super farm

Chapter 820 Helper

Chapter 820 Helper
"Now, it's my turn to fight back."

Zhang Liang threw the Tang knife into the air, and then he made a tactic with both hands.

"The mantra of clearing the spirit, clearing the spirit and warding off evil spirits, killing demons and preventing them from invading."

This is an auxiliary spirit spell, but with this spirit spell, Zhang Liang can slow down everything around him, in disguise, his speed has increased.

After this move was performed, Tang Dao fell from the air. He reached out to grab Tang Dao and attacked Tang Long.

"court death!"

Tang Long didn't expect that Zhang Liang would take the initiative to attack him. He sneered and used his hidden weapon.

Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle.

This is the Tang Sect's unique hidden weapon, and it needs the Tang Sect's mind to activate it.

Moreover, only a strong person above the master can be activated, because the strong below the master do not have the Qi belonging to the Tang Sect in their bodies.

This move is extremely powerful.

"Zhou Can, get ready to do it, and whoever can get the Tang Dao will be up to each of us."

Zuo Yi said to Zhou Can beside him.

Now she understood that Zhang Liang would definitely not be able to withstand Tang Long's attack.

The Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle is very powerful, and Tang Long is still there to cast it. If she gets close, she won't be able to catch it, let alone Zhang Liang.

Hearing Zuo Yi's words, Zhou Can nodded in agreement.

Now is the time for them to make a move. If they don't make a move, they may not be able to keep Zhang Liang when Tang Long holds Tang Dao in his hand.

However, just when the two were about to make a move, a shocking scene appeared in front of their eyes, and their footsteps could not help but stay in place.

I saw Zhang Liang's figure suddenly seemed to be distorted after the circle of pear blossom needles shot out in the rainstorm, and he swayed left and right in the night sky like this.

However, every time he swayed left and right, he must be able to wear a few poisonous needles that were intended to attack him.

He kept approaching Tang Long.

When he was close to two meters away from Tang Long, all the poisonous needles of the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle went behind Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang passed through the rainstorm pear blossom needle perfectly.

Zuo Yi and Zhou Can looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

How fast does it have to be to avoid the rainstorm pear blossom needle?

However, they didn't see how fast Zhang Liang was?

Zhang Liang's speed was indeed not fast, but after he cast the Qingling Mantra, his speed suddenly increased.

"how can that be?"

Tang Long watched this scene in disbelief, his jaw dropped to the ground.

The Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle is the exclusive hidden weapon of their Tang Sect master-level powerhouses. It is difficult for ordinary master-level powerhouses to use such a hidden weapon, but Zhang Liang is good and calmly dodged it .

This operation can only be said to be sharp enough.

"Is your Tang Sect's Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle only this powerful? I feel like setting off fireworks, the effect is too weak."

Zhang Liang said disdainfully, and at the same time he slashed at Tang Long's waist.

Only then did Tang Long come to his senses.

Immediately, he retracted his stomach reflexively, and then shot out backwards.

Stab it!

Still, he backed away slowly.

Zhang Liang's Tang knife pierced his clothes, and there was a long bloodstain even on his belly.

Tang Long felt that his belly was a little cold, touched his belly, and found a bloodstain on his belly.

Because Zhang Liang's Tang Dao was too fast and too sharp, Tang Long didn't even feel his stomach was scratched when he drew the sword just now.

Only now did he react.

"This knife is too perverted." Zuo Yi and Zhou Can were frightened by Zhang Liang's astonishing luminous knife.

However, the two want to get this knife even more.

"You actually hurt me."

Tang Long was at a loss.

He is a veteran master who has been famous for more than ten years. After fighting Zhang Liang for a round, he actually lost.

"Isn't it normal to hurt you?"

Zhang Liang rolled his eyes and said, "If you hadn't reacted quickly enough just now, it would not be your clothes that are torn, but your stomach."

"Hmph, kid, since you've angered me, you're courting death."

Tang Long shot again, and at the same time he said to Zuo Yi and Zhou Can: "If you don't do it, are you going to let me do it alone? Let me tell you, his knife is too sharp, and I may not be able to catch it alone. If something happens to me, you two may not be his opponents."

"Let's join forces, the three of us. We'll talk about the ownership of the Tang Dao after we kill him first."

Tang Long was somewhat afraid of Zhang Liang.

Just now Zhang Liang's amazing movement directly dodged the rainstorm pear blossom needle, and then a flash of saber light scared him.

He understood that Zhang Liang might not be weaker than himself, and with Tang Dao in his hand, he would not be able to deal with Zhang Liang alone tonight. If the battle continued, he might lose even more.

Now I can only rely on the strength of Zuo Yi and Zhou Can.


Both Zuo Yi and Zhou Can are decisive people.

They also saw Zhang Liang's extraordinary strength. Once Zhang Liang was really forced to kill Tang Long, the two of them might not be able to defeat Zhang Liang.

"You three old bastards are despicable. My boss is originally a junior. You actually want three people to besiege him. It's really shameless."

Lu Zheng, who was next to him, saw Zuo Yi and Zhou Can also attack Zhang Liang, and scolded them for being shameless, hoping to make them stop.

However, both of them are veterans. In the face of life and death, where is the matter of shamelessness? The most urgent thing now is to favor Zhang Liang.

As long as Zhang Liang is killed, and then Lu Zhentian and Lu Zheng are killed, who knows what happened tonight?

The three of them simply ignored Lu Zheng's words.

"Master Liang, you must win, otherwise our Lu family will be ruined."

Beads of sweat dripped from Lu Zhendong's face because of his nervousness, because he knew that once he died, he and his son Lu Zheng would definitely be buried with him.

"Hmph, Tang Long, do you really think that you are the only one who can help?" Zhang Liang didn't care at all when he saw that Tang Long encouraged Zuo Yi and Zhou Can to make a move.

When the three of Tang Long heard that Zhang Liang had a helper, some people couldn't help shrinking their necks. If someone helped Zhang Liang, their lives might have to be lost here tonight.

After waiting for a while, they found that Zhang Liang's so-called helper did not appear.

However, at this moment, three figures suddenly appeared beside Zhang Liang.

The figures of these three figures are somewhat funny.

The first figure is hanging on the second figure, and the second figure is sitting on the third figure.

Looking from top to bottom, Xiaobai is at the top, followed by Dabai, and Xiaoxuan is below Dabai.

This is the helper Zhang Liang summoned.

(End of this chapter)

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