super farm

Chapter 813 Healing Blacksmith Wang

Chapter 813 Healing Blacksmith Wang
After an hour, the kitchen knife is fully formed.

However, during this process, the kitchen knife was tempered several times in the fire, and finally it was made into this kitchen knife.

"Good knife!"

After the knife was struck out, Blacksmith Wang couldn't help but speak, but because of the cold, his voice seemed a little out of breath.

"Senior Wang, you must have a lung disease, right? And your ears are also deaf because of the iron?"

Blacksmithing is a profession that almost no one is doing now.

Because it is tiring and hard, it is a profession that does a lot of damage to your body.

For example, blacksmith Wang would eat iron ash when forging iron, so he contracted lung disease, and when forging iron, there was often the sound of metal colliding with metal, which easily irritated people's ears. Under the stimulation of loud sounds, it is also easy to become deaf.

Staying in a high temperature environment for a long time is also detrimental to the human body.

Therefore, this industry is gradually disappearing.

When Zhang Liang said this, he spoke very loudly.

Therefore, the sound reached Blacksmith Wang's ears. Blacksmith Wang vaguely heard what Zhang Liang said, and nodded involuntarily.

Immediately he said: "Hey, old man, it's useless, this iron will not be able to be beaten, and this craft will also be lost."

"By the way, young man, did you come to see me for something?" Blacksmith Wang asked after feeling emotional for a moment.

Zhang Liang did not reply to Blacksmith Wang's words, but instead said: "Senior Wang, I happen to be a doctor, maybe I can help your illness, how about I treat it for you?"

Zhang Liang admires craftsmen like Blacksmith Wang from the bottom of his heart, so he is willing to help Blacksmith Wang.

"No need, I have an old problem, and it's impossible to cure it in this lifetime." Blacksmith Wang waved his hand and replied.

"Senior Wang, whoever told you that your illness can't be cured, I will be able to cure your illness, and it doesn't matter how old you are," Zhang Liang said.

"Hehe, young man, it's not good if you brag too much. Come on, come on, treat the old man. If you can really make me a few years younger, old man, I will treat you to the grain wine brewed by yourself. .” Blacksmith Wang said with a bold smile.

He had a very good impression of Zhang Liang, but he didn't expect that Zhang Liang would also brag.

"it is good!"

Zhang Liang agreed.

Then, Zhang Liang brought Blacksmith Wang into the room.

"Senior Wang, come here, let me drink two bottles of wine for you first."

After arriving in the room, Zhang Liang suddenly took out two bottles of willow wine and said to Zhang Liang.

"Hey, how can I ask for your wine? I'll go get my wine. My wine must be better than yours. I'll have a couple of sips with the old man."

As soon as wine was mentioned, Blacksmith Wang became interested.

He is also an old alcoholic, and he has to take two drinks when he has nothing to do.

Zhang Liang didn't give Wang Jiangitie a chance to continue talking. He flicked the cap of Liujiu's wine bottle with his thumb, and the cap opened just like that.

Then, a strong aroma of wine permeated the air.

"What kind of wine is so fragrant? My God, I have never smelled such a fragrant wine." Blacksmith Wang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Only then did he discover that the aroma of the wine came from the willow wine in Zhang Liang's hand.

"Is this your wine?"

His eyes fell on Zhang Liang's hands, and there was deep desire in his eyes.

For a wine lover, the best thing is to drink a good wine.

At first he said that his wine tasted better than Zhang Liang's, but now that he smelled the richness of the willow wine, he understood that Zhang Liang's wine could surpass his grain wine by a few blocks.

The two are not at the same level at all.

"Come on, Senior Wang, try it."

Zhang Liang handed the wine to Blacksmith Wang.

Blacksmith Wang was not polite at all, he brought the wine directly and took a sip.

"Oh my God, I've never had such a delicious wine. This wine is too strong and mellow, and it has a fragrance. I'm afraid even the monkey head wine of the Queen Mother of the West in the movie is nothing more than that." Blacksmith Wang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Then, he took another sip of the willow wine, unable to stop at all.

In the blink of an eye, he had already finished a bottle of wine, and looking at the second bottle of wine, he was a little bit unsatisfied.

He wanted to drink this bottle of wine too, but he knew that there must not be many such wines in the world, and it would not be easy for Zhang Liang to get this wine, so he was embarrassed to ask for a second bottle.

"Come on, old man Wang, this wine is brewed by me at home. You can have as much as you want, and you can continue to drink."

Zhang Liang also gave the second bottle of wine to Blacksmith Wang.

Blacksmith Wang started drinking again, and asked: "This wine is produced by you, little brother, do you sell this wine?"

"This wine is for sale, but if you drink it, Senior Wang, I will give it to you often in the future. I guarantee that you can drink two bottles every day, but I have one condition, you have to promise me, how about it?" Zhang Liang smiled Said.

"Oh, what's the condition? Let me tell you, old man, I'm a rural person, but I don't have much money." Blacksmith Wang said.

Zhang Liang couldn't help but said: "Senior Wang, do you think I would be so vulgar to talk to you about money? If you want to talk about money, wouldn't it be over if I sold this wine to the rich?"

"That's right, then what's the matter with you?" Blacksmith Wang asked.

"It's like this. I know martial arts and want to make a sword. At the same time, I am a doctor and want to make a pair of silver needles. I want you to help me." Zhang Liang explained his purpose at this time .

"That's it, that's fine, I promise you." Blacksmith Wang agreed without hesitation.

In the past, he also helped make swords and silver needles, so it wasn't a big problem.

It's just that he couldn't figure it out, with modern technology so advanced, it's not particularly difficult to forge a good sword, and there are so many silver needles in the market, why didn't Zhang Liang just buy silver needles, and asked him to make silver needles?

"Okay, from then on, I will provide you with two bottles of willow wine every day. You drink first, and when you finish drinking, I will treat you." Zhang Liang said to Blacksmith Wang.

"Why isn't this wine intoxicating?"

Blacksmith Wang drank the second bottle of willow wine, he suddenly asked with some doubts.

It is said that with his drinking capacity, one bottle of wine will be exhausted, and he drank two bottles, which is unscientific, very unscientific.

After drinking this wine, one will be intoxicated, but it does not make people drunk.

It was a kind of slightly smoked drunk, just right drunk.

Not drunk.

"Ha ha."

Zhang Liang smiled and said, "Then do you feel drunk now?"

When Zhang Liang mentioned the word drunk, old blacksmith Wang only felt dizzy for a while, and he fell headfirst.

(End of this chapter)

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