super farm

Chapter 480 Who gave you courage

Chapter 480 Who gave you courage
"Hmph, I'd like to see, you want more than 100 million reservations here, what's so attractive about it, arrange it for me."

Cai Kun doesn't care how much it costs to eat here, anyway, he doesn't have to pay for the money, it's reported by the crew, so he has to spend what should be spent.

And now he said in front of everyone's face that he asked the boss here to clear the place. Now that the place has not been cleared, where will he put his face?
"Boss, don't listen to Cai Kun's nonsense, arrange that big private room for us, we can spend in that big private room."

Hearing Cai Kun's words, before Yang Siqian could react, Director Chen beside him said anxiously.

What are you kidding, millions of dollars for a meal?This is too extravagant, do you think you are the richest man in the world?

Originally, there were not many available funds in the crew, but now if it is really a meal with millions of dollars, I am afraid that there is no way for the whole crew to explain it.

"Director Chen, are you kidding me? The crew can't afford to pay for a meal? You let me film with you?" Cai Kun immediately became a little angry when he heard Director Chen's words, and asked.

Director Chen explained: "Cai Kun, don't be angry, 100 million is not a small amount, I don't think it's worth spending here, with this 100 million, we can even re-shoot several scenes of ours, so that Those few realms are even more perfect.”

"Hmph, I'm going to book this scene tonight. If I can't book this scene, I won't shoot this scene." Cai Kun said coldly.

"Cai Kun, don't forget that you signed a cooperation agreement with our company. If you don't sign it now, you will have to pay a lot of damages." Director Chen never expected that Cai Kun would suddenly terminate the cooperation with him Threatening himself through relationships, he kindly reminded.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for Xiao Xianger's reason, I would have come to your rubbish crew to shoot? Now that you can't afford to pay for a meal, who would want to shoot for you?" Cai Kun replied unhappily.

Xiao Xianger next to him frowned slightly.

To be honest, she knew that Cai Kun was willing to shoot this movie because of herself, but she didn't have the slightest affection for Cai Kun.

This guy is arrogant, arrogant, and defiant, as if the whole world revolves around him. He hates this kind of person the most.

But because the two of them are in the same group now, in order to make the movie well, she didn't say it out, and once she said it out, there would be conflicts between them.

"Cai Kun, don't be angry, the production team has invited me, so let's go!"

Thinking that this movie was about to be finished, Director Chen hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and agreed.

But in fact, his heart was bleeding.

One meal, millions.

"Boss, did you hear me, let's clear the venue!" Cai Kun unconsciously smiled when he heard that Director Chen had compromised.

But Yang Siqian said: "Mr. Cai Kun, I'm sorry, I just said that if you book the venue, it may cost millions, and I didn't say that I would clear the venue for you."

"Everyone is a customer, and these customers came before you. I can't really clear them because of you. If you don't want other people to dine with you, then you can wait for a while until they After leaving, I will let the kitchen do it for you alone." Yang Siqian replied.

She was doing word of mouth, how could she really drive away customers because of very few people?In this way he will lose a large number of customers.

"Smelly woman, how dare you play tricks on me?" Cai Kun said angrily when he heard Yang Siqian's words.

"I'm not kidding you, you didn't mean to listen to me, and I think this big brother is right, a meal costs 100 million yuan, and there are only more than 30 of you, so the per capita consumption is [-] yuan. That was really stupid behavior.”

Hearing Cai Kun scolding herself as a stinky woman, Yang Siqian was not prepared to bear it anymore, and fought back sharply.

The current young man is really arrogant, so he should be punished.

When Cai Kun heard Yang Siqian's words, he couldn't help saying coldly: "Very good, you are very good, let me tell you, I have tens of millions of fans, I will post a circle of friends immediately, I want your Xianghai restaurant to be finished."

Yang Siqian's expression finally changed slightly.

If Cai Kun really posted such a circle of friends, with the influence of tens of millions of fans, the reputation of Xianghai Restaurant may really drop rapidly by then.

"Let my Xianghai Restaurant be finished, who gave you the courage?"

Just when Yang Siqian was thinking about how to solve the problem, suddenly, a Rolls Royce drove over, and a young man parked the car not far from the crowd, and slowly walked out of the car .

Everyone's eyes unconsciously stopped on this person.

The young man came to Cai Kun, took a look at him, and said, "Believe it or not, I can kill you right now?"

"What are you?" Cai Kun asked Zhang Liang who got out.

"I'm also one of the bosses of this Xianghai restaurant. Don't you want to kill my Xianghai restaurant? Come on, let me finish it for a try, and I'll let you post it on Moments."

Zhang Liang signaled Cai Kun to post on Moments.

Seeing that Zhang Liang was so confident, Cai Kun felt a little apprehensive and didn't dare to post on Moments.

"Hmph, do you really think I dare not post it?" Cai Kun said in a deep voice, taking out his phone.

Xiao Xianger suddenly stood up and said, "Cai Kun, he is my friend, so don't post it on Moments."

However, Xiao Xianger's words actually added fuel to the fire.

Xiao Xianger's character is very quiet, even a little shy. She never speaks well of any man. Cai Kun knows her character very well, but now she pleads for Zhang Liang.

Cai Kun is jealous, and has a heart of jealousy.

"Hmph, you won't let me post it, but I want to post it anyway!" Cai Kun said coldly, and at the same time took out his mobile phone and began to edit the text.

Seeing that he really wanted to post, Xiao Xiang'er walked over, obviously wanting to stop him, but Zhang Liang suddenly said, "It's okay, you let him post, he will advertise for me for free, I can only wish for it."

He is not afraid of Cai Kun posting in Moments, after the other party posting, it will definitely arouse huge public opinion, under this kind of public opinion, more people will pay attention to Xianghai Restaurant.

If more people pay attention, then they will have a deeper understanding of Xianghai Restaurant. When they come to Xianghai Restaurant, once they eat the delicious food here, those public opinions will naturally be resolved without attack.

Xiao Xianger didn't know Zhang Liang for a long time, but she knew that Zhang Liang was a very confident and not impulsive person. Now that Cai Kun was asked to post on Moments, she must have a countermeasure, so she stood where she was.

"Boy, you can do it. Since you have such a request, it seems that I can only satisfy you." Seeing that Xiao Xiang'er wanted to stop him, Cai Kun's face became even more ferocious.

(End of this chapter)

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