain your friend first."

Miao Fengfeng responded, and her eyes fell on Yang Siqian next to her.

"It's troublesome."

Yang Siqian responded.

After Miao Fengfeng went out, the corners of Miao Fengfeng's lips became more curved.

"Come on, Mr. Yang, drink tea. This is the best Dahongpao here. Most people can't drink it if they want to. You are lucky today."

Zhou Fengliu washed the tea leaves with hot water first, and then began to make the first tea for Yang Siqian.

After the tea was ready, he poured Yang Siqian a cup of tea, but he didn't intend to chat with Yang Siqian.

Yang Siqian came to him today, she must have something to ask of him, so naturally he would not take the initiative to ask.

Because of the current situation, whoever speaks is passive.

(End of this chapter)

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