super farm

Chapter 831 Hiding 2 Person

Chapter 831 Hiding Two People

"You really dare to hit me?"

Cai Yinghe never thought that Liu Yuanzhi would be so rampant, but he was in the Lu family, so he didn't take the Lu family seriously.

After all, the Lu family is now the No. [-] family in Yuan City.

"What's not to dare?"

Liu Yuanzhi smiled and said, "You asked for it yourself. If I don't fight, wouldn't I be sorry for your request?"

"Niece Lu, this is in your house, should you seek justice for Lao Cai?"

At this moment, Chen Chi's eyes fell on Lu Shuang.

Lu Shuang said lightly: "It's a matter between you, it has nothing to do with me, you can solve it yourself."

Chen Chi was suddenly speechless.

Li Chenghan next to him suddenly said: "Niece Lu, the Liu family is challenging your prestige, shouldn't you take care of it?"

"Now that my father and my younger brother are dead, I'm not in the mood to care about it." Lu Shuang shook her head.

For a moment, the three masters were a little disappointed.

Liu Yuanzhi smiled triumphantly, looked at Lu Shuang, and said, "Niece Lu is still a hero who understands current affairs."

"Once your father and younger brother die, even if the Lu family is broken, you won't be able to support it as a single woman. If the Chen family, Li family, and Cai family want to think about your Lu family, you may not be able to accept it, but I do have a proposal that can make your Lu family stronger, I wonder if you would like to listen to it?"

"Oh, let's hear it!" Lu Shuang became more and more sure that the person who betrayed her brother was probably Liu Cai.

Otherwise, why would the Liu family become more and more presumptuous now?

"What do you think of my son Liu Cai?" Liu Yuanzhi asked.


Lu Shuang seemed to have guessed something, and said in cooperation with Liu Yuanzhi.

If her guess is correct, Liu Yuanzhi probably wants her to marry Liu Cai, and the two families will get married, so that the Liu family can justifiably swallow the Lu family.

Sure enough, at this time Liu Yuanzhi hehe said: "Since you think my son is okay, it should be more than enough for you. If our two families can marry, then Liu Lu will be a family. Dare to fight? You said that when the time comes, your Lu family will gather the strength of the Lu and Liu families, and will it become stronger?"

"You're quite right, this can be considered." Lu Shuang pretended to cooperate.

"Niece Lu, you can't act recklessly. You have to think twice. This Liu Yuanzhi has no good intentions. He is obviously here for your Lu family. If you really marry Liu Cai, then you will most likely die. Talent is empty."

Hearing that Lu Shuang wanted to think about it, Chen Chi's expression changed drastically.

Because he knew that once the Lu and Liu families really got married, their three major families would probably be swallowed up to the bone.

This is very detrimental to their future development.

Therefore, this marriage must be broken no matter what.

"Niece Lu, no, you have to think twice. You must know what the Liu family is thinking. You can't let the Lu family fall into your hands." Li Chenghan also reminded.

Of course, Cai Yinghe also answered.

Moreover, his words are the most absolute.

"Niece Lu, you see that once your father and your brother died, the Liu family jumped out and wanted to marry you. This was clearly premeditated. I think it is possible that the death of your father and your brother is inseparable from the Liu family. relation."

Here comes the point.

Lu Shuang glanced at Cai Yinghe appreciatively.

This question was actually a question she had always wanted to ask Liu Zhiyuan, but it was difficult for her to ask.

But now that Cai Yinghe brought it up on his own initiative, then she simply said that it was not her own idea. Let's see how Liu Yuanzhi will answer at that time.

"Uncle Liu, is Uncle Cai right? Does the death of my father and younger brother have something to do with you?" Lu Shuang pretended to look at Liu Yuanzhi pitifully.

Liu Yuanzhi didn't answer Lu Shuang's words immediately, he was thinking about how to answer Lu Shuang.

At this time, Liu Cai took the words and said with a smile, "Lu Shuang, Cai Yinghe is really right. The deaths of your father and your brother really have something to do with our Liu family."

"Two nights ago, your brother got a Tang Dao. That Tang Dao is extremely sharp. It is a peerless Tang Dao. It can cause countless warriors to fight for it."

"He showed off this Tang Dao in front of us, guess what I did then?"

"What did you do?" Lu Shuang asked anxiously.

It appears that the ultimate mastermind has finally emerged.

She finally knew who did it.

"At that time, I took a picture of your brother playing Tang Dao, and then found someone to send it to those master-level powerhouses."

"I know that your family has a master-level powerhouse named Zhang Liang, but Zhang Liang was definitely not in your Lu family at that time."

"And even in your Lu family, there must be more than one guru-level powerhouse who went to your Lu family that night. How can Zhang Liang take care of it alone?"

Then, Liu Cai returned to Lu Shuang's words.

"No wonder, no wonder my father and my younger brother died. It turned out that it was because of your Liu family. You are really good at playing." Lu Shuang said through gritted teeth.

"Hey, there's the one who knows how to play the most. I want to play with you."

When Liu Cai saw Lu Shuang's beautiful body, his eyes were full of greed.

Anyway, his father brought a large number of offerings over tonight. These offerings are warriors, and now there are no warriors in the Lu family.

So, now he is not afraid at all.

Even if they rob tonight, they will take Lu Shuang back.

Just like what my father said, as long as I cooked cooked rice with Lu Shuang, according to Lu Shuang's personality, Lu Shuang would definitely marry him at that time.

Therefore, the process is not important, as long as there is a result.

Liu Yuanzhi obviously thought of this too, so he didn't stop Liu Cai from saying these things here.

My son is to be raised by the head of the family. It takes a certain amount of courage to dare to do these things at this time, and the son should be given a platform and space to play.

"Really? I want to have fun with you tonight, why don't we play hide-and-seek first?" The chill in Lu Shuang's eyes grew stronger.

Hearing her words, Liu Cai was a little moved and asked, "How do you play hide and seek?"

He knew that this was definitely not the kind of hide-and-seek between children.

"Just wait, I have hidden two people, and I will surprise all of you if I call them out."

After Lu Shuang finished speaking, she took out her mobile phone, dialed Lu Zheng's number, and said, "Okay, you can come out now."

Not long after, Lu Zhendong and Lu Zheng appeared in the eyes of everyone.

When they appeared, everyone was really taken aback, especially Liu Yuanzhi and his son, it was as if they had seen a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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