super farm

Chapter 875 Grandpa is optimistic about you

Chapter 875 Grandpa is optimistic about you

"Hmph, shameless."

Zhang Liang was startled by Yang Siqian's cute scene, and then he replied.

"Don't be ashamed, what's the matter, you bite me." Yang Siqian stuck out her tongue at Zhang Liang again, and ran away quickly.

"See if I can bite you."

Seeing Yang Siqian running away, Zhang Liang quickly chased after her.

"Ah ah ah."

Seeing Zhang Liang chasing after Yang Siqian, she kept screaming in fright, but ran even faster.

Then she accelerated and ran out.

But where is Zhang Liang's opponent, she was quickly caught by Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang looked directly at Yang Siqian, with emotion surging in his eyes.

Yang Siqian didn't dare to face Zhang Liang directly, she closed her eyes quietly, frowning her eyelashes.

Zhang Liang was already emotional, but now Yang Siqian showed a look of letting you pick and choose, so he couldn't help but kissed Yang Siqian like this.

"Wang Wang~"

However, when Zhang Liang was about to kiss Yang Siqian, Wangfu ran over, and the dog was still far away, so he barked.

Master master, why did you leave the dog family and run away alone?

At this time, Yang Siqian was woken up by Wangfu, her pretty face flushed slightly, and she walked aside.

Zhang Liang looked at Wangfu who was approaching, and felt the urge to kick this guy to death.

Don't come early, don't come late, come at this time.

Your master is about to leave single, why are you here to join in the fun?
After Wangfu's interruption, the best opportunity between Zhang Liang and Yang Siqian has been lost.

Then Zhang Liang took out his mobile phone and called Wang Zigang, asking him to prepare more meals for more than [-] people, and the meals must be exquisite today.

These people who come to experience rafting are likely to introduce people around them to become the first batch of guests of the rafting center, so Zhang Liang is very concerned about this group of people.

The two of them waited here for another hour or so, and the people who had drifted for the test appeared here again, and the results of their drifting test this time were also very good.

It was noon now, and Zhang Liang took everyone to the village.

At first, everyone was very unhappy when Zhang Liang said that he would take everyone to the countryside for dinner.

Because in their opinion, Yang Siqian should reward them at Xianghai Restaurant.

But it seems that the current situation is not what they imagined. They even said in their hearts that Zhang Liang and Yang Siqian are a bit stingy.

But after a while, they instantly changed their minds.

Because after they entered the boundary of Dongwan Village, they were amazed by the beauty of Dongwan Village.

The air here smells completely different from the air outside, and the crops here are also completely different from those outside. They have a feeling that they have come to the world of giants. All the plants here are magnified many times.

"Mr. Zhang, is this your village?"

Someone asked curiously.


Zhang Liang nodded and added: "Now our Dongwan Village is working hard to become a tourist village. You are welcome to introduce your relatives and friends to visit our village. You will not be disappointed."

"Hehe, I don't think my friends will be disappointed here. Can we take a photo of the village? After we take it, we will post it in Moments. Many of our relatives and friends will definitely ask." Someone asked excitedly road.

It's so beautiful here, they couldn't wait to take pictures.

"Of course, you can take as many photos as you want. After dinner, I can take you around the village. You can take more beautiful pictures."

These people taking photos here are actually doing invisible publicity for Dongwan Village. How can Zhang Liang refuse?

With Zhang Liang's consent, everyone took out their mobile phones and began to shoot here, and then started to make exciting circles one by one.

After posting circles, everyone went to the courtyard of Zhang Liang's house.

"Wow, it smells so good."

After everyone entered the courtyard, they could smell the delicious food and stimulate their taste buds.

Soon, the food was on the table, and everyone's excitement was countless times more exciting than just taking pictures.

At first they still thought that Zhang Liang was stingy and invited them to eat rural meals, but now after they ate these meals, they realized how generous Zhang Liang was to themselves and others. They inquired about the price of this table of meals in private , The result is that there is no 1 yuan for a table of meals, and it is impossible to make it.

Everyone clicked their tongues secretly, even if they were drifting volunteers from the county, they never had such an expensive table of food in the county.

They started pulling out their mobile phones again, and started doing all kinds of publicity.

After eating, Zhang Liang led these people around the village again as agreed. Everyone was stunned when they saw the gardens, orchards, inner lake and other scenery in the village.

These scenery are very beautiful.

They took another wave of photos and started posting them on Moments.

"Siqian, you haven't seen grandpa for a long time, right?"

Zhang Liang accompanied these rafting volunteers to wander around the village. As for Yang Siqian, she was directly called away by Zhang Feng.

Yang Siqian was Zhang Feng's favorite daughter-in-law, even more so than Lin Ke'er. Now that Yang Siqian appeared, he naturally didn't want to let her go.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I've been busy recently, and I will definitely come to see you often in the future."

Yang Siqian replied with some embarrassment.

Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile, and said, "Grandpa doesn't want you to come and visit often. Grandpa wants you to come and see Xiaoliang often. My Xiaoliang is excellent now. Grandpa is worried that there are too many women around him. He often Don't stop tempting, when the time comes, he will be on good terms with someone else."

Zhang Feng's words were of a very high level, in order to increase Yang Siqian's sense of crisis.

When Yang Siqian heard this, she was naturally a little anxious, but she knew that this matter could not be rushed. She was still married and hadn't dissolved the marriage. How could it become a major event in her life with Zhang Liang.

"Grandpa, I understand. I will try to come to the village as often as possible in the future."

However, Yang Siqian understood that now Zhang Feng was asking herself to express her attitude and wanted to see if she was interested in Zhang Liang. She was extremely smart and knew that it was time for her to express her attitude.

At the same time, she secretly thought that she must speed up the construction of the Sea Ecological Hotel and the rafting center. As long as these two places are officially open, she will have the confidence and courage to negotiate with her family.

"Hehe, come on, grandpa takes good care of you." Zhang Feng encouraged Yang Siqian upon hearing this.

"Well, grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely work hard and not let grandpa down."

Yang Siqian agreed.

Zhang Liang is a good man, worthy of her active pursuit.

(End of this chapter)

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