super farm

Chapter 438 You won't die if you don't do it

Chapter 438 You won't die if you don't do it
"Then trouble Master Li and others to intercede for Zhang Liang, and I will stand up and intercede for him. I only hope that Master He can give you face."

Lu Zheng originally belonged to a warrior, and he still understands the world of warriors.

Now Master Li can stand up for the Lu family, or for Zhang Liang, but standing out and working hard are two different things.


Hearing Master Li's words, Lu Zheng nodded.

While the two were talking, a figure walked out of the Yuanshan Mansion without haste.

When everyone saw this figure, all eyes were focused on him.

This figure is the absolute protagonist tonight.

Everyone was very curious about what kind of hole card Zhang Liang had. He dared to snatch food from the tiger's mouth and compete with Master He for the auction items.

I simply don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

When Zhang Liang walked out, a figure in the distance moved.

After that figure stood up, he walked towards Zhang Liang without any haste.

When Zhang Liang was not far away, the voice snorted coldly and said, "Boy, I didn't expect you to dare to come out? I thought you were going to hide inside until dawn."

"Hide, why should I hide?"

Zhang Liang looked at Master He, and said calmly: "The auction house bids fairly. You want to use your status as a martial artist to suppress other people. Others will follow you, but I will not follow you."

"Auctions, since ancient times, the highest bidder wins. Since you didn't bid a higher price, the auction item will naturally belong to me."

"Why, because I made you unhappy at the auction site, you are now going to kill people and steal money, don't you even want the face of a warrior?"

Zhang Liang's words were relatively gentle at the beginning, but at the end, they were almost questioning.

The eyes of the people in the distance twitched.

Dare to say these words, it will pierce the sky.

When Master He heard Zhang Liang's words, his face turned livid.

"Boy, are you forcing me to kill you?"

Originally, he cared about the feelings of the warriors tonight, as long as Zhang Liang handed over the things, he didn't expect that now Zhang Liang would scold him for being shameless in front of so many people.

Now that he has troubled Zhang Liang, he is shameless.

Since riding a tiger is difficult now, it is better to attack Zhang Liang.

"Master Li, come with me."

When Lu Zheng heard Zhang Liang's words, he felt his head turn black.

My boss is too awesome, even Master He dares to hate, don't you want to die?
Lu Zheng said something to Master Li, trotted quickly to Master He, and said with a smile: "Master He, I am Lu Zheng from the Lu family, and Zhang Liang is my boss. I hope you can take care of me. Don't argue with him, I will persuade him to take out the shield and give it to you, what do you think?"

"What are you, I need to give you face?"

After Lu Zheng's words came out, Master He gave him no face at all, and gave Lu Zheng a cold shout.

Although Lu is the young master of the Lu family, as a first-class martial artist, even if he doesn't give the Lu family face, the Lu family dare not do anything to him.

Lu Zheng's face immediately became a little ugly.

He never thought that Master He would not use his face at all.

"Master He, calm down. I apologize to you on behalf of my young master. In addition, this Zhang Liang is my young master's brother. He didn't mean to offend you. He just doesn't know how to behave. I hope Give me a face, don't worry about these young juniors, I will ask Zhang Liang to hand over the things that Zhang Liang took tonight, and give them all to you, what do you think?"

At this time, Master Li also appeared beside Lu Zheng, he cupped his hands at Master He, and said.

When everyone saw Master Li appearing, they immediately shook their heads and sighed.

With Master Li coming forward, Master He will definitely give him face. I am afraid that this fight tonight will not be able to be fought.

Sure enough, when everyone was thinking this way, Master He said: "Since Master Li is begging, I will naturally give you this face. You can ask this kid to hand over the mysterious bead and the overseas shield. Hand over these two things, and I will cancel all the grievances and grievances with him tonight."

Master Li is also a first-rate martial artist, if it is not a last resort, Master He is not willing to offend too much.

Moreover, Master Li has come to intercede, which can be regarded as giving him a step down, as long as he can get the things in his hands, that's enough.

"Then thank you, Master He."

Master Li cupped his hands again to Master He, then he looked at Zhang Liang and said, "Zhang Liang, give Master He what you took tonight, my young master will make up for your loss. "

Anyway, the Lu family was not short of money, so he estimated that Lu Zheng wouldn't care about such a small amount of money.

"Master Li, thank you for coming forward to rescue me, but these two things are really important to me, and I don't want to hand them over." Zhang Liang shook his head firmly.

After hearing the first half of Zhang Liang's sentence, everyone thought that tonight's dispute would be calmed down like this, but after hearing the second half of Zhang Liang's sentence, everyone was so shocked that they fell asleep and woke up.

It's a gorgeous reversal.

"Wow Cao, if you don't do it, you won't die. This kid can really do it."

"If he doesn't die here tonight, I, Zhu Dachang, will write my name upside down."

"I don't accept the water and soil, so I will obey him."


Everyone didn't expect Master Li to come forward, but Zhang Liang didn't appreciate it. This pushed tonight's live version of the theater to a climax.

Those who were about to leave came back one after another, ready to watch the next good show.

Master He's eyes were extremely gloomy.

He didn't expect that even though he gave Zhang Liang the steps, Zhang Liang was still unwilling to step down the steps.

"Master Li, since this kid doesn't know good from bad, then don't blame me and someone tonight. If you want to stand up for him tonight, you will be my enemy."

Master Li's face was also ugly, he came out to intercede and settled the matter, but the person involved, Zhang Liang, still refused to let him go. This kind of idiot deserves to be beaten to death.

Lu Zheng also died.

He did everything he should do, but Zhang Liang still didn't want to appreciate it.

"Master Li, please make a move tonight. As long as you can save my boss tonight, I am willing to give you the villa in Kaiyuan County."

In the end, Lu Zheng gritted his teeth and said.

Master Li's eyes lit up when he heard about the villa in Kaiwan County.

That villa is worth hundreds of millions, and it can't be bought with money. When the Lu family built that villa, they invited a world-class designer to design it, and the materials used were very rare.

It is absolutely heaven on earth.

Although they are warriors, people will die sooner or later, and they are still greedy for pleasure.

Thinking of this, he said, "Deal."

(End of this chapter)

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