super farm

Chapter 852 A Hundred Million Is Not Much To Me

Chapter 852 One billion is not much to me
Agreed, Zhang Liang really agreed!
Hearing this, Xiao Cheng was immediately happy.

He looked at Liu Jianing next to him, and said sarcastically: "See, this is the man you are looking for, and I can give you up for 1000 million."

"Hmph, I'm happy, what's your business?" Liu Jianing didn't want to pay attention to Xiao Cheng at all.

Xiao Cheng immediately looked at Zhang Liang, smiled, and said, "Fool, you really think I'm going to give you 1000 million. I'm joking with you. You actually gave up Liu Jianing for 1000 million. When I leave, you will Wait for her to trouble you."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Cheng gave Zhang Liang a self-seeking expression, and walked into the distance.


Zhang Liang called out to Xiao Cheng at this time.

Originally, he didn't want to care about Liu Jianing and Xiao Cheng's affairs, after all, it was a private matter of their relationship, and he couldn't intervene, but now that Xiao Cheng came to provoke him, the other party was asking for trouble.

"What, you want to deal with me? You want to hit someone?"

Xiao Cheng couldn't help being happy when he heard Zhang Liang's words, and then he came to Zhang Liang, patted his face, and said, "Come on, if you have the guts, hit me here."

"I've lived such a long life, and I've never seen such a weird request. Since you asked me to smack you, then I have no choice but to slap you."

Zhang Liang smiled faintly, and then quickly slapped Xiao Cheng across the face.

Xiao Cheng was so whipped that he knocked down on the wall next to him, and there were five more clear finger prints on his face.

"You really dare to slap me?"

Xiao Cheng roared angrily.

"Didn't you ask me to whip you? I'm a warm-hearted person, so I can't satisfy your request?" Zhang Liang rolled his eyes and said lightly.

Xiao Cheng said with a gloomy face: "You are warm-hearted, right? That's fine, come on, you pump yourself."

"You are a fool yourself, don't pretend that others are fools too, if I smoke myself, then I am sick, right?" Zhang Liang sarcastically said.

"Boy, I will kill you."

Xiao Cheng was usually quite steady, but now he was so impatient and angry that he ignored the height difference between himself and Zhang Liang, and rushed towards Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang slapped the other half of Xiao Cheng's face with his backhand, and Xiao Cheng's two faces became symmetrical immediately.

At this time, Xiao Cheng also came to his senses. He was definitely not Zhang Liang's opponent. As he walked towards the elevator, he said harshly: "Boy, if you have a kind, you will wait for me. I will make you die very hard." ugly."

"I advise you not to trouble me again, and don't trouble Jia Ning in the future, otherwise you will regret coming to this world." Zhang Liang reminded Xiao Cheng.

Xiao Cheng didn't take Zhang Liang's words to heart, the elevator had already arrived, and he plunged into it.

"Zhang Liang, I'm sorry, I messed up your business."

Xiao Cheng left, Liu Jianing looked at Zhang Liang apologetically.

Originally, she called Xiao Cheng to advertise for Zhang Liang, but now it turned out that the relationship between her and Xiao Cheng was frozen, and now Xiao Cheng was definitely unwilling to advertise for Zhang Liang.

"What does this have to do with you? Obviously that guy thought I had an ambiguous relationship with you and was jealous."

Zhang Liang said: "He made random conclusions without asking the situation clearly, who is to blame?"

"Anyway, I have reasons for this matter. Don't worry, I will find another advertising company to do corresponding publicity for you."

Liu Jianing assured Zhang Liang, and when the guarantee was over, she suddenly muttered again: "Actually, the publicity of our radio station is pretty good, but the investment is too big, you must not be able to bear it, otherwise, I can directly use the name of the radio station Come to promote your village."

"Oh, how much does it cost?"

Zhang Liang immediately became interested.

He really doesn't have any idea about money now, because there are more than 100 billion in his account, and the 100 billion is all contributed by Zhou's family in the provincial capital.

What he is more concerned about now is how to publicize the village and increase the popularity of the village.

He didn't think about the radio advertisement at first, but Liu Jianing mentioned it like this, and Zhang Liang felt that the effect of the radio advertisement was very good.

Generally, local people will watch the local news broadcast, etc. Generally, if we insert the beautiful scenery of Dongwan Village at this time, he believes that these scenery will definitely attract everyone's attention, and the publicity effect will be very good.

"The cost price is [-] million yuan, and my lowest quotation is [-] million yuan. After all, the radio station also needs to support people and needs income."

Liu Jianing said, "Last night Li Jun asked me out because he wanted to spend one billion to take down the radio station, otherwise I wouldn't want to have dinner with this rich second generation."

When she said this, she was just chatting with Zhang Liang casually, and she didn't mean to ask Zhang Liang to take down the advertisement.

After all, the investment of [-] million yuan is too big, and with Zhang Liang's financial resources, it is definitely impossible to get it out.

"That's it, that's it, Carrian, one billion, I took down your radio advertisement."

Hearing this, Zhang Liang made a decision without hesitation.

Radio advertisements must be more effective than any other advertisement.

"Ah, you took the ad down?"

Liu Jianing was taken aback by Zhang Liang's words, she reminded: "Zhang Liang, this is not ten yuan, it's one billion, can you get it?"

Although she admits that Zhang Liang has a certain amount of money, how much money can he have in terms of vegetable cultivation in the village?

It is almost impossible for Zhang Liang to get one billion now.

"Don't talk about one billion, ten billion can be taken out."

Zhang Liang said with great wealth: "We don't talk about personal feelings now, but talk about cooperation between business and business. You can say whether you will accept my order."

"However, one billion is really too much. I don't feel pressured to earn other people's one billion, but I can't do it with your money." Liu Jianing gritted her teeth and said.

"Okay, this matter is settled like this. One billion yuan is not much to me, and I also believe that my investment of this one billion yuan will definitely receive a return far exceeding this one billion yuan in the future." " Zhang Liang said confidently.

Hearing what Zhang Liang said, Liu Jianing nodded and said: "Since you have said so, then I have to agree if I don't agree. You didn't lie to me. One billion is nothing to you?"

She really couldn't imagine where Zhang Liang earned so much money. It is said that selling vegetables doesn't make much money.

"Not many." Zhang Liang nodded in confirmation.

"Okay, let's go to the TV station to sign a formal cooperation contract."

Seeing Zhang Liang's serious expression, Liu Jianing couldn't help but speak.

At the same time, she felt a little depressed.

If she had known that Zhang Liang would invest so much money, how could she use it to contact the Li family?Even taking the initiative to contact Xiao Cheng can be saved.

(End of this chapter)

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