super farm

Chapter 829 How awesome do you say

Chapter 829 How awesome do you say

"What I hate the most is when a man dares to do something but not to be one. Kneel down and slap me until I am satisfied." Lu Shuang said lightly.

Li Li's face turned blue and then pale, and he shouted unwillingly: "Miss Shuang'er..."

"Do you smoke?" Lu Shuang asked again.

"I smoke, I smoke!"

There is no way, Lu Shuang's status is too noble, he can't afford to mess with it.

One word from Lu Shuang can decapitate him.

After finishing speaking, Li Li knelt on the ground with a thump and started to slap himself.

After smoking for a while, he cautiously asked: "Miss Shuang'er, can I leave now?"

"If you want to leave, you can ask Brother Zhang Liang."

Lu Shuang's anger had almost subsided, and she didn't want to care about the affairs here, so she handed over the scene to Zhang Liang.

Li Li felt bad immediately, and his body was trembling.

If seeing Lu Shuang shocked him, then when he heard Zhang Liang's name, he was so shocked that he exploded.

the reason is simple.

Zhang Liang is a special existence in the Lu family.

Many warriors now want to become the Lu family's worshippers, because everyone is rumored that the relationship between the Lu family and Zhang Liang is very good.

Who is Zhang Liang, the president of Yuan City's Martial Arts Association, and the only master in the city.

Now that Lu Shuang calls Zhang Liang brother Zhang Liang, it goes without saying that this must be the master Zhang Liang.

He was afraid of the Lu family. The Lu family would at most make him lose his job, but he was even more afraid of Zhang Liang. A word from Zhang Liang could make him lose his life.

"Master Liang, you...why are you here?"

Li Li asked.

"Why can't I be here?"

Zhang Liang asked back, and said at the same time: "Are you Li Da's brother? Is he the one who called me to deal with me?"

"Master Liang, how dare I deal with you? If I know it's you, it's too late for me to flatter you. I'm no match for you." Li Li explained with a mournful face.

"Really? I saw how aggressive you guys were just now. You are very awesome. I also heard someone ask me to hand over the letter of guarantee." Zhang Liang continued.

"It's none of my business, it's his idea, Master Liang, I'll whip him for you."

Li Li pointed at Li Da and sold Li Da directly.

At this time, he had no choice but to sell Li Da.

After speaking, Li Li rushed towards Li Da.

Poor Li Da was whipped again by Li Li.

Now Li Da is extremely confused.

My brother is crazy today, why does he always beat himself?

After whipping Li Da, Li Li laughed and said, "Master Liang, are you satisfied with this?"

"Not so satisfied."

Zhang Liang shook his head, pointed at the group of people behind him and said, "You have brought so many people here to trouble Senior Wang, and now you have frightened him. This matter must be explained."

Hearing Zhang Liang's words, Li Li quickly shouted at the group of bastards behind him: "Come here, kneel down to Blacksmith Wang... no, in front of Uncle Wang, kowtow to apologize to him, he won't forgive you, You are not allowed to stop for Lao Tzu."

This group of younger brothers had long been terrified by Li Li's behavior. Now they were worried whether Li Li was crazy, but they didn't dare to ask.

If Li Lizhen went crazy and dealt with them, they would have to be beaten to death today.

Compared to being beaten to death, they would rather accept kowtowing and apologizing to Blacksmith Wang.

They quickly knelt down in front of Blacksmith Wang and kowtowed to Blacksmith Wang in apology.

Blacksmith Wang was an honest man who had been terrified by such battles for a long time. He said to Zhang Liang: "Brother Zhang Liang, please tell them to stop. If they make a mistake, I will pay for it." I can't afford medical bills."

"Okay, since Senior Wang told you not to kowtow, you all stand up for me."

Everyone immediately felt amnesty.

Li Li asked with a smile: "Master Liang, can we go then?"

"Let's go, haven't you seen that old man Wang is going to have a heart attack because of our rude behavior? Are you going to leave without paying any medical expenses?" Zhang Liang said.

"Yes, compensation, compensation must be paid."

Li Li kept nodding.

Now if the things that can be solved with money are not things, he is afraid that Zhang Liang will insist on this matter and directly kill him.

"Senior Wang, how much did your son pay them back?" Zhang Liang asked, looking at Blacksmith Wang.

Blacksmith Wang quickly replied, "My son owes them 20 yuan, but we have already repaid 40 yuan."


Zhang Liangliang nodded, and said to Li Li: "How about this, you compensate Old Senior Wang 100 million, and promise not to trouble him in the future. Once the money is paid, you can get out, and I will know that you will come to him again later." Trouble, that is death."

"Master Liang, don't worry, I will never cause trouble for Uncle Wang in the future, no, I will leave a contact information for Uncle Wang, if someone troubles him in the future, I will definitely come forward to solve the trouble for him." Li Li shot Guaranteed with confidence.

"Give the money!"

Zhang Liang was too lazy to listen to this guy's flattery here, so he gave orders.

Li Li kicked Li Da and asked Li Da to transfer the money.

Although Li Da was extremely unwilling, he had to transfer money to Blacksmith Wang under Li Li's order.

After transferring the money, Li Li carefully asked, "Master Liang, shall we go then?"


Zhang Liang waved impatiently.

A group of people ran away like hell.

When everyone was gone, Li Da asked curiously: "Brother, what is the identity of that man just now?"

He already knew that Lu Shuang was the daughter of the Lu family, but he was still very curious about Zhang Liang's identity.

As soon as he finished asking, Li Da slapped him again, and shouted: "You almost killed me, let me tell you, that young man is the president of our city's Wushu Association, and he is the only grandmaster in the city now. the strong."

"Brother Li, what is a master-level powerhouse?"

At this time, the ignorant younger brother below asked.

"I'm just a second-rate warrior. Above the second-rate warrior, there are first-rate warriors. Above the first-rate warrior, there are master masters. Master masters are rare existences. Being able to become a master means that you can start a sect. , how awesome do you think it is?"

A group of people gasped when they heard Li Li's words.

At the same time, they were very fortunate that Zhang Liang's temper was not bad. If Zhang Liang's temper was a little bit grumpier, it was very likely that they would either have a broken arm or a missing leg.

"In the future, keep your eyes sharp for me and stop causing trouble for me. If this happens again, no one will be able to save you." Li Li told everyone.

"Brother, don't worry, I will be obedient in the future and will not do evil." Li Da also suffered a big loss this time, and almost lost his life. He will definitely learn from it in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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