super farm

Chapter 817 Peerless Tang Sword

Chapter 817 Peerless Tang Sword
"Xiaoxuan, didn't you say that the dragon hyoid bone can be made into a dragon tongue sword? Now the blacksmiths outside have no way to deform the dragon hyoid bone. What should we do?"

After Zhang Liang entered the painting energy space, he immediately found Xuanwu and asked.

"That's him being stupid."

Xuanwu's idea spread to Zhang Liang's mind, and he said: "Go find a boy and pour urine on the dragon hyoid bone, and the dragon hyoid bone will become soft, and then it can be molded at will. When the shaping is successful After that, put the forged Dragon Tongue Sword in the fire, and when the urine in it evaporates, it will become hard again."

"okay, I get it!"

Zhang Liang heard Xuanwu's words, and quickly walked out of the painting energy space.

Then he thought of boy urine...

Zhang Liang thought for a while, he seemed to have no experience with men and women, so there should be no problem with his urine, right?

Although he flirted with his girlfriend in college, but because he was a good student in college and his family was poor, he usually had to work part-time to earn tuition fees, so how could he have time to go out and think about it?
So he is really still a boy now.

Thinking of this, Zhang Liang tried to pee on the hyoid bone.

Strange to say, the incomparably hard hyoid bone actually softened under the watering of his urine.

Then Zhang Liang took the softened dragon hyoid bone into the hands of Blacksmith Wang.

"how did you do that?"

Blacksmith Wang opened his eyes in disbelief.

He had noticed the hardness and sharpness of the hyoid bone just now, but now Zhang Liang actually made it soft.

"Don't worry about it, you are responsible for forging a sword and some silver needles for me."

Zhang Liang said to Blacksmith Wang: "By the way, after you make it into shape, just throw it into your stove and burn it, and it will naturally become hard again." Zhang Liang said to Blacksmith Wang.

Blacksmith Wang remembered Zhang Liang's words, and quickly began to help Zhang Liang design the sword.

The dragon hyoid bone is very large, so it is no problem to make a sword and a dagger, and the silver needles made from the corner materials can be made into at least thirty silver needles, which is completely enough.

Blacksmith Wang designed three swords. One sword looks a bit like a knight's sword in the middle ages abroad, the other looks a bit like a very orthodox judgment sword, and the third looks like a sword and a knife.

"What kind of sword is this?" Zhang Liang asked, pointing to the third thing that looked like both a sword and a knife.

"This is Tang Dao!"

Blacksmith Wang replied.

"Okay, then make me a Tang knife." Zhang Liang felt that this knife was very domineering and very gentleman.

It is like a knife and a sword, with the domineering spirit of a knife and the gentleman style of a sword.

Zhang Liang likes this style very much.

"it is good!"

After Zhang Liang decided to make Tang Dao, Blacksmith Wang started to act.

It has to be said that Blacksmith Wang has been a blacksmith all his life, and his skills are still very good. He has a special guillotine for cutting iron, and now he is using this guillotine to cut dragon hyoid bones one by one.

Finally, a Tang knife was formed.

However, Blacksmith Wang did not stop there. The edge of the Tang knife that was cut out was blunt. He took out a special abrasive paper and began to trim and polish the edge accordingly to ensure the sharpness of the Tang knife. The edges are very sharp and shiny.

As for the handle of the Tang knife, he polished it very round, but besides the roundness, he professionally carved fine classical lines with the knife.

This pattern is for decorating the handle of the knife, and the other is to increase the friction of the handle so that Zhang Liang will not slip when holding the handle.

Just dealing with this Tang knife, Blacksmith Wang has been tossing from noon to night without rest, but because he drank the willow wine provided by Zhang Liang, he didn't feel any sleepiness, but seemed particularly energetic.

He had never been so energetic before, and he felt that he was several years younger, as Zhang Liang said.

"Brother Zhang Liang, are you satisfied with your Tang Dao?"

After eight o'clock in the evening, Blacksmith Wang put the Tang Dao in front of Zhang Liang.

This Tang knife is full of arrogance in its simplicity, and in the arrogance there is a sense of domineering over the world. A knife is like the king of swords and the emperor of swords.

Zhang Liang took the Tang knife and danced it smoothly, feeling that this Tang knife was very in line with his own heart, and there was a feeling of heart-to-heart connection.

"not bad."

Zhang Liang nodded and said.

This Tang knife is really satisfying.

"Then I will give it a final shape?" Blacksmith Wang confirmed with Zhang Liang again.

Now this Tang knife has not been forged at high temperature again, so it is still soft. Only after being forged again, will it become hard and crystal clear.

"it is good!"

Zhang Liang agreed.

Blacksmith Wang lit a big fire, threw the Tang knife into the furnace, and started forging.

Soon, a raging flame ignited in the stove. About 10 minutes later, Blacksmith Wang took the Tang knife out of the stove and threw it into the nearby sink.

A lot of green smoke came out of the sink, and the smoke actually carried a faint fragrance, and then a Tang knife as smooth as jade appeared in the night sky.

Under the moonlight and lamplight, the Tang knife made of bones shone brightly.

"So beautiful."

Blacksmith Wang couldn't help admiring.

He has never made such an exquisite knife in his life, and this is simply his pinnacle.

He said to Zhang Liang beside him: "Brother Zhang Liang, can I try the power of this Tang saber?"

"Of course!"

Not only him, but even Zhang Liang himself wanted to try the power of this Tang Dao.

This is a Tang sword made of dragon hyoid bone, its power should be unparalleled.

With Zhang Liang's consent, Blacksmith Wang found a piece of iron sheet, and then lightly shaved it with a Tang knife.


Then he was stunned.

Because he peeled the iron skin with a Tang knife, just like peeling a cucumber with a kitchen knife, there is no difference.

It took no effort at all to cut this piece of iron sheet into two halves.

This Tang knife is too sharp.

Immediately, he took a steel pipe, and then cut it with a Tang knife.

This time, because the density of the steel pipe was relatively high, he used a little bit of strength, but the steel pipe was still cut into two pieces by Tang Dao.

Moreover, the edge of the Tang knife is still extremely sharp, without any blunt surface.

"Too hard, too sharp, this is definitely a peerless sword."

Blacksmith Wang admired, then handed the Tang Dao to Zhang Liang, and said, "Brother Zhang Liang, you should also try the power of this Tang Dao."

Zhang Liang took the Tang Dao and smashed it towards the hammer next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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