super farm

Chapter 893 You Are Naive

Chapter 893 You Are Naive

As soon as he spoke, everyone's eyes were on Zhang Liang.

Because what Zhang Liang said couldn't be more correct.

Eddie is old disease.

Because Eddie's family was poor when he was a child, he didn't have enough to eat and was not warm. He was very poorly developed when he was a child, and he also suffered from stomach problems.

This is why he wants his children to be happy. This is his lifelong wish, so he became the father of Children's Paradise.

The hardships he suffered when he was a child left hidden dangers in his body. When he was young, his body had strong resistance, and these hidden dangers have not yet appeared, but now as he grows older, this kind of hidden danger is even more serious now. exposed.

"Boy, do you really think that if you can directly tell Eddie's cause of disease, he will be cured? Hurry up and treat him. The old man's time is limited, so I don't have time to slobber with you here battle."

Only a moment later, Tan Zhao was the first to speak out.

Regarding Zhang Liang's general cause of Eddie's illness, he was only surprised for a moment before he figured it out.

It is very likely that Zhang Liang heard Lu Shuang talk about Eddie's cause of disease. After all, Lu Shuang and Eddie seem to be very familiar with each other, and now Zhang Liang is deliberately pretending to be this.

What he hates the most is others pretending in front of him, and he can only pretend in front of others.

"Hehe, then you can take care of it, I'm going to show you a silver needle technique now."

When Zhang Liang spoke, he took out his dragon tongue needle.

This Dragon Tongue Needle is a needle made from the tongue of a dragon.

When Zhang Liang made the Dragon Tongue Needle, he used the leftover materials from the Dragon Tongue Sword, but these materials were just right to make more than [-] silver needles.

Now Zhang Liang is carrying a pair of thirteen silver needles in his hand.

Wrong, this thing cannot be called a silver needle now, but a bone needle. Of course, this bone needle looks white and crystal clear, so it cannot be called a silver needle, but a jade needle.

"What kind of silver needle is this?"

Seeing the silver needle that Zhang Liang took out, Tan Zhao was stunned, but he felt that the silver needle seemed to be very extraordinary. It was an indescribable feeling, but he could feel it.

As the king of needles, he has seen countless silver needles, but none of them can give him such a feeling, but today Zhang Liang's silver needles gave him such a feeling.

"If I say that my silver needle is made of dragon bones, would you believe it?" Zhang Liang said with a smile.


However, what surprised Zhang Liang was that Tan Zhao chose to believe what he said casually, which made Zhang Liang himself stunned.

At this time, Zhao Tan continued: "Boy, I want to make another bet with you. If you can cure Eddie's illness today, I will not only kowtow to you and apologize, but I also have a book of acupuncture techniques here. This is my personal virtue of silver needle acupuncture, and I am willing to give it to you again; but if you can't cure Eddie's disease today, how about you gift me this set of silver needles?"

He really fell in love with this set of silver needles, just like a swordsman fell in love with a peerless sword, he must get this sword.

He is now trying to find a way to get this pair of bone needles.

After obtaining this pair of bone needles, his medical skills will definitely be greatly improved.

"Oh? Are you sure you want to make such a bet?"

Zhang Liang became interested and asked.

To be honest, he is still very interested in such a bet.

The reason is very simple. Although he has excellent medical skills, he relies more on drawing energy. If it is normal medical skills, he can't even compare with Sun Xianming.

Although Sun Xianming is half of his master and a genius doctor in Yuan City, he is still not a doctor who specializes in silver acupuncture.

Although Zhao Tan's medical skills and character are not very good, he has to admit that the other party's acupuncture skills are really good, and there is a reason for being called the king of acupuncture.

If Zhang Liang can get Zhao Tan's complete collection of silver needles, it will be of great benefit to his improvement of medical skills.

"Yes, I will bet with you like this."

Zhao Tan is confident that Zhang Liang can't cure Eddie's disease, so he is not afraid that he will lose at all.

"make a deal!"

Zhang Liang didn't expect that he could earn a complete book of silver needles today, which was completely an unexpected gain.

After speaking, he began to treat Eddie.

"Uncle Albert, come, please drink this wine."

While Zhang Liang was talking, he flipped his wrist, and a bottle of wine appeared in his hand. No one could see how the bottle of wine appeared, but they didn't ask now.

Shu Ke stopped beside him and said, "Little brother, my elder brother Ai's health is not good now, so I can't let him drink."

In fact, Eddie is a drinker, but due to physical reasons, he has not drank for a while.

Eddie certainly couldn't drink now.

"My wine is not an ordinary wine. It is good for the body." Zhang Liang explained.

Eddie doesn't care anymore, anyway, he can only live for 20 days, so he just opened the bottle of the wine.

When the wine bottle was opened, the whole yard was filled with the aroma of wine.

Everyone couldn't help being intoxicated by it, even Liu Zhen took a deep breath, looked at the wine Zhang Liang took out, and swallowed hard.

At this time, after Shu Ke smelled the aroma of the wine, his spirits also lifted.

He felt that what Zhang Liang said was right, this wine must be good for the body, because after he smelled the wine, he felt in good spirits.

He had never seen such a strong aroma of wine.

As for Eddie, he couldn't wait to put the wine in his mouth.

After drinking for a while, he said with emotion: "Good wine, good wine. I have never drank such a good wine in my life. Even if I die, it is worth it."

He still doesn't believe that Zhang Liang can cure his illness.

Because Eddie's body is relatively weak now, after he drank a bottle of wine, he felt sleepy to a certain extent, and then he closed his eyes and began to feel drowsy.

Just for a moment, he heard the sound of even breathing.

"Boy, do you really think that a bottle of wine can cure him? You are so naive." Zhao Tan heard Eddie's even breathing, and a bad premonition grew in his heart. It's getting thicker.

Because he is very familiar with Eddie's current physical condition. The other party should be in pain all over his body so that he can hardly sleep. How can he fall asleep so easily now?

"You're naive. I didn't say that a bottle of wine could cure Uncle Albert. If that's the case, wouldn't it appear that you are too incompetent?" Zhang Liang replied coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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