super farm

Chapter 841 In My Xiaobai's Eyes, They Are Ordinary People

Chapter 841 In My Xiaobai's Eyes, They Are Ordinary People
Lu Zhendong called the housekeeper, and asked the housekeeper to go out to speak to Zhou Yuanshan according to Zhang Liang's instructions.

"Our Patriarch said that if you want your son's life, you'd better lower your stance."

Soon, the butler appeared outside and said to Zhou Yuanshan.

Zhou Yuanshan was so angry that he slapped the Rolls Royce.

Don't take him too seriously.

"Everyone, get out of the car with me." Zhou Yuanshan ordered to all Rolls-Royce people.

Inside these Rolls-Royces, all the first-class bodyguards were sitting. These bodyguards were all dressed in Tang suits, looking like they were in ancient times.

These people are very powerful, at least they are second-rate fighters.

Second-rate warriors, first-rate warriors, and grand masters.

The Zhou family has such power, which is why the Zhou family has the strongest confidence to become one of the top ten wealthy families in the provincial capital.

Soon, everyone gets out of the car.

Zhou Yuanshan ordered to his subordinates: "Kick the door open for me."

The housekeeper of the Lu family locked the door of the Lu family just after he brought the words. This is also Lu Zhendong's confession.

Hearing his words, the bodyguards below quickly stepped out and kicked hard towards the gate of Lu's house.

The gate of Lu's house was made of mahogany. After being kicked like this, it was smashed to pieces. The door panel fell to the ground, sawdust flying, and a loud sound resounded throughout the world.

"Who dares to make trouble here?"

Lu family's bodyguards and priests appeared and surrounded these people.

Zhou's bodyguards quickly lined up, and then rushed towards these people.

Although the bodyguards and priests of the Lu family are not weak, there is still a certain gap between them and the Zhou family in the provincial capital.

Soon, these people were subdued.

"Say, where is Lu Zhendong?"

Zhou Yuanshan asked one of the priests.

"He...he is in the backyard." The priest couldn't bear such strong pressure and was forced to confess.

"Go, backyard!"

Zhou Yuanshan gave instructions to everyone.

Everyone walked to the backyard together.

Soon, Zhou Yuanshan showed up in the back mountain with everyone, but the scene in front of him made him very angry.

Lu Zhendong is drinking tea leisurely with a young man, while his son Zhou Fan is tied up under a nearby tree.

"Dad, save me!"

Seeing Zhou Yuanshan appear, Zhou Fan who was tied up shouted loudly.

"Go, save the young master." Zhou Yuanshan winked at one of them.

This person quickly walked towards Zhou Fan and began to untie the rope for Zhou Fan.

Zhang Liang didn't stop his opponent from saving Zhou Fan, but whenever he came here, he wasn't afraid that the opponent would run away.

Soon, Zhou Fan was rescued, and he yelled: "Dad, you must avenge me, this kid beat me like a pig's head."

While speaking, Zhou Fan pointed to Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang sat there calmly.

"Boy, come here immediately, kneel in front of my son and admit his mistakes, slap yourself, and slap yourself like a pig's head. If I'm in a good mood, I'll spare your life then, and if I'm in a bad mood, I'll kill you Have fun." Zhou Yuanshan said to Zhang Liang in a deep voice.

"Boy, did you hear me? My dad told you to roll over and kneel in front of me. I'm afraid you don't know how powerful our Zhou family is. Let me tell you, my Zhou family is one of the top ten wealthy families in the provincial capital."

"The bodyguards who came to the Lu family today are at least as strong as second-rate warriors. How many second-rate warriors does your Lu family have? Can they be compared with our Zhou family?"

"And this one, I'm afraid you don't even know what level he is. Let me tell you, this is a master-level powerhouse, even Lao Lian. I'm afraid you don't even have a concept of what a master-level powerhouse is."

"If you know you are wrong, then kneel in front of the young master. When the young master makes you feel comfortable, the young master will let you go. If you make the young master unhappy, the young master will kill you just like killing a dog." Dogs are no different."

Lu Zhendong sat beside him and did not speak, but looked at Zhou Fan and the others with a strange look, full of sympathy.

Don't even the master master know anything?Are you kidding me?

If I told you that the young man in front of you killed three master-level powerhouses in a row, I wonder if your little heart would be scared to death.

"You, kneel in front of me now, knock your head three times, and then turn the 100 billion around. I will let you go. Remember, you only have one chance."

Zhang Liang pointed to the ground in front of him, said a word, raised his index finger again, and spoke lightly.

"Haha, let me kneel in front of you. I'm afraid you haven't woken up. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear my kneeling." Zhou Fan sneered.

At first he was still afraid of Zhang Liang, but now with his father Zhou Yuanshan and Lian Yuntian behind him to support him, he doesn't need to be afraid of anyone at all.

"Come on, try it, and see if I can bear it."

Zhang Liang hooked his fingers at Zhou Fan, his eyes full of disdain.

"Boy, you are looking for death. You guys go to me. Remember, be gentle. Don't let me beat you to death. I will play him to death slowly."

Zhou Fan gave instructions to his subordinates.

Soon, four second-rate fighters came out and rushed to Zhang Liang.

"Xiao Bai, I'll leave it to you."

Xiaobai was hanging on Zhang Liang's body. At this moment, Zhang Liang just threw Xiaobai on the ground like this, and then said: "I will deal with them later, and I will give you four grilled fish."

Hearing that there were four grilled fish, Xiao Bai shouted with excitement.

It likes to eat the grilled fish that Zhang Liang picked up from the river in the painting energy space the most. It is fragrant and tender, and the painting energy in it is too abundant.

After Xiaobai screamed, he rushed directly to the four second-rate fighters.

"Boy, I think you are frightened, you dare to use such a small animal to deal with our Zhou family's offerings, do you know that these people are second-rate warriors, in the eyes of ordinary people, they are already top-notch masters Already?" Zhou Fan sneered.

"However, in the eyes of my Xiaobai, they are ordinary people." Zhang Liang raised his drooping eyelids, looking very disdainful.

"Hmph, let me see how long you can pretend."

Zhou Fan was a little out of breath by Zhang Liang's words. He had seen arrogant people who had no insight. Such arrogant people, animals the size of plush toys, dared to brag about four second-rate warriors. As an ordinary person.

As soon as he finished speaking, the four second-rate warriors rushed towards Xiao Bai quickly.

Xiaobai suddenly hugged the leg of a second-rate warrior.

"Go to hell!"

That second-rate martial artist was a little depressed, he was actually entangled by such a little guy.

He directly used his legs to try to throw Xiaobai out, but found that Xiaobai was holding him like this, motionless, and he couldn't shake Xiaobai at all.

(End of this chapter)

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