super farm

Chapter 803 I'm Looking For You

Chapter 803 I'm Looking For You

While everyone was talking, dozens of modified Land Rovers appeared.

These Land Rover vehicles appeared extremely fast, and their movements were uniform. After dozens of vehicles appeared, they immediately surrounded the scene.

When seeing these dozens of cars, both Guo Dao and Wang Yongsheng had a bad feeling.

Because they feel that this car is a bit unusual, people who can afford to drive such a car are definitely not ordinary people, and they drive so many of these cars at once, what are they going to do.

At this moment, the people in the Land Rover told Wang Yongsheng, the master and the apprentice, with their actions.

After they got down, they came to Grandma Zhuo and Hao Jian at a unified pace, and immediately saluted.

Wang Yongsheng was terrified, and Guo Dao was also terrified.

They are really high-level figures above, and looking at their outfits...

They are all upper-level people who are mixed in the upper-level circle. Naturally, they have also heard that there is a special organization in the upper-level circle. These people usually handle things that China can't handle.

The identities of these people are very mysterious, and few people know who the leaders of these people are.

However, the style of these people is very similar to this organization.

Very likely, it is this organization.

If it is really this organization, it is really easy to remove Wang Yongsheng's position as the president of the Martial Arts Association.

"May I ask you, are you affiliated with Huaxia Guardian?"

At this time, Wang Yongsheng bowed his hands to Hao Jiangong politely and asked.

This organization is called Huaxia Guardian.

Huaxia Guardian exists in every region.

And the Huaxia Guardian where Hao Jian is now is the Huaxia Division of the Xihai City Division, and he is the boss of this division.

"You still have some discernment, knowing that I am guarded by Huaxia." Hao Jian said lightly.

Hearing that Hao Jian had admitted his identity, Wang Yongsheng was almost terrified.

This Nima is really the Guardian of China.

"Sorry, I didn't know your identity just now, I take back what I said just now, and I would like to apologize to your mother."

Wang Yongsheng understands that even if he is a grandmaster, he is really nothing compared to the Huaxia Guardians.

The other party wants him to die, he won't survive tomorrow.

After finishing speaking, he came to Grandma Zhuo, bowed slightly and said, "Old man, I'm sorry, I don't know your identity, I didn't mean to offend."

He knew that the final decision here was actually the old woman in front of him.

"Okay, forget it, the ignorant is innocent, and you won't blame this matter."

Grandma Zhuo had a good attitude and didn't want to argue with others, so she just let Wang Yongsheng go.

Wang Yongsheng heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

He was afraid that grandma Zhuo would hold on to this matter today, and he would be in bad luck.

"Thank you for your understanding, old man, please wait here for a while, and I will give you something good."

Wang Yongsheng rolled his eyes, and his eyes suddenly fell on Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang has a thousand-year-old ginseng in his hand. It just so happens that he will use the thousand-year-old ginseng to mix some medicines that can nourish the body to prolong his life. If he gives it to Grandma Zhuo, it will be considered that he has hooked up with her. It will be much more convenient for him to do many things in the future .

"Zhang Liang, why don't you come over to greet the old man soon?"

When Wang Yongsheng spoke to Zhang Liang, he no longer nodded and bowed to Grandma Zhuo, but spoke in a commanding tone.

Zhang Liang frowned slightly when he heard this.

He was about to say something, but Wang Yongsheng continued: "Also, donate all the thousand-year-old ginseng in your hand to the old man. The old man is old now. With this thousand-year-old ginseng, I can help the old leader prepare some special medicines to prolong his life." .”

"It is your blessing that you can make some contributions to the health of the elderly."

"What if I don't hand over this thing?" Zhang Liang said with narrowed eyes.

This is really interesting, Wang Yongsheng actually wanted to snatch his thousand-year-old ginseng in front of Grandma Zhuo.

"If you don't hand over these things, then don't blame the old man for being rude to you." Wang Yongsheng's face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice.

These twenty thousand-year-old ginseng forced Zhang Liang to hand them over. When he made pills, he could give half of them to Grandma Zhuo, but the other half would be in his own pocket, so he could get half of them directly for no reason. Simply not too good.

"Really, then try being rude to me."

Zhang Liang looked at Wang Yongsheng with a sneer.

"You are looking for death." Seeing that Zhang Liang dared to contradict him, Wang Yongsheng made a move in order to establish his majesty in front of Grandma Zhuo.


Seeing Wang Yongsheng's voice, Grandma Zhuo spoke.

Wang Yongsheng stopped and looked at Grandma Zhuo in puzzlement, but he found that Grandma Zhuo was walking towards them with a face full of anger.

"Haha, boy, did you see that you made the old man angry, and she wants to strike herself, do you dare to fight back with her?" Wang Yongsheng laughed triumphantly.

Guo Dao had a gleeful expression on his face.

Shi Potian's parents next to him were sweating for Zhang Liang.

Although they knew that Zhang Liang had been taken advantage of by Wang Yongsheng, but Zhang Liang was so unwilling to give her face in front of Grandma Zhuo, wasn't this a death sentence?

However, Shi Potian has a good impression of Zhang Liang, and she doesn't want anything to happen to Zhang Liang now.

At this moment, he crossed the cross between Zhang Liang and Grandma Zhuo in an instant, and whispered, "Grandma Zhuo, I am Xiaoshi, do you still have any impression of me?"

"I'm very impressed with you, but if you're here to intercede, just stand aside for me. I don't have time to talk to you now."

In the end, before Shi Potian could say a word of intercession, Grandma Zhuo blocked her back with a single word.

Shi Potian could only get out of the way, and looked at Zhang Liang helplessly.

At this time, after Grandma Zhuo came to Wang Yongsheng and Zhang Liang, she suddenly turned to Wang Yongsheng next to her and said, "Kneel down and apologize to my little brother."

Grandma Zhuo's words instantly shocked everyone present.

Shouldn't she come to ask about Zhang Liang's crime? Why is it now a crime to ask Wang Yongsheng? What's the situation?
The smile on Wang Yongsheng's face froze.

Guo Dao showed disbelief.

Shi Potian and Zhang Xiaoyue next to each other looked at each other, and there was a huge wave in their hearts.

What is the relationship between Zhang Liang and Grandma Zhuo that he can get such protection from her?
"Old man, did you find the wrong person? You should tell this kid."

Up to now, Wang Yongsheng has not been relieved, he only thought that Grandma Zhuo was confused, so he couldn't help reminding her.

"I'm looking for the wrong person. I'm looking for you, my savior, so you can play casually?" Grandma Zhuo said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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