super farm

Chapter 457

Chapter 457
In the next few days, there were no major changes in Dongwan Village.

Zhang Liang also had a few days of relaxed and comfortable days in the village.

Of course, Dongwan Village has not changed, but the paddy field has changed. Everyone has discovered that the rice seedlings that have been sown for a few days now have grown as high as chopsticks.

According to this speed of sowing, I am afraid that it will only take a month for the rice to be harvested.

Normally sowing in spring and harvesting in autumn, this rice can be harvested in just one month. It really surprised everyone, but at the same time, it was within their expectation.

Because everyone has witnessed many miracles in the village.

For example, ordinary vegetables can be harvested after only ten days of planting; fruit seedlings can bear fruit in just over a month; chickens, ducks, etc. can grow up after being fed for a month.

They all understood that it was because of Zhang Liang's special nutrient solution.

Everyone in the village knew that the water in the inner lake must be Zhang Liang's so-called nutrient solution, but none of them tried to steal the nutrient solution in the inner lake.

These villagers are very simple, and now Zhang Liang has led everyone to become rich, and no one is ungrateful.

Everyone is now wholeheartedly willing to follow Zhang Liang to do things.

In addition to the relatively large changes in rice seedlings, the [-] mu of land in Gaodi Village has also undergone great changes. The sugarcane originally planted in this [-] mu of land was directly buried in the soil, but it has only been a few days since then. In a few days, the sugarcane seedlings have grown as tall as a human.

Zhao An himself had grown sugarcane before, and he knew that it would take several months for sugarcane to mature. In just a few days, these sugarcane seedlings were as tall as a human head, and these sugarcane seedlings were not only as tall as a human head, but also Very thick, its thickness is now as thick as bamboo.

He couldn't imagine how thick the sugarcane would be after the sugarcane seedlings had fully grown into sugarcane.

"What is the reason why Zhang Liang's sugar cane grows so well?"

Zhao An was puzzled.

He remembered that the methods he used to grow these sugar canes were the same as those he used before, the only difference was that he watered these sugar canes.

"Could it be that the reason why these sugarcanes can grow so well is because of the water they poured?"

Zhao An was not stupid, and soon he guessed that it was the water he poured.

"Li Daqiang, do you want to do something big?"

Zhao An thought for a while in his bungalow, looked at Li Daqiang next to him, and asked.

"Do big things, what big things do you do?"

Li Daqiang looks more honest, of course, he is also more honest, he didn't understand what Zhao An said, but asked.

Zhao An asked with a smile: "How about we sell dog meat on the wolf's head, help Zhang Liang do things, and earn our own money at the same time?"

He is very confident in Li Daqiang's promise to himself. No one can refuse the temptation of getting money. Li Daqiang will definitely be tempted and agree.

"While doing things for the boss, earning your own money at the same time?"

After Li Daqiang muttered a few times, he waved his hands again and again and said: "No, Brother An, I can't do things that are sorry for the boss. Your behavior is detrimental to the boss. I hope you don't mention it again. If you mention it again, I will stop it." Go tell the boss."

Although he is honest, it does not mean that he is stupid.

Now Zhao An wants to earn Zhang Liang's salary to do his own thing, how can he agree?

"Hehe, I'm just joking with you, and you take it seriously."

Zhao Anqian laughed twice, and couldn't help but reply: "You keep the land here, I'll go to Dongwan Village and report to the boss about the work here."

Normally, Zhao An is in charge of the sugar cane planting here, and Li Daqiang next to him is just working with him. If there is any problem here, he has to report to Zhang Liang.


Li Daqiang nodded very honestly.

"What a fool!"

After receiving Li Daqiang's affirmative answer, Zhao An left the fence, and when he was far away, he cursed Li Daqiang in a low voice.

Originally, he wanted to get Li Daqiang to make a fortune together, but this guy didn't want to make a fortune with him, and wanted to report him.

This kind of person is doomed to be poor all his life.

After Zhao An left the fence, he didn't really go to Dongwan Village, but went straight to the village committee of Gaodi Village.

Boom boom boom!
After Zhao An came to the village committee, he knocked on the door of the village committee.

Not long after, a weak voice from the village committee asked, "Who is it?"

"Hi, may I ask if the person inside is Yang Guixin, the village chief of Gaodi Village?" Zhao An had already found out that the village chief of Gaodi Village was called Yang Guixin, but he didn't know who was staying in the village committee now. .

"who are you?"

There was another weak voice from inside.

"Hello, my name is Zhao An, and I want to talk to you about something."

Soon, Zhao An's answer sounded outside.

Hearing Zhao An's word, Yang Guixin's eyes suddenly lit up, and he lifted his spirits, and then he opened the door of the village committee, and said with a smile: "Come on, little brother Zhao An, you Please come in."

Of course he knew who Zhao An was.

In the past few days, his son Yang Daming has been watching Zhao An and Li Daqiang during the day, wanting to see how Zhao An and Yang Daming grow sugar cane.

As a result, his son found nothing during the day.

He was thinking that Zhang Liang must have told Zhao An to work secretly at night, so he stayed in Zhao An's bungalow at night.

The purpose is to see if there is any change in Zhao An.

As a result, after staring at it for several days, he found that Zhao An would start watching TV and then go to bed at night.

However, he did not give up and continued to stare at Zhao An. He believed that Zhao An would act one day.

Once this opportunity is missed, their Yang family will miss the opportunity to make a fortune.

That's why he looks weak now.

Because he kept staring at Zhao An at night, he could only sleep in the village committee during the day.

He wanted to take the initiative to talk to Zhao An about cooperation, but he was afraid that Zhao An belonged to Zhang Liang, so he revealed the matter to Zhang Liang. When Zhang Liang didn't want to rent their village, they would suffer a great loss.

He dared not take any chances.

But it's different now.

Now Zhao An took the initiative to find him. No matter what the reason was, at least he had the possibility to talk to Zhao An, and he could test Zhao An.

If Zhao An is willing to cooperate with him, then once Zhao An brings out the technology he learned from Zhang Liang, the entire Gaodi Village will also be able to make a fortune.

Thinking of this, Yang Guixin was very excited, and said: "I don't know what the little brother Zhao An has come to our village committee. Is it because people from our village have caused you trouble?"

(End of this chapter)

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