super farm

Chapter 844 Prepare to advertise

Chapter 844 Prepare to advertise

Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, but the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

How could Zhang Liang give the Zhou family another chance to retaliate?
Now that the Patriarch of the Zhou family is in his hands, he naturally wants to kill the Zhou family.


Lu Shuang agreed.

After Zhang Liang paved the way in the provincial capital last time, she has established relationships with several wealthy families in the provincial capital, and now she only has to deal with a Zhou family, which is really not difficult.

Zhang Liang didn't return to the village until he finished dealing with the Lu family's affairs.

"Wang Wang!"

As soon as he returned to the village, Wangfu ran to Zhang Liang immediately, screaming so heartbreakingly.

Master, Wangfu thought you didn't want Wangfu anymore, Wangfu just went to Gaodi Village, why did you disappear when you came back, Wangfu will definitely not go to Gaodi Village next time.

Wangfu really regretted it.

He went to Gaodi Village because he missed the group of bitches in Gaodi Village, but when he came back, he found that Zhang Liang had disappeared.

At first it didn't take it seriously, thinking that Zhang Liang had gone to work somewhere and would come back soon, but then he found that things were not the case.

He found that Zhang Liang had not returned to the village for many days.

Wangfu was frightened.

So when he felt Zhang Liang's breath, he ran out immediately.

"What, are you afraid?"

Zhang Liang was amused by Wangfu, and asked, "Are you really not going to Gaodi Village?"

"Wang Wang!"

Wangfu yelled twice.

"If you don't go, then I will go." Zhang Liang said.

Wangfu: "..."

"Grandpa, I'm back." After Zhang Liang returned home, the first thing he did was to say hello to his grandfather Zhang Feng.

"Hehe, it's good to be back."

Zhang Feng is still the same, and lives very happily every day.

Dongwan Village can be said to be different every day. During Zhang Liang’s absence, Dongwan Village has really changed a lot. Chen Can has created a snack street here.

The whole street was built in a very simple and unsophisticated way. As for the people who opened the snack bar, they have already been solved.

What is lacking in the village now is popularity.

This is the problem Zhang Liang wants to solve now.

"Chen Can!"

Zhang Liang brought Chen Can over.

"Zhang Liang, do you have an order?"

Chen Can has a good relationship with Zhang Liang now, and he is no longer called Mr. Zhang Liang.

"In this way, you make a road sign for me, and go from here to the deep mountain of the back mountain. I want to use the back mountain." Zhang Liang said to Chen Can.

"it is good!"

It is a small matter to make road signs, but from here to the back mountain, there are many road signs, and the amount of work is not a small matter.

After explaining to Chen Can, Zhang Liang went to Yang Siqian at Xianghai Restaurant in Heitu Town.

"Hehe, why is our boss Zhang here? Did you miss your sister Siqian?"

Yang Siqian has been very busy recently, but she still does not forget to make jokes with Zhang Liang. Every time she makes jokes with Zhang Liang, it is a great pleasure.

"I miss Siqian. I haven't seen you for so long. Siqian looks even more beautiful." Zhang Liang answered Yang Siqian's joke.

There were a lot of jokes with Yang Siqian, and Zhang Liang still had a certain degree of immunity, so he wouldn't blush when Yang Siqian molested him.

"Heck, little brother, my sister found that you are more talkative, my sister really likes you, why don't I promise you with my brother?" Yang Siqian leaned half on Zhang Liang's shoulder, and a trace of feminine fragrance permeated Zhang Liang's face. inside the nostrils.


Zhang Liang immediately agreed.

Yang Siqian was obviously taken aback.

According to her guess, Zhang Liang would definitely not agree, but she did not expect to agree.

However, she would not joke and kill herself.

She said: "Then let's make an agreement like this. When the hotel opens, you will marry your sister then."

When the hotel opened, she would have the strength to compete with her family, and it would be impossible for the family to dominate her marriage, and then she would be free to marry.

"Sister Siqian, I came to see you for something else." Zhang Liang didn't agree to Yang Siqian, touched his nose, and said.


Yang Siqian snorted twice, rolled her eyes at Zhang Liang, sat back in her seat, and said with some displeasure, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

She seemed to be joking about marrying Zhang Liang just now, but she was also tentative, but Zhang Liang didn't answer her question directly.

Since he didn't answer her question directly, he didn't like her enough.

It's strange that she can be happy.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Yang Siqian asked lightly.

"Sister Siqian, my Dongwan Village has almost been built, and what I need now is to attract traffic. I am going to do a large-scale advertising promotion. What do you think?" Zhang Liang ignored Yang Siqian's dissatisfied expression and said.

"Then let's do it. It's better to do it at your place first. When my hotel starts to do it, the hotel doesn't even need to do publicity."

Hearing Zhang Liang's words, Yang Siqian agreed instantly.

"Okay, let's do it like this. By the way, there is no problem with Xianghai International Ecological Hotel recently, right?"

Thinking of the last time someone tampered with the construction site, Zhang Liang was afraid that someone would tamper with it again, so he couldn't help asking casually.

"No problem, I'll call you if I have any questions."

Yang Siqian shook her head and said, "It's going to be noon now. I'll ask Dazui to prepare lunch. I'll have lunch at my sister's place and chat while eating."


Zhang Liang agreed.

Afterwards, he had lunch at Yang Siqian's place.

After lunch, Zhang Liang drove to the city.

This time Wangfu behaved well, and followed Zhang Liang the whole time, almost inseparable. He was very afraid that Zhang Liang would disappear, and it would not be able to keep up with Zhang Liang.

Liu Jianing!
Zhang Liang went to the city to find Liu Jianing.

He is now going to promote Dongwan Village, and Liu Jianing is in charge of the news in the city, so he must know a lot of advertising companies. It will be much easier for acquaintances to do things when she introduces them.

Liu Jianing has an important meeting this afternoon.

She is going to receive Li Chenghan, the head of the Li family in the city.

Although the influence of the Li family in the city is not as great as that of the Lu family and the Liu family, it is also one of the other three major families. The comprehensive strength of the entire family ranks fourth in the city.

This kind of comprehensive strength can beat countless companies and families in the city.

Now that he found Liu Jianing, it can be said that Liu Jianing was flattered.

Because Li Chenghan is going to invest one billion to Liu Jianing here, and is going to buy out the advertisements of the radio stations in the city.

Liu Jianing knows that the advertising benefits of the radio stations in the city are not particularly good now, and they can earn almost [-] million yuan a year. Now Li Chenghan is willing to pay [-] billion yuan, which is almost astronomical for the TV station. extra income.

Therefore, Liu Jianing is very concerned about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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