super farm

Chapter 863 Someone is missing

Chapter 863 Someone is missing

"Brother Liang, I'm hungry, why don't we make barbecue first?"

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Ke'er proposed.

I have to say that she is really a qualified anchor.

When she started going up the mountain, she needed Zhang Liang to carry her on her back, but when she started hunting, she also became more active, running around with everyone, which caused constant laughter in the live broadcast room.

"Well, everyone find a place, we barbecue."

Zhang Liang gave instructions to everyone, and everyone agreed.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu is the happiest, it can eat wild game again.

"Go, go and collect firewood." Zhang Liang instructed Wangfu.

Wangfu was so excited that he flew into the forest and quickly appeared here with big dry branches in his mouth.

Soon, there will be a lot of branches here.

Everyone had a great time eating this wild game barbecue.

Two hours passed after eating, and it was four o'clock in the afternoon.

But now it’s summer again, the weather is getting longer, and it won’t be dark until after eight o’clock in the evening, so everyone can still go hunting before going home.

After finally coming out once, everyone naturally didn't want to waste time like this, but wanted to harvest some wild game and bring them back to the village.

After another two hours of hunting, it was six o'clock in the evening.

"Okay, everyone, don't hunt today. When Ke'er comes another day, we will go up the mountain again. It's getting late. If we don't go down the mountain again, we will have to go in the dark."

Zhang Liang looked at the time and said to everyone.

Everyone agrees.

"Brother Liang, I can't move anymore."

Now that the live broadcast is not going on, Lin Ke'er turned her attention to Zhang Liang again, with an innocent look on her face.

Zhang Liang has a big head, and he only has Lin Ke'er on his back.

beep beep.

While Zhang Liang was carrying Lin Keer down the mountain, his cell phone rang.

Zhang Liang took out his mobile phone and saw that it was his grandfather Zhang Feng.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and asked, "Grandpa, what's the matter?"

He was a little strange, usually Zhang Feng would not call him.

"Liangzi, where are you now? Several tourists are missing and cannot be contacted." Zhang Feng said anxiously.

Now that the tourism industry in Dongwan Village has just developed, this incident happened in the end, which has a great impact on the reputation of Dongwan Village.

If it is true that these tourists are missing here, the relevant departments may intervene at that time, which may stop the tourism industry in Dongwan Village.

"What, a tourist is missing, what's going on?" Zhang Liang asked anxiously.

Then, Zhang Feng told Zhang Liang about the matter.

It turned out that there were tourists entering the mountain in the afternoon, but as a result, these tourists wandered around, and other friends of the tourists behind couldn't contact these people, and these people's mobile phones couldn't get through, and they didn't find these people when they returned to the village.

Later, friends of these people also tried to contact these people, but they couldn't get in touch, which made everyone very anxious.

In the end, everyone directly approached Zhang Feng about this matter, and asked Zhang Feng to think of a solution. In desperation, Zhang Feng had no choice but to call Zhang Liang.

"Grandpa, don't worry. Tell other people not to worry too. I will definitely find this person. Tell me where they are playing today, and I will look for them."

Although these people were missing, Zhang Liang seemed extremely calm.

He believed that these people should have just gone to some special place, and there was no signal on their mobile phones, so there was absolutely no problem with their safety.

After all, he had wiped out some large animals in this area, and those wild animals could not pose a threat to these people.

"You wait."

Zhang Feng responded, and then began to ask about the relevant information of the few people who came to him to talk about the situation, and asked where their friends left.

These tourists are all foreigners, so they don't know where they are in the mountain. They can only point out where they are after entering the mountain.

"Grandpa, that's how it is. You let them go into the mountains, and I go out of the mountains. When we meet, I will ask them to take me to the place where they separated from the missing people today. I will stay here again." Look around."

Soon, Zhang Liang came up with a plan.

Zhang Feng thought about it, and only this method was reasonable, so he agreed, and then communicated with a few passengers who were not missing.

The passengers who are not missing are friends of those missing passengers, and now they naturally have to cooperate in the whole process.

"Ker, I have something to do. I have to stay in the mountains. Wait a minute. I'll find you a big guy to take you down the mountain."

After Zhang Liang finished speaking, he put Lin Ke'er off his back, and then he left everyone's sight, entered the dense forest by himself, and released Dabai.


After Dabai came out, he was so excited to see the place where he grew up, and it kept roaring loudly, which shocked everyone.

Even the small animals far away hid on the ground and shivered after hearing the sound.

Dabai is the well-deserved king of this forest.

At this time, Zhang Liang released Xiaobai too. After Xiaobai came out, he didn't know how excited he was, and started rolling around nearby.

"Dabai, you are responsible for carrying my friend down the mountain. She is a little tired today, and I have something to do to stay in the mountain." Zhang Liang said to Dabai.


Dabai patted his chest twice, as if to say, Master, leave this matter to Dabai, and Dabai will definitely take care of it for you.

"Hehe, I believe you." Zhang Liang said with a smile.

Soon, Zhang Liang appeared in front of Lin Keer with Dabai.

As for Xiaobai, it hangs on Zhang Liang again.

Of course, Xiaobai was hanging on Zhang Liang's body. With Zhang Liang's current physical strength, it was not much different from holding a doll.

Zhang Liang is also very surprised, Xiaobai eats about the same as Wangfu, why doesn't this guy's body grow fat, and Wangfu has gained a little weight recently at least.

"Ker, come, it will carry you down the mountain."

Zhang Liang pointed at Dabai.

"Hee hee, Brother Liang, you are so kind to me, I don't know how to thank you, why don't I promise you with my body." Lin Keer liked Dabai's majestic appearance very much, and suddenly said to Zhang Liang .

"Brother Liangzi, sister Ke'er is pretty, why don't you just marry her back home." Xu Hu also echoed beside him.

"That's right, Brother Liang, if you marry Sister Ke'er, we will be able to live broadcast every day from now on." Zhou Qiang also said beside him.

Although Xu Erfu didn't speak, his eyes were full of encouragement, hoping that Zhang Liang would really marry Lin Ke'er.

"Okay, what are you all thinking, hurry down the mountain, I still have things to do." Zhang Liang gave these people a dissatisfied look, and ran down the mountain to join them.

(End of this chapter)

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