super farm

Chapter 897 My Lord Liu Is Here

Chapter 897 My Lord Liu Is Here
In SIPG, Liu Kun didn't dare to offend many people.

Therefore, he has almost no scruples about dealing with Zhang Liang, a foreigner.

His energy in SIPG was so great that he even found out that Zhang Liang had come to SIPG and went to find Eddie.

Because Eddie was a poor boy when he was a child, although he has now won the title of the father of the children's playground, he has always been a low-key person, and not many people really take his status to heart.

After all, it was just a title, not a person with real power, so in Liu Kun's eyes, Eddie was no different from an ordinary old man.

Liu Kun didn't have the slightest fear of Eddie.

He can break into Eddie's house at will and take Zhang Liang away directly.

Thinking of this, he ordered the subordinates below: "Come here, call someone up, lead the way, and go to Eddie's Manor."

Eddie Manor is exactly where Eddie lives.

Because Zhang Liang was found to be a master-level powerhouse, now he is going to do it himself. Only when several master-level powerhouses attack at the same time, can Zhang Liang be dealt with.

Zhang Liang must die today.

The Jin family was the force he was covering, and destroying the Jin family was not much different from hitting him directly in the face.


The people below received Liu Kun's words and quickly recruited people.

When Liu Kun travels, he likes to travel in a high-profile way.

Because, it looks stylish like this, and it looks very domineering like this.

In addition to calling three other master-level powerhouses, he also has many first-rate warriors and second-rate warriors.

There are hundreds of people in total, and the momentum is indeed very large.

Moreover, dozens of luxury cars set off at the same time. The car he was riding in was a rare Rolls-Royce Phantom series. There were only ten such cars in the world, and he owned one of them.

A large number of luxury cars travel, attracting the attention of countless people.

These cars soon parked outside Eddie's Manor.

Many people were paying attention to the movement of these luxury cars, and someone found out that it was Liu Kun traveling, and the target was directly at Eddie's Manor.

Everyone was very curious, how did Eddie offend Liu Kun and make Liu Kun go on such a high-profile trip.

Soon, Liu Kun's convoy surrounded Eddie Manor.

Liu Kun walked out of the Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Beside him, a younger brother quickly took out a very domineering seat and placed it outside Eddie's Manor.

Liu Kun took advantage of the situation and sat on the seat, raising Erlang's legs.

Immediately, a beautiful and scantily clad beauty walked by. After this beauty came to Liu Kun, she took out a limited edition imported cigar and helped Liu Kun light it.

Liu Kun took a puff of the cigar lightly, and sprayed the smoke on the beauty's face, but the beauty still had a charming smile on her face, not daring to show any dissatisfaction.

Seeing this scene, Jin Zhe felt extremely domineering.

This is the real boss style.

He must be like this in the future.

At the same time, he was very excited.

Liu Kun has such strength and background, so it is easy to deal with Zhang Liang.

Today Zhang Liang is dead, he can avenge his brother and his father.


Liu Kun only nodded to the steward next to him, without saying anything.

The steward next to him understood it, and came directly not far from Eddie's Manor, and began to shout at Eddie's Manor.

"Zhang Liang, my Master Liu is here, get out and die."

The sound was transmitted to the ears of Zhang Liang and others who were eating in an instant, and exploded above everyone's ears.

The smiles on everyone's faces froze instantly.

Moreover, everyone was at a loss, not knowing what this so-called Master Liu was.

"Zhang Liang, is someone bothering you?"

At this time, Eddie spoke.

"I don't know, who is this Master Liu?"

Zhang Liang was the most bewildered person. It was his first time to come to SIPG, but someone knew his name and told him to get out, but he didn't figure it out.

"Shu Ke, go out and have a look."

Shu Ke has come back from going out to do errands, and now he is also at the dinner table, and Eddie gave Shu Ke an order.

Shu Ke is a master-level powerhouse who can handle ordinary things.

Shu Ke responded, and then walked outside.

After he opened the door in the yard, his face changed slightly when he saw the scene outside, and finally his eyes fell on the most obvious position.

I saw a middle-aged man sitting on the seat, with a beautiful woman waiting beside him.

Although Shu Ke usually doesn't care much about anything in SIPG, he is still very familiar with some big forces in SIPG.

He was very familiar with Liu Kun in front of him.

He finally understood who the so-called Lord Liu was.

But, how did Zhang Liang provoke Liu Kun?

"Master Liu, Zhang Liang is my brother Ai's guest now. I wonder what you can do with Zhang Liang?" Shu Ke politely cupped his hands at Liu Kun and asked.

"What are you, get the hell out of here? Call Zhang Liang to Master Liu." The manager didn't know Shu Ke's real strength, so he treated Shu Ke as an ordinary old man and snarled at him.

Shu Ke's face darkened immediately, and he said, "Liu Kun, if you are in charge, do you represent yourself?"

No matter what he said, he was still a strong man at the level of a grandmaster, and the prestige of a strong man cannot be humiliated.

While speaking, a powerful aura rose from Shu Ke's body.


Originally, Liu Kun didn't take Shu Ke seriously at first, but when Shu Ke revealed this aura, Liu Kun immediately became interested.

He did not expect that this person turned out to be a master-level powerhouse.

"Zhang Liang moved my man, and I want his life."

Liu Kun simply said a word, and it was an announcement of Zhang Liang's death sentence. Anyone who came today would not be able to save Zhang Liang.

"Mr. Zhang Liang is my brother Ai's most honorable guest. If you want to trouble him, it is to be an enemy of my brother Ai. Liu Kun, I still advise you to take your people and leave. This matter will come soon." That's it." Shu Ke kindly reminded.

He has a deep fear of Liu Kun, but just because he is afraid of Liu Kun doesn't mean that the one inside is also afraid of Liu Kun.

Liu Zhen is here, he has no fear at all.

After all, Liu Zhen's identity is there. As long as Liu Zhen says a word, a person with Liu Kun's identity will be suppressed in minutes.


Liu Kun pushed away the beautiful woman who was half leaning on him, then stood up, flicked the cigar in his hand, and the cigar flew to Shu Ke's feet, Liu Kun continued: "In this SIPG City, this is the first time I've heard someone speak to me like this, who gave you the courage?"

(End of this chapter)

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