super farm

Chapter 467

Chapter 467
"Don't people change?"

Zhang Liang laughed and explained: "This society will eventually force us to grow up. If you want not to be bullied, then you must have the ability to bully others."

"Just like tonight, if I don't have any skills, not only will I be beaten tonight, but you will also be humiliated, won't you?"

"You're right. Society forces us to grow up. I've actually changed a lot, but I found that you haven't changed much. You still maintain your previous innocence."

Liu Jing nodded seriously, and suddenly recalled the past, and said, "Do you still remember when you were in college? I wrote you a love letter back then, but unfortunately you rejected me. Is that love letter still there? Now, Could you please repeat this..."

"Brother Liang."

Tonight, Zhang Liang stepped forward to solve the trouble for herself. Liu Jing was really touched. She was about to muster up the courage to confess to Zhang Liang again, but Mei Li, who had parked her car in the distance, suddenly appeared.

She rushed towards Zhang Liang like a baby swallow returning to its nest, and took Zhang Liang's hand, with a sweet smile on her face.

For a moment, Liu Jing couldn't say what she was about to say.

"What am I going to do with this love letter? Do you want me to repeat what it says?"

Zhang Liang obviously didn't understand what Liu Jing meant, so he asked curiously.

To be honest, at that time he really didn't notice what was written in Liu Jing's love letter. He only knew that it was a love letter. He only glanced at the book and threw it into the trash can.

Because at that time, he had a girlfriend, and he was very focused on his girlfriend, so he rejected Liu Jing very simply and directly.

"It's nothing."

Liu Jing felt a little resentful, then glanced at Mei Li next to her, and asked, "Who is she?"

There was a look of vigilance in her eyes.

If the relationship between Mei Li and Zhang Liang is a relative, she will definitely not be interested, but if the two are also in that kind of ambiguous relationship, she will definitely have an opinion.

She was the one who asked Zhang Liang to go to the temple fair today, but this guy actually brought other girls over, is he sincere?
"Hello, sister Jing. My name is Mei Li. We are from the same university. I'm a junior in junior year. Both you and Brother Liang are my seniors."

Before Zhang Liang replied, Mei Li beside her stretched out her hand gracefully and introduced herself.


When Liu Jing heard that Meili was Zhang Liang's junior, her eyes swept across Zhang Liang's face.

If eyes can kill, Zhang Liang must have been killed countless times by him. This guy must have thoughts about Mei Li, otherwise why would he bring her out today.

What's wrong with me?Beautiful and capable, is this guy blind?

"Liu Jing, she and I are fellow villagers. I just went back to school today, and I took a ride. I heard that I want to go to the temple fair with you, so I applied to join us. Do you mind?" Zhang Liang felt Liu Jing's murder With a look in his eyes, he quickly explained.

Hearing that Mei Li is a fellow townsman and came to the city by the way, the anger on Liu Jing's face subsided a bit.

Mei Li's personality is very lively, she suddenly came to Liu Jing's side, put her arms around her arm, and asked in a low voice: "Sister Jing likes Brother Liang?"

Liu Jing was immediately embarrassed by this question.

Did she answer yes or no?
If the answer is yes, it seems a bit inappropriate for me to meet Mei Li for the first time, but if the answer is no, it is a bit ignorant.

"What are you thinking, why do I like him?" Liu Jing secretly glanced at Zhang Liang, and found that Zhang Liang's attention was not on her at all, she was angry for no reason, and then replied.

When Mei Li heard this, she jumped up excitedly, and said, "That's really great. Since you don't like Brother Liang, Sister Jing, let's chase after Brother Liang."

Liu Jing was stunned immediately.

Is this still a junior female student?Is this scheming too deep?
First, the routine made him express his dislike for Zhang Liang, and then the other party asked her to help chase Zhang Liang.

"Hehe, the emotional matter is a matter between two people, and others can't help."

Liu Jing smiled awkwardly, replied to Mei Li in a perfunctory manner, then changed the subject, and said, "Let's go, let's go and see inside Yuanshi Temple, it must be very lively inside right now."

Afterwards, the three of them walked towards the temple fair in Yuanshi.

Originally, Zhang Liang was on the sidelines at first, but whether it was Liu Jing or Mei Li, they both wanted to be with Zhang Liang.

The position of the last three people became Zhang Liang in the middle, and Liu Jing and Mei Li stood on the two sides respectively.

The scene in front of them attracted the attention of countless handsome guys who came to see the lantern. These people almost hugged Zhang Liang left and right, and their eyes turned red with envy.

If it was an ordinary woman, they would not be envious.

The key is that both Liu Jing and Meisha are too beautiful.

Liu Jing dressed very well, she looked like a royal lady, plus her delicate facial features, delicate and fair skin, she was no different from those big stars.

As for Mei Li's style, it's completely different from Liu Jing's.

Her figure is not as good as Liu Jing's, but she is still very beautiful, and she has a small and exquisite figure. The most important thing is the ancient loli dress she is wearing today. This is simply the goddess in countless otaku's dreams.

There were two people like this, and one of them put his arm around Zhang Liang's hand.

If envy can kill, Zhang Liang must have been killed countless times.

Outside the Yuanshi Temple.

Zhong Shaojie and others got up again from the ground.

Apart from him, the other three are also from rich families in Hu County, but they are not as rich as Zhong Shaojie.

Originally, a few of them made an appointment to come to the temple fair in Yuanshi tonight, and they had nothing to do to play with some beautiful younger sisters, but they got off to a bad start, and only met Liu Jing, and the few of them were ruined here.

"Young master Jie, I can't swallow this breath, let's call someone." At this time, another young master stood up, covering half of his face, and his words leaked out.

"If you can't swallow it, you think I can swallow it?"

Zhong Shaojie replied in a deep voice: "Since I was young, I have never suffered such a big loss. Today, I must find this place."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Shaojie looked at another young man, and said to him: "Didn't you say that your cousin is in the city, and is the president of some company? You call him, tonight As long as they can take care of that kid, I will take care of the red-light district tonight and let them have fun."

"Haha, Young Master Jie, you are too generous. If my cousin hears about it, he will definitely run over and wait for your orders."

Hearing that Zhong Shaojie was going to seal the red-light district, the young man shouted excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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