super farm

Chapter 870 This Is My Boyfriend Mr. Zhang Liang

Chapter 870 This Is My Boyfriend Mr. Zhang Liang

"Boom boom boom!"

Coming outside Yang Siqian's office, Zhang Liang knocked on the door.

"Please come in!"

Yang Siqian's crisp voice came from inside, Zhang Liang pushed the door open and entered.

"Come, please drink a cup of soy milk." Zhang Liang smiled slightly, and put a cup of soy milk in front of Yang Siqian.

Yang Siqian glared at Zhang Liang beautifully, and said with a smile: "This soy milk is my soy milk from Xianghai Restaurant, do you still need it?"

"Isn't this Xianghai Restaurant also my share, can't I treat you with my share?" Zhang Liang replied.

"It's ok, little brother Zhang Liang is so kind to him, and he can't repay him, why don't you promise him with your body?"

At some point, Yang Siqian stood up, put one hand on Zhang Liang's shoulder, and gently hooked the index finger of the other hand towards Zhang Liang's chin.

It's completely like a stubborn young master molesting a good woman, but now it's a beautiful woman molesting a handsome guy.

"Sister Siqian, what do you want from me?"

Zhang Liang regretted molesting Yang Siqian again. Every time he molested Yang Siqian, he failed, and in the end he had to be molested instead.


Seeing Zhang Liang's defeat, Yang Siqian giggled and said, "Come, sit down and talk."

Zhang Liang sat down, and Yang Siqian continued: "Now, our Xianghai Drifting Center has basically been built, but it is not yet open to the public, and can only be tested internally, otherwise we are worried about unexpected risks, so what? , I would like to invite you to do the internal test."

Because after the rafting center is built, there are no real people to do the actual test. I don’t know the specific rafting experience, and I don’t know where there will be dangers. If there are dangerous places, it may be necessary to set up some warning signs or find a way to separate.

This is like playing a game, you must do an internal test, and only after passing the internal test can players be allowed to play, otherwise there will be an accident, which will affect the overall experience of the game and easily lose players.

Rafting is even more troublesome. If the rafting is life-threatening, then the rafting center will be destroyed.

Therefore, Yang Siqian absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen, she must do the internal test first.

"Invite me to do the internal test? Are you not afraid of any risks from me?"

Zhang Liang was speechless, Yang Siqian was treating herself as a guinea pig.

"Hehe, I have confidence in you, and your sister Siqian is going to accompany you in the internal test, what are you afraid of? If something happens, I will do it with you." Yang Siqian's beautiful eyes were full of affection, straight Looking at Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang didn't dare to meet Yang Siqian's eyes, turned his head to one side, and agreed.

"Okay, since you agree, let's do the test. In addition to calling you, I have recruited a lot of volunteers. These volunteers are young people with an adventurous spirit. They are good at Swimming, even if there is an accident, you can definitely save yourself."

Yang Siqian said.

"You didn't invite me specifically, but by the way?" Zhang Liang realized at this time.

These volunteers must have been summoned by Yang Siqian a long time ago. Now, one more of him is not too many, and one less of him is not too little.

"What, are you jealous?"

Yang Siqian teased and said: "Actually, I wanted to drift with you a long time ago, but I was afraid that your time would be busy. I called you today to say that I have something to do with you. I didn't expect you to come here. I really gave my sister a great favor." Accident."

"My sister will take a rafting boat with you alone today, isn't that considered taking special care of you?"


Only then was Zhang Liang satisfied with Yang Siqian's answer, he kind of liked the feeling of staying with Yang Siqian.

After getting Zhang Liang's positive answer, Yang Siqian began to call all the people who voluntarily drifted together.

As for the people at the rafting center, they are all security guards trained by Yang Siqian.

The security guards have already prepared some basic equipment for rafting.

For example, swimming suits, such as swimming rings, etc., these can play a very good first aid effect at critical times.

The security guards distributed these items.

Zhang Liang counted the scene, and there were 20 volunteers at the scene.

"Everyone, thank you for your willingness to participate in the one-week drifting test. I assure you that your life will not be in any danger during this week."

"When it's over in a week, I will give everyone a big red envelope of 5000 yuan. At the same time, I will also issue a membership card to everyone here. With this membership card, you will be able to work in all our industries in Xianghai in the future. You can get a [-]% discount on consumption."

Yang Siqian has never been a person who likes to let others suffer. She would rather suffer some losses herself than be worthy of others.

Now that these volunteers are willing to help her, she will naturally not let them down.

Don't think it's just a [-]% discount for these people, but Xianghai Hotel and Xianghai Drifting Center will become internationally famous places in the future. If you discount here casually, you can save thousands of dollars at a time.

For these people, it is already a great fortune.

"Thank you Mr. Yang!"

"Boss Yang is domineering!"

"Mr. Yang, is your boyfriend next to you?"


At the beginning, these people were still praising Mr. Yang, thinking that Mr. Yang's actions were generous, but later they suddenly realized that something was wrong, because they found that there was another person beside Yang Siqian, and this person was Zhang Liang.

Moreover, Zhang Liang is tall and handsome, and has a special temperament on his body. This special temperament really matches Yang Siqian.

It can be said that the two of them are completely talented and beautiful, no wonder these people would ask such a question.

Although Yang Siqian often teased Zhang Liang, that was only when the two of them were together. Now that so many people asked about their relationship in front of her, she became a little reserved, and then her face turned slightly red, and she secretly looked at Zhang Liang. He stared at Zhang Liang, then gritted his silver teeth, suddenly put his arms around Zhang Liang's hand, and said loudly to everyone: "Well, let me introduce to you, this is my boyfriend, Mr. Zhang Liang, who is also our Xianghai Drifting Center." Another shareholder of

She didn't have enough confidence to face Zhang Liang before because her family had engaged her, but now as she develops her career, she feels that she now has enough confidence to face any difficulties .

After the rafting center and the Xianghai Ecological Hotel are built, she believes that her wealth will even surpass that of her family, and even the family will not be able to interfere with her doing anything.

(End of this chapter)

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