super farm

Chapter 425 Abnormal Wangfu

Chapter 425 Abnormal Wangfu

"Zhang Liang, if my dog ​​really disappears, let me tell you, you have to pay my family at least 5000 yuan."

"My dog ​​is a purebred dog. Five thousand is not enough, at least eight thousand."

"My dog ​​is worth ten thousand."


Everyone continues to denounce Zhang Liang here.

"Zhou Lao Er, you are still shameless, your dog is only worth 500 yuan, and you want [-] yuan?"

The villagers of Dongwan Village and the villagers of Gaodi Village still had some contacts. Some people knew that the dog in Zhou Laoer's family was a native dog, and they asked Zhang Liang for 5000 yuan, which was shameless.

"Hmph, my dog ​​has been raised by me, how can it be possible for 500 yuan?"

Zhou Laoer snorted coldly and replied.

"It's worth [-] yuan if I have developed feelings. Then I also raised pigs. Did I say that the pigs I raised have also developed feelings, and they are worth [-] yuan. Do you accept them?" the villagers of Dongwan Village sarcastically said .

"How can a pig compare to a dog?" Zhou Laoer replied.

"Okay, you all stop arguing. Now, let me investigate the situation first. If your dog is lost because of my family's Wangfu, I will pay [-] per dog."

Zhang Liang interrupted the quarrel, looked at Yang Guixin, and said, "Mr. Yang, take the people from your village back first. If you surround me like this, the people from our village will also come around. Everyone still Do you want to work?"

"Zhang Liang, don't think that you can mess around if you have money. I hope you will give us an explanation as soon as possible, otherwise the people in our village will destroy the land you rented in our Gaodi Village."

Yang Guixin took a deep look at Zhang Liang and threatened.

"Mr. Yang, are you sure you want to destroy my land?"

What Zhang Liang hates the most is being threatened by others. Now that Yang Guixin threatened him in such a way, he was a little angry.

Yang Guixin sensed that Zhang Liang was angry, and he said awkwardly, "Hehe, don't take it seriously, I'll just talk, just talk."

Now Zhang Liang hasn’t planted crops in their village, and they haven’t learned Zhang Liang’s planting techniques. If they really get into trouble with Zhang Liang now, and Zhang Liang doesn’t send people to Gaodi Village to plant crops, then they will never learn. The planting technology in Zhang Liang's hands is no longer available.

This is naturally not the result Yang Guixin wanted.

Only when he learned the crop planting techniques in Zhang Liang's hands would he turn against Zhang Liang.

After Yang Guixin finished laughing, he left with the people from Gaodi Village.

"Thank you everyone for cheering me on. Let's go, everyone, what should I do?"

After Yang Guixin and others left, Zhang Liang bowed his hands to the villagers who came to cheer for him.

"Boss, you are our God of Wealth now, whoever wants to bully you, we will not agree."

"Yes, without you, where would we have a good life now, and how could you be bullied?"

"Liangzi, there is no need to thank you. We are one village, so we should be united."


Everyone smiled at Zhang Liang, then left in twos and threes, and started busying with their own affairs again.

After everyone left, Zhang Liang started to look for Wangfu.

"Where is the dead dog, he went home to eat chicken legs."

Zhang Liang yelled as he walked, and yelled around the village, but he didn't find any trace of Wangfu.

"Forget it, I don't bother to care about you anymore. When you go home, I think I have to buy an iron chain to lock you up."

Zhang Liang muttered to himself alone.

Wangfu, who was walking from afar, couldn't help but shuddered when he heard Zhang Liang talking to himself.

Be good to me, it went out to have a fling last night, and the owner actually wants to put it in a dog leash, it's too bullying to the dog.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu protested dissatisfied immediately, and ran towards Zhang Liang.

"Where were you last night?"

Zhang Liang looked at Wang Fu coldly.

Wangfu didn't dare to look directly into Zhang Liang's eyes, avoided Zhang Liang's gaze, and barked.

Master, the dog is hungry, can you give the dog a trotter?No, two chicken legs are fine.

"You still want to eat? If you don't tell me the truth, I won't let you eat in the future."

Zhang Liang sneered and walked towards home.

Wang Fu followed behind Zhang Liang, quite tangled.

After Zhang Liang returned home, he came to Wangfu's kennel and took away the remaining dog food in the kennel.

"Wang Wang~"

Seeing this, Wangfu bared his teeth and blocked Zhang Liang's way of leaving.

Master, put down the dog's dog food, if you don't put it down, the dog's family will be angry.

Wangfu roared inwardly, the owner is really too much, let alone give him food, and now he has taken all the dog food away for himself, it is too bullying to the dog family.

"Yo, what, you still threatened me?"

Zhang Liang was immediately amused by Wangfu, hooked his fingers at Wangfu, and said with a smile: "Come on, let's play and see who can beat who."

Wangfu instantly confessed, and shrank to the side tiredly.

Although it is very powerful, it can feel that there is a majestic force in its master's body. If it wants to fight Zhang Liang, it probably only has to be beaten.

Seeing that Wangfu had given up, Zhang Liang showed a satisfied smile, and continued walking inside with the dog food.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu became a little anxious this time, it quickly ran in front of Zhang Liang, and then rubbed against his leg.

Master, I was wrong, I stopped running around, just ask whatever you want, the dog will tell you everything.

Only then did Zhang Liang stand still, and then he said, "Okay, then tell me, what did you do in Gaodi Village last night? Where did the dogs in Gaodi Village go?"

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu called twice and began to answer.

Master, the dog family didn't do anything bad, just took these dogs out to find something to eat, and they have gone back now.


Zhang Liang asked uncertainly.

This dog is very clever now and often lies in front of him, so he doesn't believe this dead dog.


Wangfu nodded vigorously.

"Come on, let's go back to Gaodi Village to have a look."

After Zhang Liang finished speaking, he really walked outside the courtyard.

Wangfu cried immediately, why does the owner not trust the dog family so much?Are dogs like lying dogs?
"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu cried out again.

Master, in fact, those dogs did not come home. I took them to a certain place at the foot of the mountain. The dog's family even gave them a lamb and let them eat mutton there.

"Take me there."

Zhang Liang opened his mouth and ordered.

This guy really knows how to play. He abducted a group of dogs. No wonder people from Gaodi Village came to trouble him.

"Master, can you not go? The dog's family is hungry, can you let the dog's family eat something first."

"Looks like I'm going to buy a chain."

Zhang Liang muttered, and said, "Let's go, go to the hardware store in the county seat, and buy a special dog leash. Ordinary dog ​​leashes won't tie you down."

(End of this chapter)

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