super farm

Chapter 855

Chapter 855

"After that, you will come to live here, anyway, your uncle is also in the village." Zhang Liang couldn't help laughing.

Liu Jianing immediately rolled his eyes.

This is really a straight man, why can't he understand the hint in his heart, what she actually wants to express is that she will live in Zhang Liang's house in the future and wants to marry this guy.

"That's right, Sister Jianing, you will often come to live in our village in the future, it's best to bring the helicopter over."

At this time, Xu Hu came over and said in agreement.

Liu Jianing was immediately defeated by the two of them.

These two guys are really straight.

Are you still flying a helicopter?
Liu Jianing didn't want to talk to the two of them. After going to Zhang Liang's house to drink the natural water of painting energy, he got on the helicopter again, let the pilot control the height of the helicopter, and began to shoot the panorama of Dongwan Village.

Xu Hu followed suit, sitting in the helicopter and enjoying himself.

The shooting took a whole afternoon, but the scenery captured now is the original scenery. Liu Jianing still needs to edit and beautify these pictures before starting to use this place for publicity.

Of course, in addition to the pictures, the overall video of Dongwan Village was also taken. It is really beautiful here.

When it was getting dark, Liu Jianing finished filming, and without any delay, he asked the pilot to take him back to the city in a hurry.

She wanted to process the pictures and videos of Dongwan Village as soon as possible, so she didn't want to delay in Dongwan Village.

"Wang Wang~"

Not long after Liu Jianing left, Wangfu suddenly yelled in the courtyard and rushed out of the courtyard.

"It's about time, who's coming?"

Zhang Liang knew that once Wangfu ran out of the courtyard yelling, someone must have come to ask for gifts, so he followed him out of the courtyard.

A pink BMW was parked in front of his house, and a young and beautiful girl got out of the BMW.

There was a youthful smile on her face, but besides this youthful smile, she was a little more tired.

It was Liu Jing who came.


Seeing Wangfu appearing in front of her, Liu Jing opened the trunk of the car, took out a lot of bagged pig's trotters and threw them to Wangfu.

Many people now know that Zhang Liang has a superb dog at home, and every time he comes here without a gift, he will be molested by this dog.

So now when Liu Jing comes here for the first time, she always brings pig's trotters with her, and Wang Fu secretly calls her sister pig's trotters.

Every time Wangfu was so excited that he flew up.

"Liu Jing, why are you here?" Zhang Liang asked with a smile.

Liu Jing glanced at Zhang Liang, pouted and said: "Why, this girl can't come?"

"That's not true." Zhang Liang was speechless, because Liu Jing's words seemed to smell like gunpowder.

"Hmph, Zhang Liang, you have no conscience. I've been putting so much effort into helping you sell wine recently, and I haven't seen you call me. You're better off yourself and went to the beach to travel."

Liu Jing came over and leaned on Zhang Liang's shoulder, pretending to show resentment on her face.

"Ahem, I'm not traveling, I'm buying seafood."

Zhang Liang explained a few sentences, and found that Liu Jing showed a disbelieving expression. He pulled Liu Jing and walked towards the direction of the inner lake, and said at the same time: "Come on, I will take you to see the seafood I brought back from the sea. Seafood is now raised in the inner lake.”

Soon, the two came to the edge of the inner lake.

A stream of hot air was steaming on the edge of the inner lake, and the air here was a bit dense, but the lake surface was very clear.

Liu Jing looked towards the lake, and soon found an octopus in the lake.

"Oh my god, can octopuses live here?" Liu Jing covered her small mouth in surprise, her big eyes staring wide open.

"Of course an octopus can live here."

Zhang Liang said with a smile: "Look, there are squid, big yellow croaker, small yellow croaker, hairtail..."

Following Zhang Liang's finger, Liu Jing looked over one by one, and found that there were really a lot of fish in the sea here.

The shock on her face was very intense, and she said, "How did you raise them? It's amazing that these fish can survive in fresh water."

"Haha, I naturally have my own way, now believe that I didn't go to the beach for fun, right?" Zhang Liang laughed.

"Hmph, I believe you, but it's not a delay to call me, right?" Liu Jing raised her eyebrows, put her hands on her hips, and said with her chest out.

Zhang Liang lied: "You know, I don't like to make phone calls."

"Hmph, forget it, this girl will let you go this time, by the way, I came to you to tell you something." Liu Jing said.

"Oh, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Liang asked curiously.

Liu Jing pulled Zhang Liang to sit down in the gazebo, and said, "Recently, my dad used willow wine to open up some of the wine market in the city, but the opening is not particularly big. I want to make a breakthrough again. , Open the mouth of Liujiu in our city, Liujiu will need more production capacity to support it, and your grapes are the key."

"You talk about this matter, if you don't look for me, I will look for you."

Zhang Liang was so happy, he really fell asleep and met the pillow.

Now he just said that if he wanted to deal with Guo Mingzhen, he needed the strength of the Liu family, but he didn't expect Liu Jing to come to him.

"Why, you also want to make Liujiu bigger and stronger?"

Liu Jing was overjoyed, secretly thinking that Zhang Liang was still thinking about her, otherwise, he would not consider increasing the production of Liujiu.

"That's not true. The main reason is that I met a very annoying person today. He is Guo Mingzhen, the boss of Fushi Wine Industry."

"This person came to provoke me today, and I told him that I will use one month to finish his Fushi Wine Industry."

"He told me to let the horse go, so I just let him have a look."

Zhang Liang replied truthfully.

Hearing this, Liu Jing immediately became unhappy. Her feelings were due to her self-importance. It turned out that Guo Mingzhen provoked Zhang Liang.

But no matter what, this Guo Mingzhen was exactly what she was going to deal with.

Liu Jing asked: "What's going on, why do you suddenly want to deal with him?"

Then, Zhang Liang told what happened at the city TV station.

After listening to Liu Jing, she felt a little bit apprehensive. This guy actually confronted Guo Mingzhen because of Liu Jianing's injustice, but now he wanted to use her hand to deal with Guo Mingzhen.

She had a feeling that Zhang Liang came to her for help for other women, which made her very uncomfortable.

"Zhang Liang, you said if I was bullied, would you help me like this?" Liu Jing asked suddenly.

Zhang Liang saw a black line on his forehead, women's thinking patterns are really different, at this time, shouldn't we discuss how to deal with Guo Mingzhen?

(End of this chapter)

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