super farm

Chapter 886 The biggest guarantee is to be a dead person

Chapter 886 The biggest guarantee is to be a dead person

"Young man, call your dog away, it is no match for me."

At this time, Wang Xian stood up and said to Zhang Liang indifferently.

"Wangfu, come back." Zhang Liang called to Wangfu.

He also understood that Wang Fu could not be Wang Xian's opponent.

Although there is only a little difference between a half-step grandmaster and a grandmaster, a master at the master level is definitely not comparable to a half-step grandmaster.

Just like the last time in the Lu family, Zhang Liang recruited Dabai, Xiaobai, and Xuanwu. These three guys could barely hold back the two master-level powerhouses. It is impossible for a person at the grandmaster level to cause harm.

In the end, it was he who made the move to get rid of these people.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu ran over excitedly and rubbed Zhang Liang's leg.

Or the owner knows that he loves the dog family, and the dog family loves the owner very much.

It also knows that Wang is not easy to mess with first, and it may lose his life if he offends this person.

Although the opponent is also a chicken leg, but this chicken leg, it would rather not eat it.

"Brighten your sword."

A sword appeared in Wang Xian's hand, and he said to Zhang Liang, "I will not bully the younger generation."

"Really, if I use the sword, you may not have a chance." Zhang Liang said lightly.

"Arrogance, this old man will let you do three tricks to see what you can do to this old man." Hearing Zhang Liang's words, Wang Xian said disdainfully.

Zhang Liang stopped talking nonsense, he knew that only by making a move could He Wang Xian realize how powerful he is.

Since the opponent wants him to draw the sword, then he will draw the sword.

Thinking of this, Zhang Liang's mind moved, and his dragon tongue sword appeared in his hand, and then he slashed at Wang Xian without haste.

This sword is a simple and rough chop, there is no gorgeous sword style to speak of.

"Hehe, Zhao Cheng'en said that you are a strong master. Now I doubt whether you are a strong master. The sword skills of a strong master cannot be so bad."

Seeing Zhang Liang's unprofessional swinging of the sword, Wang Xian relaxed his vigilance towards Zhang Liang.

However, because Zhang Liang had struck out with a sword, Wang Xian naturally would not sit still. He directly held his sword sideways, and blocked Zhang Liang's Dragon Tongue Sword with his sword.

Then, the two swords made a crisp sound, and the tip of Wang Xian's sword broke off and fell to the ground like this.

"How is this possible, what kind of sword is this?"

Wang Xian's eyes widened in disbelief, his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

His sword was already considered a treasured sword, but in front of Zhang Liang, it was cut off by a single sword. Just how powerful Zhang Liang's sword is.

Before he finished his daze, Zhang Liang's sword continued to strike.

Wang Xian retreated quickly, and he narrowly avoided Zhang Liang's sword. Otherwise, he would have been cut open by Zhang Liang.

"Like I said, you don't have a chance to use the sword when I use it."

Zhang Liang didn't answer Wang Xian's words, he cut out with a horizontal sword again.

In desperation, he swung his sword again to block.

However, Wang Xian couldn't stop it at all, and retreated steadily.

"Zhang Liang, I admit defeat, stop fighting, I admit defeat."

Because Wang Xian didn't have a sharp weapon, he knew that if he continued to fight like this, it would be of no benefit to him at all, and he might even die here, so he had to admit that he was not as good as Zhang Liang.

"Hehe, how can there be such a reason? When you say you come to hit me, you come and hit me, but you find that you can't beat me, so you have to admit defeat? Do you think that if you surrender like this now, I will let you go? I should let you go Are you?" Zhang Liang sarcastically.

"The mantra of clearing the spirit, clearing away evil spirits, killing evil spirits and preventing them from invading."

Then, Zhang Liang put away the sword, and began to perform tricks.

Following his execution, an invisible wave of light rolled away around him.

When he saw Zhang Liang making a special tactic, Wang Xian suddenly had a bad premonition, he felt that he was going to be in trouble.

He backed away quickly.

"Wangfu, stop him."

How could Zhang Liang let Wang run away first?

Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze blows deep.

Hearing Zhang Liang's order, Wang Fu quickly ran out and stopped Wang Xian.

Wang Xian knew that Wangfu should be easier to deal with than Zhang Liang, so he shot at Wangfu directly, hoping to open a gap in Wangfu so that he could escape.

Because when Wang Xian was fighting swords with Zhang Liang just now, the sword had already been cut into countless pieces by Zhang Liang, and now he is almost unarmed.

Therefore, he had no choice but to hit Wangfu with his bare hands.

However, Wangfu has thick skin and thick flesh. He slapped Wangfu's body with his two palms.

Because Wang Xian was delayed in dealing with Wangfu, at this time Zhang Liang had already caught up.

With Zhang Liang's sword, the light of the sword was like snow, brightening the dawn in the dark night.

Mr. Wang felt the threat of life and death, and he lost his voice: "Stop, I am willing to follow you."

Obviously, he didn't want to die here.

"A person like you who can betray at any time, what should I use it for?" Zhang Liang sneered and cut out with a sword.

This time, because Wang Xian had no weapon to block Zhang Liang's attack, Zhang Liang directly slashed Wang Xian's neck with his sword.

Wang first touched his neck and found that his neck was intact, but when he touched it, he found that his head rolled to the ground.

This is because Zhang Liang's Dragon Tongue Sword is too sharp, so after cutting off its head, Wang Xian didn't feel it at first.


Not far away, Jin Zhen swallowed hard.

The whole army he brought was wiped out, and now he is the only one who is normal.

Jin Zhen didn't want to die here. Taking advantage of Zhang Liang's inattention, he quietly slipped outside.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu's special chicken thief, now only Jin Zhen has not counted chicken legs. Before Zhang Liang officially told him not to attack Jin Zhen, Jin Zhen was a chicken leg in his eyes, and he would not let it go .

After calling, it quickly ran towards Jin Zhen.

Jin Zhen's scalp was numb, and he greeted the eighteenth generation of Wangfu's ancestors once.

Can't you just pretend you don't know?Just a dog, so smart?

"Zhang Liang, what happened today is my fault. I promise you and Lu Shuang are not with me. I hope you can forgive me. I assure you that I will never trouble the Lu family again." Jin Zhen, in order to survive, Guaranteed.

"What guarantee do you give me?" Zhang Liang smiled sarcastically.

Jin Zhen said, "I will assure you with my Jin family, my Jin family has plenty of money."

"The biggest guarantee a person can give another person is to be a dead person, understand?"

Zhang Liang smiled and said, "Only the dead will guarantee not to touch the Lu family again."

(End of this chapter)

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