super farm

Chapter 625 Lu Shuang's Compromise

Chapter 625 Lu Shuang's Compromise
Uncle Nie responded and drove Chu Nan out of the provincial capital to the suburbs.

No one would have thought that Lu Shuang was locked up in the suburbs.

"This provincial capital is really not a good place to stay, but I believe that I will be able to make the Lu family stand firmly on the provincial capital."

Lu Shuang stayed in the room. Apart from the lack of cell phone signal and no computer, the room was fully equipped with home appliances.

A signal blocking device was installed here to prevent her from communicating with the outside world.

As for her freedom, it was not restricted.

On the whole, Chu Nan is still a man who cares about the fragrance and cherishes the jade.

In this huge villa, she is the only one here.

However, there were more than a dozen bodyguards standing outside the villa. These bodyguards blocked the villa without any dead ends, and Lu Shuang didn't go out from here.

"Hello, Master."

When Chu Nan appeared here, the bodyguards outside all bowed to him.

Chu Nan nodded and asked, "You didn't make things difficult for Miss Lu, did you?"

"No, we locked her inside and provided her with delicious food and drink." The head of the bodyguard came to Chu Nan and said with a smile.

Chu Nan didn't respond, and walked inside without haste.

The discerning security guard quickly opened the door of the villa and greeted him with a bow.

Lu Shuang sat leisurely on the sofa, reading foreign masterpieces.

When she heard the commotion outside, she only glanced at Chu Nan, and then turned her gaze back.

That way he looked very calm, very calm and clear, as if he was in his own home.

clap clap clap!
Chu Nan applauded.

He admired Lu Shuang's calm and calm demeanor.

The rumors are true, this is a woman with both beauty and talent.

It's a pity that his status has always been lower, and he is not worthy of him.

"Miss Lu is so excited, she has become a prisoner, and she can still be so indifferent."

"Since it's here, An Zhi, why add too much trouble to yourself, but you, Young Master Chu, are so lenient to me after arresting me, I don't know what An is thinking?"

Lu Shuang didn't even raise her head, and continued to read her book, savoring the stories inside.

"I do have ideas about Miss Lu. Miss Lu, why don't we join forces and let your Lu family become one of the top ten wealthy families in our provincial capital?"

Chu Nan smiled slightly.

Of course, what he said was just talking. It is impossible for the Lu family to wish to become one of the top ten wealthy families.

He just wanted to rely on the Lu family, and when his position was stabilized, it had nothing to do with him whether the Lu family was one of the top ten tycoons.

He was just painting a cake for Lu Shuang, hoping that the Lu family could help him.

Just like he wanted Lu Zheng to be loyal to him, he also hoped that Lu Shuang would be loyal to him.

"Your Chu family is only at the bottom of the top ten rich families. How can you say that you can help our Lu family become one of the top ten rich families in the provincial capital?" Lu Shuang sneered.

If Chu Nan found her to cooperate and treat each other with courtesy, she might consider joining forces with Chu Nan to work together.

That way the Chu family can go one step further, and the Lu family can also become one of the top ten wealthy families.

However, Chu Nan took her to the villa in a rude way, and she no longer had a good impression of Chu Nan, so naturally she didn't want to cooperate with him.

"Hehe, as long as you agree to cooperate with me, I can tell you my plan. I guarantee that our Chu family will become the top ten wealthy families by then, and your Lu family will also have a place in the provincial capital." Chu Nan faced There was a faint smile on his face, but there was a hint of coldness under the smiling eyes.

"Oh, then I agree to cooperate with you, tell me about your plan." There was a hint of teasing in Lu Shuang's eyes.

Naturally, Chu Nan is not so easy to be fooled, he continued: "Miss Lu, we are all smart people, just relying on a verbal agreement, we definitely can't count. If we really want to cooperate, we must have a certain amount of cooperation." I don’t know if Miss Lu agrees with me or not?”

"So, what do you want to do?"

Lu Shuang agreed with Chu Nan's point of view, and asked back.

"It's better for me to marry Miss Lu. When you are pregnant with our child, I will be able to fully trust your Lu family, and then I will be able to help your Lu family with confidence and leave the back to your Lu family. how do you feel?"

Although Lu Shuang's status was a bit lower for him, he had no plans to marry her, he simply wanted to sleep with her and conceive his own child.

In this way, the Lu family will have his blood in the future, so the Lu family must be under his control.

"If Young Master Chu is willing to carry a big sedan chair and the medium is marrying me, I can't think about it." Lu Shuang sneered in her heart.

Men are all the same.

Chu Nan just wanted to sleep with her and use her.

"That's impossible."

Chu Nan rejected Lu Shuang simply and directly, and said, "Your status is too low to be worthy of me. The greatest gift you can get from me is to become my woman."

It seemed that becoming his woman was a gift to Lu Shuang.

This superior attitude made Lu Shuang very unhappy.

"Don't take yourself too seriously, give me Lu Shuang ten years, and I can step on you." Lu Shuang was able to joke with Chu Nan at first, but after the other party said this, she became annoyed .

She actually said that her status was too low to be worthy of him.

It's just funny.

"You really think that I will give you ten years when you say this? The aggressive method is useless to me."

Chu Nan sat on the sofa, crossed his legs casually, and said, "Even if you don't pledge allegiance to me, your younger brother will be loyal to me. Everything in your Lu family will be under my control."

The way to control Lu Zheng is also simple. At that time, he will help Lu Zheng catch the descendants of two important figures in the provincial capital, and let Lu Zheng kill them.

He holds the evidence of Lu Zheng's murder, and Lu Zheng will never escape from his grasp when the time comes.

"What did you do to him?"

Hearing about her younger brother, Lu Shuang became a little uneasy.

Seeing this scene, Chu Nan was a little surprised, and then he had a new idea in his heart.

"I didn't do anything to your brother, just arrested him. If he doesn't want to cooperate with me, I might let him suffer some flesh and blood, such as soaking him in a cesspit."

"I heard that if a man is soaked in the cesspit for too long, he will lose his ability in that area, but he hasn't done the experiment yet, and your brother is a good test subject."

"Your brother is the only male in your Lu family. I'm curious if he loses that ability, can your Lu family pass on?"

These three simple sentences directly hit Lu Shuang's Achilles' heel.

She loves her brother very much, and she loves the Lu family very much.

"You let my brother go, I'm willing to do whatever you want me to do, and it's fine if you want me to serve your Chu family."

Lu Shuang compromised.

(End of this chapter)

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