super farm

Chapter 459 The school is completed

Chapter 459 The school is completed
Although it will be more troublesome and hard work to carry water at night, Yang Guixin is willing to try if he can make a lot of money.

"Okay, then let's talk about it like this. Remember this matter, don't tell anyone, if we are found out, we will have no money in the future." Zhao An told Yang Guixin before returning to the highland Village fenced area.

Now he has been in the village committee of Gaodi Village for a long time, if he does not go back, it is likely to arouse Li Daqiang's suspicion.

Zhang Liang didn't know that Zhao An had teamed up with Yang Guixin and stole the painting energy water from his central pool. When he was about to find a place to build a garden, his cell phone rang.

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was Chen Can calling.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, what's the matter?" After answering the phone, Zhang Liang asked.

Chen Can replied to Zhang Liang: "Mr. Zhang, the school is almost finished. Why don't you bring Principal Zhou back to see if the school is still satisfactory?"

"So fast?" Zhang Liang was startled when he heard Chen Can's words.

He gave Chen Can ten days, and now it's only seven days. Chen Can repaired the school today.

"I was afraid that the students would be delayed from going to school, and after the school was repaired, the formaldehyde had to be removed, so I called my brother who was engaged in construction, and he brought over 20 people to do it together." Chen Can said to Zhang Liang.

"You are very thoughtful."

After Zhang Liang listened, he nodded slightly.

He also ignored the problem of formaldehyde at the beginning. These are elementary school students. If they absorb too much formaldehyde, it is indeed not good for their development.

It is much better to have a few days to remove formaldehyde now.

"Ha ha!"

Chen Can smiled and said, "Of course I care about your affairs."

"Okay, you're waiting for me at school, I'll take Principal Zhou over there to have a look." Zhang Liang nodded and agreed.

Then he found Principal Zhou who was fishing in Yuzhuang, and said, "Principal Zhou, the school is almost finished, do you want to go and have a look?"

Principal Zhou has been relatively free these days and has nothing to do, so he also caught fish.

Hearing Zhang Liang's words now, he immediately became excited.

"What did you say, the school was built? So fast?" Principal Zhou was as surprised as Zhang Liang.

"Well, it's fixed, let's go take a look?" Zhang Liang nodded for confirmation.

"Go, go and have a look."

Principal Zhou seemed very excited. He didn't even want a fishing rod, so he directly pulled Zhang Liang and walked towards the school.

"Old man, fishing rod."

Xia Xiaohui called out behind Principal Zhou, only then did Principal Zhou react, put away the fishing rod, and then led Zhang Liang to the school, Xia Xiaohui followed behind the two.

Zhang Liang thought for a while, and then simply called Zhang Zhijian and asked Zhang Zhijian to visit the school with himself and others.

Zhang Zhijian was quite surprised when he heard that the school had been repaired. He had never been to the school, so he soon came before Zhang Liang and the others, and the four went to the school together.

"Oh, this school is really beautiful!"

Not long after, Principal Zhou and others came not far from the school. He looked at the school and was so excited that he almost burst into tears.

Now this school is really a school. The old school was too dilapidated.

The current school is still built with red brick buildings, except for the foundation with concrete and steel bars, the upper part is made of red bricks.

There have been almost no earthquakes in Heitu Town, and there is no need to use reinforced concrete to build earthquake-resistant schools, and the conditions here do not allow it.

It is enough for students to have a sheltered place to study.

On the outside of the red brick classrooms, the walls are painted with gray, the walls are blue and white, giving people a feeling of white clouds in the sky, and the whole school looks full of vitality and hope.

The school was four times larger than before, and a three-story school was built, with the principal's office and the teacher's office inside.

At the same time, there is a separate house, which is the student canteen and student dormitory.

The construction of student dormitories is based on the consideration that some students are relatively remote and can stay in school.

"Mr. Zhang, Principal Zhou, do you think you are satisfied with this repair?" Chen Can came to the side of Zhang Liang and the others and asked.

"Satisfied, quite satisfied, you have worked hard, on behalf of all the students, thank you." Principal Zhou felt that this was like a school.

While speaking, he bowed to Chen Can with sincerity in his voice.

Chen Can did not dare to accept Principal Zhou's bow, and said, "Principal Zhou, if you want to thank you, you should also thank Mr. Zhang. We only work with money, and he paid for all the money to build this school." of."

"Yes, I forgot about it."

Principal Zhou slapped himself on the brain and scolded himself for being a little confused, then he bowed slightly to Zhang Liang who was next to him, and said, "Zhang Liang, I thank you on behalf of all the teachers and students."

How could Zhang Liang dare to ask Principal Zhou to bow, he supported Principal Zhou, and said: "Principal Zhou, I used to be a member of the school, and I was also a member of Heitu Town. I will make some contributions to the school and Heitu Town , isn't it a matter of course?"

"It would be great if everyone was as enlightened as you are." Hearing Zhang Liang's words, Principal Zhou couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The school also has two basketball courts, two badminton courts and several table tennis tables, which allow students to have recreational activities after class and enrich their spare time life.

Zhang Liang looked at the stadium, and suddenly said: "By the way, Principal Zhou, what stationery, sporting goods, art and music supplies do the students need? Give me a list, and I'll send someone to buy it for you. "

With a court, how can we do without basketball?

"Okay, I'll make the list to you later." Principal Zhou is very serious about the students' affairs, so now he is not ready to be polite with Zhang Liang.

It is a good thing that Zhang Liang has the ability to help these students.

Afterwards, everyone wandered around the school for a while. Now only the roof tiles of the school are still under construction, and the rest of the school is almost completely decorated.

"Mr. Zhang, the school needs to remove formaldehyde. In addition to industrial formaldehyde removal, it is better to have some vegetation that absorbs formaldehyde, so that formaldehyde can be removed more easily." Everyone walked around the school, and Chen Can came to Zhang Liang's In front of him, he opened his mouth and said.

"Well, let me handle the vegetation, and you don't have to worry about it. You should implement the industrial formaldehyde removal here."

Zhang Liang nodded in agreement.

He thought that Zhang Dajun happened to be engaged in flower art and potted plants, so it was just right for him to hand over the plants needed in the school to him.

(End of this chapter)

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