super farm

Chapter 861 I don't want to see him anymore

Chapter 861 I don't want to see him anymore

Hearing Mr. Guo calling him, the man with the scar was less angry, and then he ordered: "Lead the way!"

The little brother chuckled, and appeared on the scene with the scarred man.


The man with the scar looked at the scene, his pupils shrank fiercely!
I am a grandma, why is this great god?
The man with the scar was the man with the scar who wanted to trouble Zhang Liang at the Lantern Festival party in the city some time ago.

At that time, he clearly remembered that the young master of the Lu family, Lu Zheng, wanted to be called the boss.

Didn't Guo Ming really tell himself that this is just a countryman?
Is this called a countryman?
This is Master Liang!
"Scar, now they are out of my control, you can figure it out yourself!"

Guo Mingzhen saw the man with the scar appearing, and said to him.

But the man with the scar walked towards Zhang Liang as if he didn't hear Guo Mingzhen's words.

"Zhang Liang, you are dead. The man in front of you is Master Dao. His power in the city is beyond your imagination. Since you don't cooperate, you and Liu Jianing are dead today."

However, just as Guo Mingzhen said this, he stopped, and then his eyes widened in disbelief.

I saw Scar appearing next to Zhang Liang, bowed his head and said, "Master Liang, why are you here?"

Master Liang!

Guo Ming really felt a slap in the face, the Master Dao in his mouth is now calling Zhang Liang Master Liang.

"Scar, did you recognize the wrong person?"

After a while, Guo Mingzhen spoke.

In his opinion, this is the only possibility.

Zhang Liang is an outsider, how could he know Scar?
"Wrong person? Who did I admit wrongly!" Dao Scar shouted in a deep voice.

Seeing Zhang Liang ignoring him, he thought Zhang Liang was angry, and suddenly accelerated to come to Guo Mingzhen's side, and kicked him.

"How dare you plan on Mrs. Liang's woman, dare to threaten Mr. Liang, I will kill you."

Then, the man with the scar kicked Guo Mingzhen fiercely. Guo Mingzhen was just an ordinary person, he had no strength to resist at all, and he was kicked until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen in just a moment.

However, the man with the scar didn't really intend to just let Guo Ming go.

He kicked Guo Mingzhen for a while, felt tired from kicking, and told the younger brother below: "Come here, let me continue kicking."

The little brother below quickly came to Guo Mingzhen and kicked him.

Then the man with the scar retracted his feet, and came not far from Zhang Liang, hehe said: "Master Liang, I didn't know that it was you that Guo Ming was really going to deal with, if I knew it was you, I would arrest him from the very beginning. Get up and bring it to you for your disposal."

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Liang looked at the man with the scar and smiled.

The man with the scar was startled by Zhang Liang's laughter, and knelt down on the ground with a plop.

The one in front of him is not just Lu Zheng's boss, but the dog in front of him is no match for anyone.

If his people really do something, the whole army will definitely be wiped out.

"If I remember correctly, you should have promised me that you would not do any more evil, right?" Zhang Liang said.

"Master Liang, there are so many little brothers under me, I want to raise them, how can I raise them if I don't have money?" The man with the scar quickly explained.

Zhang Liang sneered: "They are all good hands and feet, do you need to raise them?"

The man with the scar was immediately stopped by the question and dared not speak any more.

"How about this, you give up your arm, and today's affairs are over like this." Zhang Liang said.

"Thank you, thank you Master Liang!"

The man with the scar kowtowed in thanks.

He was very afraid that Zhang Liang would kill him.

The man with the scar is also a ruthless person. After thanking Zhang Liang, he directly grabbed a stick next to him and threw it on his arm.

"Master Liang, what will Guo Mingzhen do next?" The scarred man asked Zhang Liang after he had crippled one of his arms.

"Him? You can figure it out, I don't want to see him again." Zhang Liang said lightly, and then led Liu Jianing outside like this.

After Zhang Liang left, the man with the scar told his younger brother, "Hit, hit me to death!"

"Master Dao, stop, I'll give you money, I'm willing to give you money." Guo Mingzhen begged for mercy.

"Money, some things cannot be solved by money!"

The man with the scar continued to shout: "Hit, hit me to death."

I almost lost my life here today. This incident was all because of Guo Mingzhen, so he naturally wanted to clean up Guo Mingzhen.

If he offended Guo Mingzhen, at most he would not deal with him in the future, but if he offended Zhang Liang, if Zhang Liang was unhappy, he could kill him at any time.

"Jiang Ning, are you alright?"

Until Zhang Liang brought Liu Jianing into the car, Liu Jianing's delicate body was still trembling.

Obviously, what happened tonight was beyond her cognition and frightened her.

"With you here, I'm not afraid!"

Liu Jianing raised her head lightly and looked at Zhang Liang with an inexplicable look in her eyes.

There was a throbbing in Zhang Liang's heart, and he felt an urge to hold Liu Jianing in his arms and cherish him for the rest of his life.


A car's horn sounded, and Zhang Liang regained his composure, only to realize that his car was parked on the side of the road in the middle, blocking the way of others.

In order to save Liu Jianing, he didn't pay attention at first, but now he reacts.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I'll drive away right away!" Zhang Liang apologized to the driver.

Liu Jianing pouted cutely, with a gloomy expression on her face.

Just now she felt the affection in Zhang Liang's eyes, but because of this truck...

"I'll walk you home!"

As soon as Zhang Liang stepped on the accelerator, the car sped away.

When they arrived at Liu Jianing's house, it was dawn.

But because Liu Jianing was frightened, he didn't sleep all night, so he couldn't go to work today.

"Sleep well, I'm right here." Zhang Liang said to Liu Jianing.

Liu Jianing hummed twice, closed her eyes and fell asleep on the bed.

She was tired and frightened last night, and she really needs to rest now.

Soon Liu Jianing fell asleep. In her dream, she seemed to have a bright light shining on the road ahead, and she felt that her whole world was bright.

When Liu Jianing fell asleep, Zhang Liang injected some painting energy into her body and left her house.

Although Zhang Liang didn't sleep all night, relying on his physical strength and the fact that he always has painting energy to nourish his body, there is no serious problem with his body at all.

When he returned to Dongwan Village again, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw no less than [-] cars parked outside my village, and these cars were all unfamiliar cars.

Immediately, a smile appeared on Zhang Liang's face, and he knew that a tourist had come to the door.

When he parked the car in the outer area, Wangfu ran ahead. Zhang Liang got out of the car, looked up, and found that there were indeed graceful figures in the distance, and these figures were taking pictures here in twos and threes.

(End of this chapter)

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