wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 115 0130: I should go

Chapter 115 0130: I should go

Zhai Wang left the work shed and walked along the construction site. On the way, he saw Tuwang.

Seeing Tuwang, I couldn't help but think of what happened in the morning.

He looked back, but he didn't see Captain Zhang coming to the construction site.He thought to himself, the captain must have had a good time with Skylark after drinking a few glasses of wine.

Thinking of Skylark, he remembered Captain Zhang talking about Narcissus.The unhappiness in the morning came again.

Zhai Wang thought, feeling suffocated in his heart.

It hurts to hold back my breath!Narcissus can't hair, and petrels can't hair either!Let's go to Splash House!How should I put it, the woman of Shuihua hasn't done it herself.She said in the morning that she would not pester herself.Since you won't be pestered after doing it, why don't you do it?Silly!

Thinking of this, he scolded himself for being stupid!The narcissus is like that, since the arrow is on the string, I haven't fired!I'm afraid I won't have a chance to fall in love with her in this life!
King Zhai thought so, and headed towards Shui Hua's house.

Water flower, narcissus, one word difference!Haha, I don't know how far the taste is?You'll know if you both can try it!With this in mind, King Zhai had the idea of ​​making water flowers first, and then looking for opportunities to make narcissus later.

King Zhai came to Shuihua's house unknowingly, and he coughed loudly again.

When Shuihua heard the coughing sound, he came out to greet him with a smile: "The king of the village is here! Come in and sit down!"

After King Zhai sat down, Shui Hua poured him tea, then turned to get peanuts.King Zhai saw her twisting body again, and when she turned around, King Zhai focused his eyes on her body again.

Shuihua pretended nothing happened, and sat opposite him.

"Did you go to the village committee this morning?" Zhai Wang said.

"Didn't go! Who is in the mood to go?" Shui Hua looked at Zhai Wang without a smile on his face, and neither did she.

"You didn't get the form either?" Zhai Wang stared into her eyes.

Splash met his eyes: "I won't do it! If you want to do it, you do it! I'm not in the mood!"

"Shuihua, how could you be angry with me? It was Haiyan who interrupted our good business. If you want to blame it, you blame her too!" Zhai Wang laughed.

"I blame you! She sat for a while and left. Why did you leave when you came out?"

"Didn't I lose my interest by being scared? Okay, don't be angry, didn't I come to apologize to you this afternoon?"

"How do you apologize to me? Tell me." Shui Hua's face flushed.

"Go and close the door, and I'll tell you how to apologize." Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"Shut up, shut up, whoever is afraid of whom!" Shui Hua said, standing up and twisting her body towards the gate, she closed the gate, just turned around, and found that the king of Zhai was beside her.

"Why did you run behind me, I didn't hear the footsteps, I was scared to death!" Shui Hua stared at King Zhai with wide eyes.

"I'm here to apologize to you!" Zhai Wang said, pushing her against the door and gagged her.

"This, this door, there is a noise..." Shui Hua said.

"I like this!" Zhai Wang rubbed her plump body while kissing the water lace.

"I, I, I don't like this, the sound of the door, disturbing me..."

"You don't like it, I like it better! Didn't you say that I don't have that you? I'm here to only be that you!" Zhai Wang said and rubbed, and the water splash was also stuck on the bottom.

Shuihua no longer spoke, no longer struggled, she closed her eyes and began to respond to King Zhai.

Zhai Wang's movements slowed down instead.

The movement of Splash accelerated.

Shui Hua closed her eyes: "Zhai Wang, I miss you so much! You can take whatever you want! Zhai Wang, you want me here!"

Hearing what she said, King Zhai bent down to pick her up and walked towards the inner room.

Shuihua still murmured in the arms of the Zhaiwang: "Zhaiwang, I really want to stand there with you, how can you pick me up... I, whatever you want, I like it..."

Zhai Wang put Water Flower on it, kissed her cheek, and said in a low voice, "Shui Hua, come on, yours, mine, my clothes."

Shuihua kicked off his shoes with his eyes closed, then he closed his eyes and picked up his clothes, turning his body outward.She knew that turning sideways would make hers stand out better.

When Zhai Wang saw the plump one in Shuihua, he even put it on with one hand and picked up his clothes with the other.

Shuihua still didn't open her eyes, she just murmured incoherently.This irritated the drunken King Zhai even more.

After Zhai Wang finished his clothes, he pushed Shuihua, and Shuihua lay flat.


The boards creaked in protest.

For a long time, for a long time.The room returned to silence, only the sound of panting was heard.

After a while, Shui Hua said: "King of the village, no wonder all the women in the village miss you and throw themselves into your arms. You are so wonderful!"

"Shuihua, I didn't expect you to be like that! You have mobilized all the energy in me!" Zhai Wang turned sideways, put his hand on Shuihua, and began to play with her.

"Can I really mobilize the energy in your whole body?" Shuihua was still lying flat.

"Hmm! You and Tuwang are also so passionate, are you like that?" Zhai Wang asked.

"No. Maybe it's because you've been thinking about it for a long time!" Shuihua turned sideways, pinched one of her own with her hands and said to the village king, "Put the grapes in your mouth! This is the fruit of my dream. What about the scene! In the dream, how many times did you eat my grapes like a child eating candy!"

"Shuihua, I can't tell, you really are that one!" Said the king of Zhai, fulfilling Shuihua's dream.


When Shuihua opened the gate and sat opposite Zhaiwang, Zhaiwang said with a smile: "Shuihua, I have never done this like I did today!"

"Am I a blessed person? Have you enjoyed enough of you?" Shuihua laughed.

The king of the village also laughed.

"King Zhai, don't worry, we spend more time together, but I will never pester you. If you think about it, I will give it to you. If you don't want to, I will be the same as usual." Shui Hua's eyes were full of tenderness.

"Don't talk about it, Shuihua. Love is unpredictable, let's go with fate." Said the king of Zhai.

"Okay. Follow fate." Shuihua smiled sweetly.

"Shuihua, Tuwang should be very good to you!" Zhai Wang looked at Shuihua.

"Hmm. Very good. How?" Shui Hua asked with a smile.

"He, can he do that?" Zhai Wang asked shyly.

"Sure! What do you want to know, say?" Shui Hua still smiled.

"He's nice to you, okay. Why do you still want to have sex with me? Is it really a dream?" Zhai Wang finally expressed his doubts.

"I was really dreaming, dreaming of you! Why? All the women in the village miss you and throw themselves into your arms. I'm curious, I think, what's the difference between you and other men!" Shuihua smiled speak.

"Do you know the difference?" Zhai Wang asked with a smile.

"Yes! It feels different, more passionate than usual! This is probably what people say, you do have the charm of a man! A charm that women can't resist!" Shui Hua said with a smile.

"I've never seen you talk like this before." Zhai Wang laughed.

"A woman looks good for the one who pleases herself. I become eloquent for the one who pleases me!"

"Hahaha! A woman! Cute!" Zhai Wang laughed.

"The women you're talking about refer to a large group!" Shui Hua looked at Zhai Wang.

"You say yes! Well, I should go." Said King Zhai and stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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