wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 101 0115: Hug Your Head and Cry

Chapter 101 0115: Hug Your Head and Cry

After a few days of survey and planning, the road from the cottage to the town started construction smoothly.The farmers whose land was requisitioned along the road are very happy to receive proper compensation.

There are [-] households whose land has been expropriated in the cottage.The six poor households received compensation from the government, and the village also compensated each of them for crop loss.Those in the village praised the king of the village even more.

This road repair is mainly a mechanized operation, and of course some labor is also required.Although the road under the jurisdiction of Zhaili is also under the full responsibility of the Road Construction Headquarters.However, the king of the village still fought to arrange labor in the village.

Zhai Wang started to arrange from the poor households, and let these poor households work hard to get wages and subsidize their families.This move of the king of the village won the support of the people in the village.

On the day when the work started, the people in the village were very happy, and the richer families even bought firecrackers and celebrated like New Year.

Xueer accompanied her father and mother to watch the excitement.

When returning home after watching the excitement, Zhai Wangwang sighed, saying that his move to give up the position to Zheng Shuang was too right and too timely.For such a big change in the village, apart from the warming policies, Zheng Shuang did have an indelible contribution.

Xue'er was happy to see her father, and greatly admired his eyesight.

After Xueer accompanied her father and mother back to her original wooden house, she said that Zheng Shuang would not go home for lunch anyway, and she would not go back to the bungalow either.She wants to cook and stir-fry for Dad and Mom.

The king of the village was naturally happy to see his daughter accompanying them.

When eating lunch, King Zhai saw cured fish, cured fish and fresh vegetables, raised his wine glass and sighed again.

Zhai Wang said: "Xue'er, times are progressing, society is developing, and the living standards of farmers are getting higher and higher! Look, there are fish and meat for everyday meals. When you were young, my family still If you are rich, if you want to eat these, you have to wait for a distinguished guest!"

Aunt Xue'er smiled and said, "Yes, yes! In the most difficult time, let alone meat, you don't even have to eat grains."

"We were better in the village, at least we had grass roots and leaves to eat. At that time, my hometown was on the flat land outside, and the villages were relatively concentrated, and even the grass roots and leaves were eaten up. Many people died of starvation!"

"And the matter of people starving to death?" Xue'er's eyes widened.

"Yes. You were young at the time, and no one died of starvation in the village. Of course you didn't know. Let me tell you a true story. This happened in my hometown, and it was my father's neighbor." The king of the village Wang looked at Xueer the same way.

"Father, let's hear it." Xue'er was also curious.

"At that time, the nearby grass roots and leaves were eaten up. Some people ate Guanyin soil. This kind of soil is smoother and easier to swallow."

"Avalokitesvara soil is mud? Do you eat mud?" Xueer asked.

"Yeah. People eat it, their stomachs are filled, and they gain some strength. However, the soil is indigestible, and it forms a ball in the stomach. It can't be pulled out, so I have to..."

"You're eating, don't talk about this..." Aunt Xue'er interrupted Zhai Wangwang.

"Okay, okay. Let's talk about eating fern root cakes. You have eaten this fern root cake, Xue'er, and it tastes good. But fern root cakes are made after the fern roots are ground and the liquid settles. Everyone is hungry after eating the fern root cakes. I had no other choice, so I ground the gluten left over from making this cake and ground it into powder to make cake to eat. This one is the most unpalatable..."

"You're not allowed to talk about this, but you're getting stuck again, are you really a fool?" Xue'er said the king of the village again.

"Okay, okay, these are the foreshadowing of the story!" The king of the village laughed.

"Hahaha, Dad is really capable, and he paves the way for the story." Xue Er said with a smile.

"Xue'er, don't put a high hat on your father." The village king said with a smile.

"Speak, Dad. I won't disturb your storytelling." Xue'er said.

"Okay, let me continue. Anyway, people at that time were extremely hungry. Everyone began to extend the radius infinitely with home as the center, looking for food everywhere. In order to find food, people competed with each other for leaves , There are many things to fight!
Wang Jing of my neighbor's family was half a child at that time. In order to snatch the leaves, he fought with others, and both of them bled.

Wang Jing returned home empty-handed with his broken forehead.His father, Wang Bang, helped him with a simple bandage.He said to Wang Jing: "Son, you stay at home, I'll go out and find a way to get food for the family."

Wang Bang took the net bag, went out early and returned late, and bought some food for the family, barely saving the lives of the whole family.

However, Wang Jing's grandfather, who was over [-] years old, couldn't stand the torment of eating grass roots and leaves all day long, and his body began to swell. "Zhai Wangwang stopped talking and looked at Xue'er.

"Why is your body swollen? Is it sick?" Xue'er asked suspiciously.

"The old people don't talk about the past, but the younger generations have lost their records! It seems that the older generation really needs to tell the younger generation about the history they have experienced!" The king of the village sighed again.

"Yes. I agree with this." Mother Xue'er agreed.

"Speak. Dad, I want to hear it!"

"Okay. Let me tell you. The edema is actually due to poor nutrition. At that time, they were all grass roots and leaves. What nutrition did they have? Without nutrition, many people's bodies were swollen. At that time, this was called edema."

"Oh, that's right! Go on, Dad."

"Wang Jing is actually very filial. He often washes his grandfather's feet. This night, when he was washing his grandfather's feet, he pressed his grandfather's calf and saw a big 'hole'. He knew that his grandfather had edema. But , what else can he do but cry.

In the evening, his father Wang Bang came back.He actually secretly took out a three-fingered silver carp.This was a rare treasure at that time!

Wang Jing didn't know how his father got it.His father asked him to set up a rice cooker that hadn't been used for several days, lit firewood and said to him, "Wang Jing, use this fish to make a few bowls of soup, one bowl for each person, and let your grandpa eat the fish so that he can nourish his body." 'The father said and shed tears.

With tears in his eyes, Wang Bang put the fish into the pot and filled the water, and asked Wang Jing to watch over the fire.Wang Jing's grandfather was lying on it. He had been out for a day, and he was going to see his father.

After Wang Jing's father left, Wang Jing thought about the silver carp in the pot, his tongue kept touching his lips, and his mouth watered.

Thinking, thinking, Wang Jing couldn't control himself, he lifted the lid of the pot.

Wang Jing just caught the fish out of the hot water.His father's curse came over.

Wang Jing must have been hungry and crazy!He didn't even think about it, he grabbed the fish and sent it to his mouth as he ran out.Because of his impatience, the fish slipped to the ground, and he grabbed it and ran away.

Wang Jing ran out of the house, taking fish to his mouth while running.He was caught by his father.At this time, the silver carp's head was still outside Wang Jing's mouth.

Wang Jing's father grabbed his neck and said, 'Spit it out!Otherwise, if you swallow it, I will break open the stomach and take out the fish!
Wang Jing was pinched by his father until his eyes turned white.He had to spit out the fish.My father said that what he saw at the time was that the fish was still bloody.

The fish was put back into the pot to make the soup.Wang Jing's father did not miss Wang Jing's bowl of fish soup.

After Wang Jing was arrested, he didn't speak a word until he finished drinking the fish soup.

When Wang Jing was sleeping, his father said to him, I know you are a filial son.But hunger makes people crazy!You are crazy today, your father and I are also crazy!Son, I hope the two of us can understand each other and forgive each other.

What his father said made Wang Jing instantly dispel his resentment towards his father.He threw himself into his father's arms and said, 'Dad!I am not human! ’ His father also said, ‘You are my son!I actually hit you hard, I'm not human either!I have become a devil! 'After speaking, the two hugged each other and cried. "

When Zhai Wangwang said this, tears came out early.

Cher and her mother also cried.

(End of this chapter)

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