super farm

Chapter 475

Chapter 475

"Tell me, how do you plan to develop Dongwan Village?"

In the end, Yang Siqian only glanced at Zhang Liang resentfully, and then asked.

Zhang Liang said: "I think so, because if you want to open chain supermarkets in various places, my vegetables and other meat-like ingredients may not be able to keep up. In order to ensure your normal development, I am going to cooperate with several other supermarkets. Let’s talk about each village. I want to rent out the land of other villages. Our village will be directly turned into a tourist village. This will attract tourists to Heitu Town, Dongwan Village, and even a few nearby villages. , can drive the economic development of the entire Black Soil Town."

Zhang Liang's idea is very simple and simple.

The reason why Dongwan Village has to be turned into a tourist attraction is because the conditions here are very suitable, and other villages do not have such favorable terrain conditions.

There are mountains behind Dongwan Village and water in front of it. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers and has natural advantages. If it is used to grow vegetables, then this natural advantage will be wasted.

Several other villages do not have such advantages, and it would be better to grow vegetables and breed them.

This will not only drive the economic development of their Dongwan Village, but also the economic development of other villages.

This can also be regarded as responding to the call of the government, to get rich first and then get rich later, and finally achieve common prosperity.

"It's a good thing, of course I agree."

When Yang Siqian heard Zhang Liang's words, a picture appeared in her mind. Dongwan Village is located in the center of many villages. Other villages hold Dongwan Village like stars. Dongwan Village is like a The darling of the sky is average.

Moreover, after Zhang Liang's plan, there will be more land resources, and more vegetables can be grown by then, and larger-scale farming can also be carried out, which will also be of great help to the development of her career.

"I am going to set up a travel agency, and then spread this travel agency to the whole city, promote our Dongwan Village among various travel agencies, and sign cooperation agreements with various travel agencies. As long as the customers recommended by these travel agencies, I will How do you feel about giving rebates?" After confirming that there was no problem with his train of thought, Zhang Liang continued to ask.

In fact, Zhang Liang had the idea of ​​setting up his own travel agency at the beginning, but the timing was not ripe at that time, because at that time, Dongwan Village did not have enough scenery for tourists to visit, and there was no suitable living environment, which would be bad for tourists. experience.

However, the current Dongwan Village has initially become a resort, and now Zhang Liang has the confidence to face customers. At least these customers will definitely not give Dongwan Village a bad review after they come to Dongwan Village.

"I also have a plan for travel, so let's open a travel agency together." Yang Siqian thought for a while and replied.

She is now setting up Xianghai Rafting Center. After this rafting center is established, it will also need a large number of tourists, and it will also need to be promoted at that time.

Nowadays, it is popular to subcontract the publicity and directly contract it to those travel agencies for publicity. As long as these travel agencies are willing to promote their projects or attractions, they will not worry about no tourists.

"Okay, then do as you said." Zhang Liang agreed without hesitation.

While the two were talking, Yang Siqian finished her breakfast. She stretched lazily and said, "It's been a long time since I had breakfast. It feels so comfortable to eat breakfast."

When Yang Siqian stretched her waist, the beauty on her chest squeezed up, and Zhang Liang stared straight at her.

It's big, it seems to be big...

"Where are your eyes looking?"

Yang Siqian suddenly noticed that Zhang Liang's eyes were wrong, she said angrily, and after she was finished, she covered her red lips lightly, and said with a smile: "Why, want to touch it? Come, my sister will touch it for you."

After she finished speaking, she puffed up her chest and continued to tease Zhang Liang: "But you have to be responsible to my sister if you touch it."

"Sister Siqian, I have another friend eating out, I guess they should have finished eating, so I will go out first."

Zhang Liang was taken aback when he saw Yang Siqian being so bold, he almost ran away in embarrassment.

"A coward, with a ghostly heart but no courage."

Seeing Zhang Liang running away in embarrassment, Yang Siqian cursed in a low voice, and then she muttered: "Is this guy my nemesis? I have such a lot of work pressure. After he came, it seemed that there was no pressure at all. The whole person It has become a lot easier.”

"Sister Siqian really dares to say anything."

After Zhang Liang left, his back was sweating.

To be honest, he is really lustful but not courageous. He understands that once he does something to Yang Siqian, he will really be responsible. He is not ready yet.

When he came to the restaurant, he withdrew his thoughts, asked Zhu Dazui, and asked Zhu Dazui to take him to the private room where Zhou Chun was.

"Hello, is this Zhou Chun beauty?"

After Zhang Liang walked into the room, he asked the girl sitting in the seat.

After entering, Zhang Liang found that the beauty in the seat was a very beautiful kind of beauty, her beauty was not inferior to Liu Jing, but this beauty seemed a little uneatable and a bit voracious.

"Ah, you can't be Mr. Zhang Liang, can you?"

The moment Zhou Chun saw Zhang Liang, his eyes lit up.

She was originally a beauty control, and she liked handsome guys.

At first, she thought that the delivery would be delivered to the mountain village. Zhang Liang is from the countryside, so he must not look very good, but now after seeing Zhang Liang himself, she was completely shocked.

Zhang Liang is about 1.8 meters tall, standard height, and his body is neither fat nor thin, and he has no obvious muscles on his body, but he looks thinner in clothes.

Most importantly, she felt that there was a charming aura in him, and he was easily immersed in this aura.

"I am Zhang Liang."

Zhang Liang smiled lightly, then extended his hand politely, looking like a special gentleman.

"Hello, I'm Zhou Chun, Liu Jing's good friend." Zhou Chun quickly reached out his hand and held Zhang Liang's together.

At this moment, she actually felt her heart beating faster.

After shaking hands with Zhang Liang, she said with some embarrassment: "The food here is really delicious, I can't help but eat a little more, it makes you laugh."

Zhang Liang asked: "Hehe, it's okay, are you full? If not, I'll ask the kitchen to prepare another one for you?"

"I'm full, I'm full."

Zhou Chun swallowed.

She is indeed full, but she still wants to eat.

"In that case, you can rest here for a while, my friend will come here later, I will take you to school later, do you think it's okay?" Zhang Liang asked apologetically.

"Ah, okay, I'll just wait here for a while, it's fine." Zhou Chun felt that Zhang Liang's smile was pretty, and replied absently.

(End of this chapter)

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