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Chapter 822 You Treat Tang Sect Too Much

Chapter 822 You Take Tang Sect Too Seriously

"Hmph, then accept the move."

Tang Long heard Zhang Liang's words and had nothing to say.

If he really wanted to give up the alloy gloves, then his strength would have to be reduced by at least half, and he might not be Zhang Liang's opponent by then.

So, he shot directly.

"However, I want to experience your Tang Sect's martial arts, so if you tell me not to use Tang Dao, I won't use Tang Dao."

However, just when he thought Zhang Liang was going to use Tang Dao, Zhang Liang gave up using Tang Dao.

This made Tang Long feel uncomfortable.

He felt that Zhang Liang was playing with him.

But then Tang Long smiled triumphantly again.

Zhang Liang's life's ability lies in Tang Dao. Now Zhang Liang doesn't use Tang Dao. Although he is suspected of underestimating him, Zhang Liang will definitely pay the price with his life.

This is not exactly what he wants.

He was thinking that Zhang Liang might be a fool.

"Look at the needle!"

Tang Long made a move, and three flying needles flew out of the alloy glove, heading straight for Zhang Liang's three lanes, left, middle, and right, blocking Zhang Liang's three lanes.

Seeing this, Zhang Liang smiled faintly, turned his body slightly, and avoided the three needles in a good way, and quickly narrowed the distance between him and Tang Long.

"how can that be?"

Tang Long is very confident in his flying needle. His flying needle is very fast, and the gap is relatively small. No matter how flexible his body is, it is impossible to dodge it. How did Zhang Liang dodge it?
He naturally didn't know that after Zhang Liang cast the Spirit Purifying Mantra, everything around him seemed to slow down.

The seemingly very fast flying needle, in Zhang Liang's eyes, is in slow motion, and he can naturally pass through it.

"Your hidden weapon seems useless to me."

Zhang Liang grinned.

Tang Long's face was gloomy, and then he slapped Zhang Liang with his palm, and Zhang Liang also punched Tang Long's fist without hesitation.

The fists of the two clashed together.

Then Zhang Liang took two steps back, and Tang Long took three steps back.

"how can that be?"

Tang Long's eyes widened in disbelief.

He is a veteran grandmaster who has been famous for more than ten years, and Zhang Liang is just a new grandmaster. As a result, Zhang Liang's power is now stronger than his. How is this possible?

At first, the reason why he felt that he was not Zhang Liang's opponent was because Zhang Liang had Tang Dao, but now Zhang Liang didn't use Tang Dao.

But then Tang Long laughed again, and said: "Zhang Liang, I didn't expect that your strength is so great, and your strength is even greater than mine, but you really think that you have taken advantage of punching me. Is it? Then let me tell you, you are very wrong, my gloves are highly poisonous, are you poisoned now?"

People from the Tang Sect are masters at using poison and concealed weapons.

His gloves had long been covered with poison.

"Really? Then, do you see that my hands have changed color?" Zhang Liang put his hands in the night sky, and the light shone on his hands, and his hands were as usual.

"How is this possible? How could you not be poisoned?" Tang Long asked aloud.

"Your poison is too weak. My body is too resistant to poison. Naturally, it will not harm my body."

Zhang Liang said with a smile: "It seems that the methods of your Tang Sect are just like this. Do you have any new methods? If there are no new methods, I will have to send you on your way."

After speaking, Zhang Liang shot.

He was actually poisoned just now, but his painting energy has a powerful detoxification function, so he directly used painting energy to detoxify his body.

The poison only stayed in his body for a moment.

Zhang Liang stepped forward quickly, and soon appeared next to Tang Long, and then punched Tang Long again.

Tang Long came back to his senses, and at the same time punched Zhang Liang's fist with his fist.

The fists of the two men intersected in the air.

With dozens of punches in a row, Zhang Liang cornered Tang Long.

Tang Long had no way to retreat, Zhang Liang suddenly bumped into Tang Long's arms, and then threw him on his shoulder, and fell over his shoulder.

Tang Long's body hit the ground, he only felt a surge of energy and blood, and couldn't take it anymore, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

With so many punches with Zhang Liang just now, his body was already full of qi and blood, but now Zhang Liang's fall directly injured him.

After Zhang Liang injured Tang Long, he took advantage of the situation to pursue and threw his elbow on Tang Long's chest. Tang Long spit out a mouthful of blood again with a "wow", and his spirit was depressed.

Zhang Liang didn't let Tang Long go, and punched Tang Long's side face again, several of Tang Long's teeth flew out.

Then he punched down a few more times, Tang Long almost lost the strength to resist, and Zhang Liang stopped.

"Zhang Liang, you dare not kill me."

Seeing Zhang Liang withdraw his hand, Tang Long laughed ferociously.

His strength in the Tang Sect is very strong. Although the Tang Sect has only three master-level powerhouses, he is the weakest one, and the Tang Sect still has a strong background, so Zhang Liang dare not have a real fight with the Tang Sect. the enemy.

"Hehe, do you think I really dare not kill you? Do you think too highly of yourself?" Zhang Liang sneered.

After speaking, Zhang Liang grabbed Tang Long's neck.

"Master Zhang, don't!"

At this time, Lu Zhendong who had been far away suddenly ran over and spoke.

The scene in front of him really shocked him.

Tang Long was actually taken down by Zhang Liang, but Tang Long really couldn't be killed.


Zhang Liang looked at Lu Zhendong puzzled.

Lu Zhendong explained: "Master Zhang, the Tang Sect's position in the Jianghu is really extraordinary, and the Tang Sect is far from as simple as you think, if you really kill Tang Long, you will definitely be killed by then." It caused troubles, at least the troubles that you and I can't solve now."

He knew some secrets of the Tang Sect, and the true strength of the Tang Sect was definitely not something that Zhang Liang could compete with.

"Haha, Zhang Liang, you dare not kill me."

At this time, Tang Long laughed ferociously again.

With his back against the Tang Sect, no one dared to do anything to him.

"Hmph, you take yourself too seriously, you take Tangmen too seriously." Zhang Liang sneered, and finally exerted a little force in his hand.


There was a crisp bone breaking sound from Tang Long's neck.

His eyes widened incredulously.

I'm afraid he couldn't believe it until he died, Zhang Liang really dared to do this, Zhang Liang really gave him
"Master Zhang, you have caused a disaster."

Seeing Zhang Liang get rid of Tang Long, Lu Zhendong's face changed drastically.

"Uncle Lu, do you think that if I don't do this and let him go, the Tang Sect won't bother me?" Zhang Liang asked.


Lu Zhendong couldn't answer, so he said, "If you let Tang Long go, it will take some time for him to persuade the Tang Sect to attack you. This will give you time to deal with it."

"However, if you kill him, you're slapping Tangmen in the face. Tangmen will vibrate immediately and take measures."

(End of this chapter)

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