super farm

Chapter 805 I don't care

Chapter 805 I don't care
Although Chai Yue's water skills are good, there is still a huge gap compared with Xuanwu, a water-controlling beast.

So, after fighting with Xuanwu for a few minutes, he was knocked out by Xuanwu.

Xuanwu appeared in the sky below Chai Yue again, and then rammed towards Chai Yue again.

Chai Yue was like a rubber ball, hit into the air by Xuanwu, before falling into the water, was hit into the air again...

He kept screaming in the air.

It's just that the screams are getting weaker and weaker.

After a while, his screams stopped completely.

Immediately, Xuanwu pushed Chai Yue out directly, and Chai Yue, who was neither bad nor bad, just flew to the yacht where Zhang Liang was, and then fell in front of Wang Yongsheng.

Wang Yongsheng was frightened to death.

. . . . . .

Chai Yue's strength was similar to his, but now he was directly hit to death, and one of his feet was crippled. It was very easy for Zhang Liang to kill him.

"Zhang Liang, I beg you to let me go, I'm really willing to work hard for you." Wang Yongsheng kowtowed even harder.

People are becoming more and more afraid of death, and he is very afraid of death now.

So he kept begging for mercy.

However, begging for mercy was useless.

"Wang Yongsheng, I let you go, but you don't know how to repent, and you will come to trouble me again, and if I hadn't prepared well, I'm afraid I would have been killed by you. I want to let you go again this time, you If there is a chance, I’m afraid you will attack me again, so you must die today.”

Zhang Liang gave Wang Yongsheng a chance, but Wang Yongsheng himself did not cherish it.

In this case, Zhang Liang simply refused to give him such a chance.

"No, Zhang Liang, I assure you, there will never be a next time, I beg you to give me another chance." Wang Yongsheng begged for mercy.

"Dabai, break his legs and throw him into the sea."

Zhang Liang was too lazy to continue talking to Wang Yongsheng, so he gave instructions to Dabai next to him.

Dabai clapped his two bear paws together and walked towards Wang Yongsheng.


Wang Yongsheng was terrified by Zhang Liang's words, and he quickly ran to the distance, but after only a few steps, he realized that the sea was in front of him, and there was nowhere to run.

But even jumping into the sea is better than getting his leg broken and thrown into the sea by Dabai.

If he was really shot with his leg broken and thrown into the sea, then he would definitely die.

So, he might as well just jump down.

So Wang Yongsheng jumped into the sea.

"Xiaoxuan, catch him and bite off his leg."

Wang Yongsheng just jumped into the air, and Zhang Liang said to Xuanwu in the sea.

Xuanwu quickly appeared directly below Wang Yongsheng, and then opened his mouth wide.

"No, Zhang Liang, I was wrong, I shouldn't be your enemy."

Wang Yongsheng is in the air now, there is no way to change his position, he can only watch himself fall into Xuanwu's big mouth.


Xuanwu was very obedient, when Wang Yongsheng's two legs entered the position where his big mouth was, he bit off Wang Yongsheng's legs, and then he hit his head, knocking Wang Yongsheng out and falling into the sea.

"Wang Yongsheng, don't you want me to spare your life? I won't kill you now. If you can survive in this situation, it is your luck."

Zhang Liang said to Wang Yongsheng who only had one hand left.

"No, no, Zhang Liang, save me."

Although Wang Yongsheng only had his hands now, his desire to survive was particularly strong. He kept patting the surface of the sea with his hands, and then yelled at Zhang Liang.

His strength is strong, now he is patting the surface of the sea with both hands, the frequency of the slapping is high, and he even swam for a short time.

"Let's go!"

But Zhang Liang didn't bother to pay attention to Wang Yongsheng, and instructed the sailor in the yacht next to him.

The sailor had long been frightened by Zhang Liang's methods, and now he obeyed Zhang Liang's words.

Soon, the yacht went away, and Wang Yongsheng's body gradually sank into the sea.

"Brother Liang, you are too powerful."

Zhang Xiaoyue came to Zhang Liang's side with a look of admiration.

When she was a child, she sometimes followed Shi Potian, so she saw many bloody scenes, but Shi Potian didn't reveal her identity, and others didn't know that she was Shi Potian's daughter.

Therefore, she is used to seeing murder scenes.

And because she was a bit of a younger sister, she admired force, and now Zhang Liang killed both Wang Yongsheng and Chai Yue by himself, how powerful is that?
Zhang Liang is still so young, so he has a bright future ahead of him.

She felt that her father was right, marrying Zhang Liang was definitely a very happy thing.

"I'm not so good, it's my friends who are so good." Zhang Liang said with a smile.

"Yes, these big guys are really cute and powerful, how did you bring them out?" Zhang Xiaoyue pointed to Dabai and asked curiously.

"If I say that I am a summoner, do you believe it?"

Zhang Liang had no choice but to summon Dabai and Xuanwu today, and now he had no choice but to find a way to lie.

"Are there summoners in this world?" Zhang Xiaoyue asked curiously.

"Yes, I am not."

Zhang Liang said without blushing.

"Since brother Liang said yes, then there must be. Can I learn summoning from you?" Zhang Xiaoyue looked at Zhang Liang expectantly.

If she learned the summoning technique and summoned a golden unicorn, how cool would it be?

"Ahem, summoning requires talent. You don't have talent in this area, so you can't learn it." Zhang Liang lied casually, but Zhang Xiaoyue didn't expect Zhang Xiaoyue to believe it.


Zhang Xiaoyue pursed her lips, looking a little unhappy.

But after a while, she smiled again and said, "But brother Liang's summoning skills are the same as my summoning skills."


Zhang Liang looked at Zhang Xiaoyue in a daze, what kind of logic is this?

As if understanding what Zhang Liang was asking, Zhang Xiaoyue giggled and said, "Because I am going to marry you."


When Zhang Liang heard this, he immediately burst out laughing.

"Xiaoyue, I didn't say I wanted to marry you, did I?" Zhang Liang said.

"It's okay, I just want to marry you. Why, this girl is so beautiful, why don't you want to marry you?" Zhang Xiaoyue said very directly.

"I'm really not happy."

Zhang Liang said seriously: "Xiaoyue, getting married is not such a simple matter. It needs to be built slowly by both parties. Only when there is a foundation of relationship can we be able to get married."

Zhang Liang is a bit big-headed. Did he pretend to be too much today? Zhang Xiaoyue has become his little fan girl, and she wants to agree with her body.

"But I don't care too much. After I marry you, you can do what you say." Zhang Xiaoyue took Zhang Liang's words and said.

Zhang Liang was ashamed, and replied: "I don't care if it's okay or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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