super farm

Chapter 883

Chapter 883

However, countless warriors in the world are already content to reach the realm of a master.

Just like Zhao Zhongcheng, if he practiced by himself, although he is now a first-class martial artist, he is already old, and it is impossible to break through to a master in his life.

Therefore, Zhang Liang gave Zhao Zhongcheng a fortune.

In exchange, Zhao Zhongcheng must protect Lu Shuang in the future.

"Can you really make Uncle Zhao break through to the master level?"

After Lu Shuang followed Zhang Liang out of Zhao Zhongzhong's room, Lu Shuang asked suddenly, with little ripples in her beautiful eyes.

It seems that Zhang Liang is omnipotent.

"Well, but to collect some materials, I will give your brother a list of materials and ask him to help me collect these materials. After all the materials are collected, I can refine these pills." Zhang Liang replied.

"Then...then do I have a chance to break through?" Lu Shuang actually had a martial arts dream in her heart, but she was not suitable for cultivation as a girl, but if there were medicines that could make her so powerful, she would naturally Also longing.

"You definitely don't have a chance. Uncle Zhao is at least a first-class martial artist, but you are just an ordinary person." Zhang Liang shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Lu Shuang looked a little disappointed.

"Of course, it's not impossible for you. I might think of a way to make you a grandmaster in the future." Zhang Liang saw Lu Shuang's disappointment and comforted him.

"Thank you!"

Lu Shuang was not very interested, knowing that Zhang Liang was comforting herself, and said, "Let me arrange a room for you, rest for a night, and tomorrow we will go to Shanggang City."

"Okay!" Zhang Liang agreed.


Let's talk about Jin Zhen.

In the middle of the night, he was woken up by someone.

The person who woke him up was Zhao Chengen, but now Zhao Chengen looked very embarrassed.

"Zhao Chengen, is there something wrong with you? Don't you know that I am sleeping soundly?"

Jin Zhen was very angry. What he hated most was when others disturbed his sleep.

"Patriarch, I have no choice but to bother you."

Zhao Chengen bit the bullet and said: "Young Master...Young Master, he was killed."


Jin Zhen was furious, and woke up after dozing off, staring at Zhao Chengen angrily.

Even though Zhao Cheng'en was a half-step master, he really didn't dare to face Jin Zhen. After all, there was a master-level existence behind Jin Zhen.

Not only that, but the Jin family is backed by a very powerful organization in SIPG.

He is in the Jin family, so it can be said that he is half a slave.

"I said the young master was killed." Zhao Chengen's voice was a little weaker, very afraid that Jin Zhen would take his anger out on him.

"Asshole, my son was killed, why did you come back? Why didn't you die before him?"

Sure enough, Jin Zhen kicked Zhao Chengen's back and roared angrily.

Zhao Chengen didn't dare to resist and was kicked to the ground. He explained: "Patriarch, there is a young man beside Lu Shuang. This young man is at the level of a master. We are not his opponents."

"A guru-level existence? Did he kill my son?" Jin Zhen asked with a cold light in his eyes.


Zhao Chengen didn't dare to talk about the Eighteen King Kong, that would be too shameful.

"Okay, okay, okay, Lu family, I want you to be buried with my son, Lu Shuang, I will definitely take revenge."

Jin Zhen roared with a sullen face: "Call me Wang Xian and Li Xian, and also call all the first-rate and second-rate warriors in the family. I want to surround the Lu's mansion, and I want people from the provincial capital to join me." You all know that my Jin family is not so easy to provoke, and my son must not die in vain."

"Yes, master."

Hearing Jin Zhen's words, Zhao Chengen replied excitedly, and then he quickly disappeared from Jin Zhen's sight.

"Why is Zhao Chengen's walking posture so weird?"

Seeing Zhao Chengen leave, Jin Zhen couldn't help muttering, but he didn't ask any further questions.

Soon after, Zhao Chengen gathered everyone together.

Wang Xian came to Jin Zhen and asked, "Patriarch, I heard that the young master died at the hands of a young man?"


Wang Xian is a master and strong man, so Jin Zhen wants to give some face.

"Patriarch, don't worry, I will arrest this young man, break his hands and feet, and let Patriarch take a good breath." Wang Xian assured Jin Zhen.

"I believe Grandmaster Wang's words. Grandmaster Wang will lead the way. Today I will sit in the township personally. If I can't torture this person to death, I won't be able to alleviate the pain of losing my son." Jin Zhen told Wang Xian.

Wang nodded first, then waved his big hand, and said to everyone: "Go, everyone follow me to Lu's mansion."

After his words came out, a group of people jumped into the car, and the car rumbled towards the Lu's mansion.

Lu's mansion has changed security.

However, this time the security guard was also kicked away, and the entire Lu's mansion was in chaos.

"Hey, the Jin family doesn't seem to be afraid of being beaten yet, but now they're here to trouble me again."

Zhang Liang's hearing is much stronger than that of ordinary people. When he heard this voice, he guessed in his heart that it should be someone from the Jin family.

He jumped out of the room where he was in the Lu's mansion directly from the window, and appeared in front of Jin Zhen and the others without haste.

"Patriarch, that's him."

When he saw Zhang Liang, Zhao Chengen shrank his neck obviously, looking a little lack of confidence, he pointed to Zhang Liang and said.

"Boy, did you kill my son?"

At this time, Jin Zhen pointed to Jin Cheng next to him and asked.

Jin Cheng's death was so tragic that he couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

"If I say I didn't kill him, would you believe me?" Zhang Liang asked back.

Of course Jin Cheng didn't kill him, he didn't even know how the other party died, but he knew that Jin Zhen would definitely not believe what he said.

"Hmph, of course I don't believe it."

Jin Zhen said, "Boy, kneel down and kowtow in front of me now, until you die, or I will kill everyone in this Lu's mansion."

"By the way, there is also Lu Shuang, I will let people bully her to death."

Jin Zhen's personality is almost the same as Jin Cheng's, and it really is a father-son relationship that cannot be faked.

Now he also wants to find someone to bully Lu Shuang.

It was his words that had already announced his death sentence tonight.

"Tonight I will also give you a chance, kneel in front of me, and then slap your mouth until I am satisfied, otherwise I will kill everyone you brought tonight." Zhang Liang said lightly.

Anyone who knew him would never doubt the certainty of his words.

Jin Zhen didn't know Zhang Liang, so naturally he didn't know how powerful Zhang Liang was. He only knew that the people he brought now should be stronger than Zhang Liang himself.

(End of this chapter)

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